The sudden violent movement just now and the resurrected Elena in Origin Mall had a big impact on the customers in the store. Now many people are excitedly guessing what happened.

"Boss, do you know what's going on?" Yao Ziyue squeezed out of the onlookers, and came to the counter to ask Luochuan.

"Ancient ruins." Luochuan took a sip of the cherry blossom stuffed and put the cup on the table.

"Ancient ruins." Yao Ziyue nodded subconsciously, and suddenly a surprised expression appeared on his face after reacting, "Ancient ruins? Why did the ancient ruins suddenly appear?"

"It turns out that it was a movement caused by the advent of ancient ruins." Wen Tianji nodded suddenly when he heard the conversation between the two.

They had already noticed the location of the energy fluctuations at the door of the store, and they had some guesses about it. Luo Chuan's words confirmed their thoughts.

The ancient ruins are no stranger to most cultivators, and the ways they appear are all strange and strange, and it is not uncommon for such a big movement to occur.

After the initial surprise, Yao Ziyue was already eager to try: "I just heard Elena said that her location before her resurrection was not far from Jiuyao City. Sister, would you like to visit the ancient ruins?"

"Me?" Yao Ziyan shook his head, "I'm not interested, you can ask Yuwei and them, there should be many customers in the store who want to go there."

"Okay." Yao Ziyue nodded, turned his gaze to Luochuan next to him, and sighed helplessly, "Okay, it seems that the boss has no ideas anymore."

Now Luochuan has taken out the magic phone and is browsing the information on it. Group chats and news in the news have exploded, and customers are talking about the weird phenomenon that just happened.

In the imperial city, Ji Wuhui had already arrived outside the hall, frowning and looking into the distance.

Thick dark clouds arbitrarily smeared the sky, and the line of sight was blocked by the rain curtain, and the distant scene had turned into a blurred picture like a watercolor.

Just now Jiuyao City’s defensive formation started on its own, making Ji Wuhui almost think that something terrifying had launched an attack. Coupled with the turbulence of the space and the violent noise, this kind of reaction was normal for the first time.

"What happened that just now?" Ji Wuhui's voice was full of doubts.

He could faintly perceive that at the moment when the movement appeared, an extremely strong energy shock seemed to have occurred in the Jiuyao Mountain Range, and that should be the culprit of all this.

"According to the information on the magic phone, the movement should have been caused by an ancient ruin that suddenly appeared." Old Bai came over from the side and put away the magic phone by the way.

"Ancient ruins?" Ji Wuhui's face clearly showed a little surprise. "The distance from Jiuyao City doesn't seem to be too far...Forget it, it's not a big deal..."

The old man smiled helplessly, and now that the ancient ruins in Ji Wuhui's heart are not a big deal, this was never thought of before the Origin Mall appeared.

"But since it is an ancient relic, there will definitely be many customers of Origin Mall wanting to explore it." Ji Wuhui thought of something, "Let’s go, go to Origin Mall, maybe I can join other customers in a team to see it. Look."

"Good." Old Bai nodded, he was also curious about the ancient ruins that suddenly appeared this time.

After a temporary hustle and bustle, customers in the store are already preparing to explore this newly-emerged ancient relic.

The way is very simple.

"The team has gone to the ancient ruins, the realm is the least asked, is there anyone else?" Hu Kuang's loud voice yelled in Origin Mall.

"The opportunity is not to be missed, and we won't be here anymore. We are going to set off soon." Mo Yuan helped out...

"Can I say that I don't know them?" Yuwei sighed and held her forehead beside her.

The demon emperor who had just received the news and came to the Origin Mall looked at these demon beast royal families with a subtle expression: "I have been in seclusion for so long, have they encountered any excitement?"

"Master Demon Emperor, their original character is like this." The high priest sighed helplessly.

But I have to say that the method of Hu Kuang and others is indeed effective. Basically, the customers in the store have heard their words.

However, there are only so many customers in the store above the realm of Asking Dao, and most of them fail to meet the requirements of team formation.

But these people didn't feel anything wrong with this. Who knows if there is any danger in this abruptly appearing ancient ruins, and the strength is not enough to rush forward and the uncertainty is too great.

It's not that there are cultivators who take risks for the sake of chance and ability, but the proportion is too small. Not many normal people will be idle and bet their lives for a little probability.

"...An Weiya, didn't you say that the ancient ruins this time are a bit special in the morning? Isn't it dangerous?" Yao Ziyan looked at the Yao Ziyue who was talking and laughing with those sea monsters not far away. Asked An Weiya next to her.

It seemed that she was a little worried about Yao Ziyue.

Although An Weiya knew about the ancient ruins, she didn't seem to be interested in it. She was leaning against the counter and playing Go with Luochuan.

"Danger?" Hearing Yao Ziyan's words, An Weiya shook her head, "It's just a bit special, and it's not dangerous. With the strength of these customers, it's enough to sweep there."

Special, Luo Chuan has heard this word from An Weiya's mouth for the second time.

What could make her think that the special ancient relics are beyond ordinary people?

Luo Chuan didn't have the idea of ??asking, anyway, these customers are going to check it out and they will get the answer in the live broadcast.

Drop the chess piece in hand: "It's your turn."

When Ji Wuhui and Yao Huichen arrived at Origin Mall, they saw a scene where a team of dozens of customers was preparing to set off.

There were not so many in the first place. After hearing this news, some sea monsters and sea people showed great interest in the ancient ruins.

"It seems that we are not too late." Ji Wuhui said after looking at such a huge team.

The arrival of Ji Wuhui and Bai Lao did not cause much movement, after all, the venerables in the team occupied most of them.

Instead of tearing apart the space directly, under the leadership of Elena, he flew past the direction of the energy.

Luochuan glanced outside the store and couldn't help thinking in his heart whether flying in the sky in such rainy weather would be struck by lightning.

However, in the above realm, it is not difficult to avoid ordinary thunder, after all, this is not thunder...

Withdraw his gaze and continue the game with Anvia.

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