Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1086: The works of Yao Ziyan

The matter about Anvia's mission has come to an end for the time being. Luo Chuan actually had some guesses about it, and Anvia's words only confirmed his thoughts.

As expected, the Dragon Race had been paying attention to the movement of Tianlan Continent.

But it doesn't seem to have much to do with him.

After An Weiya and Frost disappeared at the corner of the stairs, Luochuan took various commodities and started watering the trees.

Bu Li Ge came to the Origin Mall, and then saw Frost and Anvia who had come early, but his grievances were ignored.

The transformation of Wei Qingzhu, Song Qiuying, and Lin Wanshuang was quite successful. They all published their works in the Origin of Magic Phone. Among them, Wei Qingzhu's "Mercenary Notes" is the most popular.

The purpose of the three as mercenaries is very simple, it is to earn spiritual crystals. Now that they have a safer and faster way, they will naturally not continue their career as mercenaries.

Of course, there are also people who love this kind of exciting life, such as Zhou Hu's mercenary squad. Now their live broadcast on the magic phone has become quite popular, and it can be regarded as a successful model.

There are many people who work hard in the world. They live a very fulfilling life every day, their timetables are well arranged, and they are full of love and vision for the future-just no money.

"The rainy season has not passed yet." Wei Qingzhu stood in front of the door, looking at the rain curtain covering the sky and the earth with a little disappointment. He stretched out his palm, feeling the cold rain falling into his palm.

"Um-good morning." Song Qiuying just opened the door of the room and noticed Wei Qingzhu who was standing there, and said while yawning.

"Good morning." Wei Qingzhu said with a smile. She had never thought of living in such a peaceful life before. Although the boss usually doesn't care about anything, Origins Mall has indeed changed the world a lot.

"Qing Zhu, why did you suddenly laugh?" Song Qiuying noticed Wei Qingzhu's smile and walked quickly across the rain curtain.

"Think of some happy things." Wei Qingzhu smiled, "A lot of people have left messages for me and made some good suggestions."

Free to talk about the works published in Origin Reading has become their recent daily activity.

"Qingzhu, your "Mercenary Notes" is very popular, I think it should be able to surpass the boss." Song Qiuying said sternly.

"Are you kidding?" Wei Qingzhu rolled his eyes, "How is this possible?"

Entering the origin reading, you can see the fierce black dragon that firmly occupies the top of the list, like an invincible behemoth, firmly stepping on all the rest of the cards.

Although the number of original reading works is not much, only a dozen, but there is still a perfect recommendation mechanism. As for the results, it depends on its own quality.

After eating breakfast made by Lin Wanshuang, I came to Origin Mall early. At this time, there were not many customers in the store, but it did not seem deserted.

"Sister Ziyan, didn't you mean to publish the story you wrote today?" Wei Qingzhu said with a smile when the three came to the counter.

"Just sent out." Yao Ziyan turned the screen of the magic phone to the three of them, and pointed to the cover above.

The cover contains all the characters in Glory, with an unfamiliar continent as the background, faintly showing confrontation.

"This picture looks very good." Lin Wanshuang opened her eyes wide.

"The boss did it." Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan, who was looking at the magic phone and nodded slightly when he heard his name mentioned.

Well, this envy does not come.

"Sister Zi Yan, are you writing the story of a glorious role?" Wei Qingzhu got a lot of information from the cover.

Most of the customers in the store know that Yao Ziyan is writing recently, and no one knows what they are writing except Luochuan.

Yao Ziyan nodded: "Each character has a separate story, and these stories are connected to form this work."

"So when the boss introduces a new role, he can modify and add settings?" Wei Qingzhu asked with a smile.

"Almost." Yao Ziyan smiled, "I hope someone likes it."

"The works written by Sister Ziyan will definitely be very popular." Lin Wanshuang added.

After a few more words, the three of them came to the seat of the holographic device and sat down, took out the magic phone and began to read "Glory".

Yao Ziyan directly uses the name of the game as the title of the work, which also accurately highlights the relationship between the two.

Although there was no publicity, some customers discovered the work soon after Yaoziyan was released.

I looked at the publisher's homepage and checked from the number of followers to see if it was a real monster, and then all I did was enter the comment area and leave a comment.


They discovered that Luo Chuan had already left comments here, and the origin forum and origin chat quickly became lively.

"Shock! An incredible piece of origin reading has appeared! 』

"What's the shock? What happens is that this kind of eye-catching method is too clichéd. 』

"Demon Ziyan released "Glory" in Origin Reading. 』

""Glory"? Isn't that the name of the virtual game in Origin Mall? 』

"Yes, it's a work created with various characters in "Glory" as the background. 』

"? ! Goodbye, everyone, let me take a look first. 』


Needless to say, the popularity of the virtual game Glory in the Origin Mall is not much to say. The customers who use holographic devices in the store are all immersed in the battle of different camps.

According to Bu Cangqiong’s evaluation, he felt the feeling of being on the real battlefield in this 5V5 battle. Now this Zhennanhou will basically bring his brother here to play with the holographic device for a long time after a while. He said that the daily training of the army can have the same effect.

As the creator of Rongguang, Luo Chuan feels that his evaluation is very realistic. After all, Rongguang can fully bring himself into it.

He also added a pain level option to Rongguang, but most customers just turn it off. Only a few people turn on the feeling of pain. According to them, this can increase the speed of reaction to danger.

After a few hours in the morning, Qingyuan came to Origin Mall.

Yao Ziyan looked at her friend with a dumbfounded expression: "You won't get lost again, will you?"

Qing Yuan looked a little embarrassed, and changed the subject abruptly: "Ahem, not to mention this, I heard that Zi Yan, you published your work in Origin Reading?"

The words are full of weirdness, and she never thought that she actually had this kind of literary talent.

This is already the third day since she came to Jiuyao City, and she has a corresponding understanding of many things in Origin Mall.

"Don't you go and see the support?" Yao Ziyan had a full smile on his face.

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