"Well, I admit, I did it." An Weiya said reluctantly.

Yao Ziyan was a little curious: "Why spreading these rumors seems to be of no practical use, right?"

Although the sound transmissions about the dragon clan are widely spread on Tianlan Continent, the biggest effect is nothing more than to increase the topic of chatting after dinner.

"After all, the Dragon Clan has been in the Tianlan Continent for such a long time, and there is always some news that will not be forgotten." An Weiya whispered.

"Then why don't you show up in Tianlan Continent?" Yao Ziyan was puzzled.

An Weiya shook her head: "We have our own reasons."

Seeing that she didn't mean to continue telling, Yao Ziyan didn't continue to ask, and started chatting about other things.

Bingshuang and Luo Chuan did well as listeners and ate the whole meal.

The night has come, and the distance is thick and cannot be turned into darkness, and the world seems to have lost its boundaries.

At the gate of Jiuyao City, the spar using spiritual energy as energy exudes a bright light, and a small group of city guards stand in the range of the light.

As the weather gradually cooled, the work and rest of the residents of Jiuyao City also changed accordingly.

Now there are almost no pedestrians on the streets in the city, only the street lights on both sides exude a hazy brilliance in the rain.

The captain of the city guard yawned, took out the magic phone to check the time, and began to miss the warm bed.

Thoughts gradually drifted away, and the sound of rain in his ears seemed to fade away. He looked at the darkness in the distance with a little loss, and the trance spirit seemed to gradually sink into it.

Time flies so slowly, it seems that there are no more people entering the city today. He thought in his mind.

"Captain, is the landlord coming?" a city guard called.

"Now it's working hours, are you thinking about being lazy?" the captain of the city guard scolded.

"I was wrong with the captain." The city guard immediately realized his mistake and seriously reflected.

"It's okay to know the mistake and come to fight the landlords." The captain of the city guard rubbed his hands, "This ghost weather is really cold."

"It's a bit cold outside." Luo Chuan stretched out his hand to feel the temperature outside.

An Weiya and Frost had just disappeared in front, according to Luo Chuan's judgment, they should be a special space independent of the current world.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded repeatedly, staring closely at the magic phone.

"What are you looking at?" Luo Chuan asked curiously.

"The Mercenary Notes in Origin Reading." Yao Ziyan said, "I have read it every day recently, and Wei Qingzhu's writing is really good."

Luochuan found a place to sit down, took out the magic phone, and opened the origin reading.

There are now dozens of books in Origin Reading, all in various categories.

Looking at the rankings, "Mercenary Notes" is in the fifth place, and the results are pretty good.

Luochuan came in interest.

When he saw only the first chapter that day, he left the matter behind.

I haven't watched it for a few days, it has been updated a lot.

It seemed that Wei Qingzhu really wanted to treat this matter as a new job, which took a lot of effort.

With anticipation, start browsing.

The mysterious and unpredictable burial mountain, the bones of monsters everywhere, the inexplicable ground cracks, the crisis encountered by the mercenary team...

The plot is intertwined, and the plot is ups and downs.

When Luochuan saw the latest update, he couldn't help but feel a little unfinished.

not bad.

Luo Chuan gave an evaluation.

Then I used the holographic device to turn around in the leisure mode of the trial tower, and nothing worth mentioning happened.

Luochuan yawned, ready to leave the world and go to sleep.

"The degree of world resolution has reached the predetermined requirement." The system voice that hadn't been heard for a long time sounded in his mind.

"Done?" Luo Chuan suppressed the drowsiness that came up. "That means I can interfere in the world at will, go to other countries or cities, and open a store or something?"

Luochuan also has an obsession with opening a store in the game world of the store.

But having said that, why do you bother to open a shop?

Do whatever you want, why do you have to be the boss?

I'm not the owner of a shop anymore, the whole point is different this time.

New world, new story, new experience...

Many thoughts came to mind in an instant, Luo Chuan felt that he had realized it.

"Theoretically, this is the case, and the relevant conditions have been met." The system gave an accurate answer.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow." The drowsiness that was suppressed came up again, Luo Chuan didn't want to waste his sleep time to explore the new world.

He left the holographic device and moved his neck.

Yao Ziyan was looking at the magic phone, holding a cup of milk tea in his hands.

"I went upstairs." Luo Chuan said.

"Well, I will close the store in a while." Yao Ziyan nodded.

Came to the second floor and returned to the room after washing.

The windows are still open, but the temperature in the room is as comfortable and pleasant as downstairs.

After closing the window, the patter of rain suddenly became much quieter.

The rain water slid down on the transparent glass, leaving a winding water mark.

The hazy light dotted the city, converging into a blurred band of light in the distance.

Somewhat dreamy.

Lying on the bed, looked at the magic phone.

With a snap of his fingers, the lights in the room went out.

good night.

Downstairs, Yao Ziyan finished the milk tea in the cup, got up and closed the door.

The ordinary store door keeps wind and rain from the outside world.

Having said that, when I met my boss, it was also on such a rainy night.

As I thought to myself, a smile appeared unconsciously on his face, humming softly in a brisk song, ready to go upstairs to sleep.

In the imperial city, Ji Wuhui, who has no memorials and reviews, is now discussing related matters with the ministers on the magic phone. The little princess walked over with the freshly made snack and quietly put it on the table.

The special spirit crystal in the room exudes a bright brilliance. Wei Qingzhu and the three are discussing the next plot, preparing for the chapter to be updated tomorrow.

Yuan Gui’s shop is still brightly lit, and Bu Lige is full of energy, holding heavy books in his hands. Yuan Gui sits next to him and sips tea from time to time, while answering questions raised by Bu Lige.

The city of Kraken remains noisy, and the naturally active Kraken did not feel disappointed because many Krakens travelled. The unique singing voice of the Kraken lingers here.

A faintly excited voice came from the cave. Yao Huichen was overseeing the production of the follow-up video of "Medicine Valley Lecture Hall", and several pharmacists and elders were busy here.

The golden dragon was crawling on the ground of the subspace and had already entered a state of sleep, with its body rising and falling slightly with breathing. Frost is holding the magic phone and leaning against the dragon, and the light-emitting screen is reflected in her pupils...

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