When Luochuan and Yao Ziyan finished talking for a few minutes, the woman in the black dress walked into the Origin Mall.

After noticing Yao Ziyan, his eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his pretty face: "Ziyan."

"Qing Yuan." Hearing the voice, Yao Ziyan, who was looking at the magic phone, got up, looking surprised.

Luo Chuan raised his head after hearing the sound, and looked at the woman in the black dress who was called a friend by Yao Ziyan.

The realm is almost in the middle rank of the venerable, he looks good, his face is good, he has a cold feeling, and his face has a sincere smile.

According to the rumors of the Tianlan Continent, the leader of the movie kills list has always seen the dragon without seeing the end. This is the news that Luochuan has just received from Yao Ziyan.

"I was talking to the boss just now about you. I didn't expect to come over so soon." Yao Ziyan hugged her, then smiled and asked, "I didn't encounter any problems when I came here?"

"Of course not." Qing Yuan shook the pamphlet in her hand, "I have a map on it, and I got here after asking for directions a few times."

According to the popularity of Origin Mall in Jiuyao City, plus the hand-held map and asked for the way several times, this is the legendary road silly.

"Uh... it seems to be pretty smooth." Yao Ziyan smiled helplessly, apparently used to it.

Qing Yuan's gaze fell on Luo Chuan in the rear, and his expression became solemn: "Under Qing Yuan, I have seen the boss."

She was quite in awe of the rumored owner of Origin Mall.

Now the customers of Origin Mall are called the boss of Luochuan, which has basically become a customary habit.

Luochuan nodded to the black dress woman who has been labelled as a lunatic in his heart: "Origin Mall Luochuan."

Many customers in the store cast their curious eyes, mostly on Qing Yuan's body.

"It seems to be a new customer, and seems to be familiar with Yao Ziyan."

"It's just new customers. There are new customers in the store every day. What's so amazing."

"That's right, but this new customer should be very strong, I can't see through it at all..."

The customer talked a few words and quickly ignored the matter.

Qing Yuan heard these words naturally, but she still felt a little surprised how fast the customer's topic changed.

Yao Ziyan noticed Qingyuan’s expression and took her to the shelf: "Since you have come to Origin Mall, you first need to understand the products sold here, and come with me..."

After Luo Chuan glanced twice, he withdrew his gaze and opened the live broadcast of Elena on the magic phone. The sea monster girl seemed to have discovered something interesting.

The sky showed a weird orange-red color, and the yellow wind and dust whizzing past made strange noises on the ruins. Elena in the blisters had already moved away from the tall building where the ice blue flower was found.

Now she was looking at the abyss-like crack on the ground ahead, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

The ground was roughly torn from the middle, the ground was divided into two, the black cracks were not bottomless, and the darkness below seemed to lead to another space.

On the opposite side of the crack, the buildings showed a tragic sight after being bombed. Even if the traces were almost wiped out with the passage of time, one could still feel the breath of the past from the fragmented ruins.

Because of sight problems, no one noticed the special sight here.

"It looks like a tragic war here." Looking at the scene on the other side, Elena no longer smiled, she sighed, "I just don't know what happened to the civilization in the ruins."

It is difficult to get any useful information from these traces that have been weathered for endless years. Time is fair and ruthless to everything.

In the underground space, the team led by Yao Huichen has initially completed the investigation of the ice blue flower.

"Master, this kind of plant has an extraordinary affinity for all kinds of energies. Perhaps this is the reason why it can thrive again." There is still a little surprise on the face of the third elder.

"In other words, if we transplant it, it may cause out-of-control consequences?" Yao Huichen has already considered the consequences.

"According to our inference, this is most likely to be the case." Another elder confirmed his guess.

Yao Huichen frowned and thought, choosing in his heart whether he should take this risk.

Wen Tianji heard the conversations of several people and put forward his own views: "First try to open up a separate space, if it really can be transplanted to the current world. If it really happens, what unpredictable consequences..."

Speaking of this, Wen Tianji's words paused: "Maybe you can ask the boss to do it. Although Origins Mall does not have any commissioning function, the boss will definitely not stand by if there is any crisis in Tianlan Continent."

"That's right." Yao Huichen's eyes have lit up, and he agrees very much.

Xu is obviously in a good mood because of the arrival of a friend once, and is now explaining the related matters of Origin Mall to Qingyuan.

"Magic phone is basically a must-have product for every customer, and many of the above applications have very powerful functions."

"I've heard about it in the rumors." Qingyuan holds the magic phone in her hand, like a little girl who has received a new toy. "Not only can she exchange information with the rest of the customers, but it's also terrifying."

"How strong?" Yao Ziyan was stunned, wondering why the topic suddenly changed to a strange direction.

"Yes, it's the degree of sturdiness." Qing Yuan nodded, with a natural expression, "I heard that the attacks of the Venerable can't cause the slightest damage to the magic phone. If it weren't for the origin mall, I would like to try. "

Regarding Qingyuan's view of using magic phones as armor, Yao Ziyan can only laugh or cry, but it is not easy to refute, because what she said is true.

The demon emperor had tested the sturdiness of the magic phone some time ago, and used his weapon to attack with full strength without any damage, but his iron rod appeared to be dented, and it has not been repaired yet.

"Usually, customers cherish their magic phones and will not do such strange things." Yao Ziyan said helplessly.

"Hmm." Qing Yuan nodded repeatedly without retorting. "What is the name of your origin chat, add a friend?"

"Okay." Yao Ziyan nodded and responded, "Give me your magic phone."

When Yao Ziyan was using the magic phone, Qing Yuan thought of something: "By the way, when I came, strong energy fluctuations erupted in the Jiuyao Mountains. Did ancient relics appear?"

"Well, many customers have already passed by, but there is nothing more than an elixir they have never seen before." Yao Ziyan handed her the magic phone, "Here, it has been added."

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