After Yao Ziyan and Qingyuan left the expansion space, they talked about the Origin Mall.

"It seems that the business hours of the store are almost over." Qingyuan glanced at the customers leaving around, "Then I will go first."

"The food in Yuangui Xiaodian is good, you can try it." Yao Ziyan thought of something.

"Yuan Gui Xiaodian? Is it the one on the side of the alley?" Qing Yuan obviously knows the information about Yuan Gui Xiaodian. "I saw it on the magic phone. Is it really the restaurant opened by the legendary God of Cook? "

This was the second day she came to Origin Mall. She hadn't met Yuan Gui yet, and she didn't notice anything unusual when she passed by Yuan Gui's shop.

"Of course, but that boss Yuan's store is a bit small, you should still have a place in the past." Yao Ziyan said with a smile.

"Then I'll go first." Qing Yuan left Origin Mall, she was looking forward to the food made by the legendary God of Cooking.

Yao Ziyan was in a good mood, and after discussing with Luo Chuan what he would eat, he hummed a brisk song and went to the second floor.

All the customers left, the shop became deserted and deserted, and only the faint sound of rain came into my ears, as far away as a ballad floating on the grassland.

Luo Chuan looked at the rain curtain outside the store, snapped his fingers, and the filtering of the sound disappeared, and the clattering sound instantly filled the store.

He leaned on the chair, holding a transparent wine glass in his hand, the pale pink cherry blossoms filled with undulating cherry blossoms, and the faint fragrance of the wine was somewhat charming.

Luo Chuan's thoughts gradually drifted away, thinking of the coffee shop opened in Kolo last night, but he didn't even know where it was, which city in which country.

But if you think about it, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not. If you ask the system directly, you will lose a little bit of the fun of self-exploration.

In the afternoon, nothing worth mentioning happened, and Luochuan's life was no different from usual.

Although the impact of the ancient ruins that appeared in the Jiuyao Mountains has gradually subsided, customers still come to explore from time to time, seemingly hoping to discover something new.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is evening, and the street lamps on both sides of the street glow dimly in the rain.

Yao Ziyan is going to publish the story she wrote to the origin reading tomorrow, so she is now browsing the things she wrote before to see if there are any mistakes to make corrections.

Luo Chuan used the holographic device to come to Kolo, the cafe where he did not know the specific location.


The dull thunder sounded, and the noisy rain came.

Is it raining here too?

Luochuan came to the window and looked at the scenery outside.

The rain water snaked through the windows, leaving traces of water that quickly melted away. The raindrops formed a thick rain curtain, and then they disappeared at the entrances on both sides of the street.

It seems that the drainage system in this city is pretty good.

He had watched the rain scene in Origin Mall for a long time, but he was a little surprised at first, but he didn't have any emotion in his heart.

But he did come to a conclusion.

I didn't look closely last night. The neighborhood of this building was really deserted. Except for those street lights that should be powered by magic, the shop was basically the only one still lit up within a large radius.

It seems that the surrounding buildings are almost in a state of being abandoned, and many of those street lights are in a state of disrepair, and even a few have been scrapped, flashing lightly and darkly.

What? It feels less interesting than Oran.

Before Luochuan came here, he wanted to go out and stroll around, but now he has no thoughts.

With such a heavy rain, even the lively market becomes deserted.

And it's late at night, and ordinary people will certainly not be so idle to go shopping on this rainy night, and usually stay in a warm home.

Forget it, anyway, staying in Origin Mall is also staying, staying here is staying, basically there is no difference.

After all, it is a coffee shop, there must be a counter.

The counter is made of a whole piece of wood, and the overall appearance is brown-black, with the texture of the wood itself. If you look closely, it seems to be waiting for a few golden shimmers under the light.

The surface was polished to be extremely brilliance, almost comparable to a mirror, reflecting the scenery inside the house.

Luo Chuan fell into a state of contemplation looking at the various utensils and raw materials placed on the square table on the side of the counter.

Anyway... I don't seem to know how to make coffee.

But it shouldn't be difficult, right? Luochuan is ready to try.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, just to kill time.

Different types of coffee beans are placed in a transparent container, and the particle size and shape look like copy and paste, which is perfect.

Luochuan sensory system has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Then there are all kinds of utensils, most of which are made of the familiar silver-white metal, with the beauty of science fiction.

Although I don't know it, I can roughly guess the specific functions of the appliance from the appearance, and these do not prevent Luo Chuan from wanting to try it.

After a while, Luo Chuan sat down on the sofa holding a cup of coffee with some froth floating on the surface.

This is the work he just experimented with. The name is not important, the most important thing is that it looks good.

Although the main reason should be the quality of the raw materials provided by the system, at least Luochuan made it by himself.

Smell the taste, the strong coffee aroma, with a faint smell of fruit.

With anticipation, he took a sip.

The unique bitterness of coffee bursts on the tip of the tongue.

Knowing to add some sugar, he had this idea in his heart.

The subtle sweetness then highlights its existence, and the mellow aroma of coffee is mixed with a special fruity aroma.

Savour it carefully, there is an unexpected taste.

Was I so talented in coffee making? Luo Chuan couldn't help but have such thoughts in his mind.

Well, although the raw materials provided by the system are also very important.

Luo Chuan doesn't know much about the classification of coffee types. For example, he doesn't know how many types of coffee are sold in the coffee shop at Sakura Village, and what are the detailed differences between each type of coffee.

So he decided not to classify the coffee sold in this coffee shop in another world, and the way of making it depends entirely on his mood.

Just don't know what the currency of this country is, there is no way to talk about pricing.

After taking another sip of coffee, Luo Chuan forgot the idea.

Forget it, now there is not even a customer, it is a bit premature to consider pricing.

In other words, this shop can also do other things, such as commissioning by detectives.

Luo Chuan's thoughts were flying, and life became more interesting.

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