"New story?" A curious look filled the monster purple smoke and amethyst eyes, "Is it the same as the current one?"

I just learned from Luo Chuan that he was preparing to write a new novel, and he was full of interest.

"It can be said to be completely different." Luochuan ate a mouthful of green vegetables, feeling the crispy taste, "Basically, there are no extraordinary powers."

"Ordinary...world?" Yao Ziyan whispered to herself, "A world where human beings are the protagonist?"

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded, "The background is roughly that the various human kingdoms on the mainland started wars over resources, and then one day the war that lasted for many years finally ushered in the end."

"What's the story?" Yao Ziyan continued to ask.

"Pursuing the story of growth and redemption." Luo Chuan noticed Yao Ziyan's expectant expression, but he was not prepared to spoil it in advance, "You'll know when I write it out."

"Um... well." Yao Ziyan nodded slightly when he heard this, "but then again, boss, why are wars described in these two novels?"

Luo Chuan thought for a while: "Well... Civilization can only progress in constant disputes."

In the afternoon, compared with the morning, the number of customers who came to the store was still very large.

Noelka hadn't bought milk tea all morning, and almost came to the store through the teleportation door when it just started business, and realized her wish.

"The effect is not comparable to mineral water, and the taste of mineral water and milk tea is not comparable." After taking a sip of milk tea, Nolica gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"Although it feels a bit strange what you said, it is true." Yao Ziyan seemed to like the new products in the store very much, and just went to get a cup.

He glanced at Luo Chuan subconsciously, and was taking a nap with his arm over his eyes.

"Boss, is it like this every day?" Noelika looked down Yao Ziyan's sight, and couldn't help but ask after hesitating.

"Not every day." Yao Ziyan thought for a while, "sometimes he still does something."

"Actually, I feel that this kind of life is also pretty good." Yila joined the conversation between the two of them, "This is how our Kraken is."

After the Sea-Monster City is connected to the Origin Mall through the Teleportation Light Gate, the Sea-Monster has naturally become a frequent visitor here. Their impressions in the minds of customers are similar to those in Luochuan, such as having a very pleasant day.

The difference is that the sea monsters are lively by nature. From time to time, you can see them walking through the streets of Jiuyao City. When you come to Origin Mall, you can basically see the scenes of Luochuan being lazy or sitting or lying there. Nothing. The words are basically lazy.

In this regard, the two are almost at different extremes.

Luochuan's nap did not take too long. When he opened his eyes, he felt that his spirit was completely empty.

The noise in the shop is still there, customers come and go, but the conversations that come with a certain dreamlike color, people almost want to sink into it.

After yawning, he broke away from the strange state of mind, and his consciousness regained consciousness again.

Looking at the time, there is still not a short time before the end of the business.

Waiting for the end of business at the beginning of every day, this kind of life is inexplicably familiar.

There is still such a long time, what to do?

Luo Chuan first thought of the magic phone. Doudizhu is indeed a good thing to kill time.

Yao Ziyan, who was originally at the top of the list, has been squeezed down, after all, she did not spend all of her time on this application.

Oh, yes, I have to prepare to write a new novel at noon.

After many days, finally there is new work to be done.

Is it work, probably?

Luochuan took out the magic phone.

Before that, there was a pause.

I poured myself a cup of cherry blossom stuffing.

Although milk tea is also good, Luochuan still prefers cherry blossom stuffed.

As soon as Yao Huichen entered the store, he smelled the almost imperceptible fragrance of wine in the air.

Quiet and charming, let him marvel at it.

Compared with the proud Jie Qianshou, there is a huge gap.

Following the taste, I came to the counter and looked at the pale pink cherry blossom stuffed in the cup.

Slightly sliding his throat: "Boss, what is this?"

"Sakura stuffed." Luo Chuan answered flatly.

After taking a sip, the clear and sweet wine entered the abdomen from the throat, accompanied by the elegant fragrance of cherry blossoms.

Noting Yao Huichen's gaze, he put down the cup: "What's the matter?"

There was nothing wrong at the time, but now something is wrong.

With this in mind, Yao Huichen organized a language: "Sakura brewed, there seems to be no such product in the store."

"Of course not." Luo Chuan guessed Yao Huichen's thoughts, "Zi Yan did it himself."

Yao Ziyan, who was immersed in the story world, heard his name and subconsciously looked up at Luo Chuan.

"It's okay, you continue." Luo Chuan said.

"Oh." Yao Ziyan once again focused on the magic phone.

"It turned out to be so." Yao Huichen nodded.

Neither of them spoke, and looked at each other.

After a few seconds, the medicine returned to dust and broke the slightly weird atmosphere.

"Ahem, boss, I want to ask about something." Yao Huichen coughed softly.

He is naturally a wine lover if he can brew a solution to Qianxian.

"The cherry blossoms in the Sakura Village can be picked after business hours." Luochuan took another sip of the cherry blossom stuffing.

Yuan Gui had already come to ask the question last time. Facing this kind of situation, he seemed familiar.

Yao Huichen didn't understand Luo Chuan's meaning for a while. After reacting, a smile appeared on his face: "Thank you, boss."

It is clear from the taste that the most important thing in Sakura Stuff is cherry blossoms. As for the detailed production method, of course, you can learn on the virtual device.

"How is your video done?" Luo Chuan asked casually.

In the recent period of time, he has almost never seen the elders in Yaogu, only Yaohuichen will come to the Origin Mall without any problems.

Having said that, Xu was due to some luck, and this was the first time he saw Sakura stuffed.

Yao Huichen was about to leave, and stopped when he heard: "It's almost done. It should be finished and released tonight."

At the same time, I felt a little surprised because Luo Chuan was paying attention to this matter.

"Oh." Luo Chuan nodded and ended the conversation.

With the information he got from Luochuan, Yao Huichen sat down on the vacant holographic device seat and began to search for information on making Qiongjianglu.

Recalling a little in his mind, the information related to Violet appeared in front of him like a sealed book.

Having said that, this way of storing information is indeed convenient.

In a sense, the system is like something at the core of thinking.

But there is a big difference, and the essence needs to be explored.

Withdrawing the thoughts that were flying to nowhere, Luo Chuan picked up the magic phone.

Began to be the porter of the story.

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