Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1069: Specific side effects

"Oh, by the way, boss, there is one more thing." Yao Ziyue suddenly thought of something.

"What's the matter?" Luo Chuan asked.

"The flowers of this plant are edible, but they have some side effects." Yao Ziyue seemed to be holding back a smile.

Luo Chuan noticed that Hu Kuang and others were also holding back a smile.

"Side effects?" Yao Ziyan looked curious.

"Sister, just try it." Yao Ziyue showed a little devilish smile.

"Forget it, it must be a strange side effect." Yao Ziyan patted Yao Ziyue's head and flatly refused.

It seems that there should be a lesson from the past. I don't know which customer in the team made such an attempt.

"Does this plant have a name?" Luo Chuan looked at the two who were fighting.

"Name?" Yao Ziyue nodded, "When we came, we named it Binglanzhihua. How do you feel, boss?"

Ice blue flower? This is quite in line with the external image.

"You have discovered it for the first time, and you have the power to name it." Luo Chuan said.

"Ah? Is there such a saying?" Hu Kuang heard Luo Chuan's words and said in surprise, "Actually, I feel that the name semi-metal plant is good."

Then he was pulled away by Yuwei.

The problem of the name came to an end for the time being, Luo Chuan put the ice blue flower in the system space.

Now it is business hours, and I will talk about the renovation and expansion of the space in the evening.

In the ruins, after Yao Huichen and others came here through the passage, they flew towards the huge building at the end of their sight.

By the way, I was moved by the environment in the ruins.

They traversed the long passage and reached the space where the ice blue flowers grew.

Yuan Gui and others have left one after another. Only a small number of customers are left here, searching for the traces of civilization.

It is easy to see the ice-blue flower growing on the metal wall, and the half-metal life form makes them excited.

"Don't pick it yet, collect the powder on the ground, and then observe their growth patterns to determine whether they can be transplanted and cultivated." Yao Huichen ordered it in an orderly manner.

It was not that he had never met the discovery of the strange elixir. The first thing to do was to protect the current growth environment, and then proceed with the rest of the operation.

After all, the growth of most elixirs is extremely harsh, and changes in certain growth conditions may cause death.

Not to mention this semi-metallic plant that grows in the dark underground, there is always nothing wrong with being cautious.

Seeing those pharmacists and elders getting busy, Yao Huichen walked towards Wen Tianji who was studying something attentively.

"Pavilion Master Wen, seems to have found something?" Yao Huichen said with a smile.

He noticed that Wen Tianji was staring at some symbols on the wall intently.

Wen Tianji smiled: "Maybe."

"What are these? It doesn't look like a formation." Yao Huichen looked at the symbols.

"Some kind of text." Wen Tianji sighed, "but the quantity is too small to analyze anything from it."

"Isn't Tianji Pavilion the largest number of ancient books in the Tianlan Continent? There is no record of these words?" Yao Huichen asked.

Wen Tianji shook his head: "No. In addition, do you feel that the architectural style here is like that once appeared on Tianlan Continent?"

"That's true." Yao Huichen thought of the style of the ruins he saw when he came, which is very different from that of Tianlan Continent. "The civilization of the other world? Or is it a certain civilization in Tianlan Continent in ancient times? "

"The ancient catastrophe has been too far away. It is so long that we have almost completely lost the history of that time. Now there are only a few words of record. I even doubt whether it is some kind of existence beyond our imagination. For some special reason, all those messages were erased." Wen Tianji seemed to think of something, a little lost.

"Erase the information? Maybe it has touched the realm of the gods, right?" Yao Huichen listened to Wen Tianji's bold guess, and smiled bitterly. feel?"

"It's just sent with feelings, don't take it to heart." Wen Tianji smiled, "But perhaps only those mysterious dragons know these news."

In Origin Mall, Hu Kuang and others are telling customers what they have seen in the ruins.

With them as the center, there has been a large circle of customers, most of whom are students from the four major colleges.

Live broadcast and other people's narration are two different ways, the latter can better complement the brain.

"...You may not believe it. At that time, I felt something was wrong under the ground, and then I punched it through the tunnel." Hu Kuang narrated, and the surrounding audience listened extremely seriously.

Elena's live broadcast did not show the scene where the tiger mad found the channel, so no one refuted it.

"Tiger Kuang started to brag again." Yao Ziyue couldn't help but whispered.

"You don't know his character." Yao Ziyan smiled, "just get used to it."

Luo Chuan, who was looking at the magic phone, noticed something. Looking outside the store, Yuan Gui directly tore the space and came to the store.

"Teacher." He was listening to the song of Bu Li told by Tiger Kuang, and immediately greeted him.

Yuan Gui nodded and said nothing.

Bu Lige feels something is wrong, why doesn't his boss speak.

"Yuan Gui, I heard that you went to the ruins to find ingredients?" Yao Ziyan stopped him, "Can the ice blue flower be used?"

Yuan Gui stopped and looked at Yao Ziyue who was holding back his smile, and Yao Ziyan was only curious, and understood something in his heart.

Forget it, it will be discovered sooner or later, there is no need to hide.

"Yes." Yuan Gui nodded in response, showing shining teeth.

It is indeed shining, and it is icy blue light.

"There are some unavoidable side effects." Added.

Yao Ziyan was stunned, and even Luo Chuan subconsciously glanced twice.

"I seem to understand the side effects you said." A smile appeared on Yao Ziyan's face.

"How is the taste?" Luochuan focused on another aspect.

"Very good, and it has the effect of eliminating fatigue and improving the operation of spiritual power." Yuan Gui said seriously.

There was no expression on his face, and his mouth exuded an icy blue light, with a sense of joy in every way he looked.

When Yuan Gui's figure disappeared behind the metal door of the expansion space, several people couldn't help laughing, and Luo Chuan's eyes also had a smile.

They guessed how long it would take Yuan Gui to return to normal.

During the period from the ruins back to the Origin Mall, Yuan Gui must have tried various methods, but he certainly did not succeed.

This side effect of Ice Blue Flower is very interesting.

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