Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1018: Ineffective mineral water

After closing the live broadcast, Luochuan opened the origin video and took a look.

The pill explanation video that Yao Huichen said some time ago has not been released yet.

Below the comment area, there are already a lot of urging words.

"It's been several days, haven't it been finished yet? 』

"I look forward to what kind of surprises Medicine Valley can bring us. 』

"Sit down. 』


No one would say similar words in reality.

But Magic Phone provides a platform for customers to speak freely.

As long as the speech conforms to the user's usage specification, there is no problem.

After a little anticipation in my heart, I opened the group chat.

It's lunch time, and the group chat is very lively.

From time to time, someone posted pictures of food, causing a wave of discussions.

Bu Li Song: "Photo.jpg"

Bu Lige, who was in a diving state, suddenly bubbled and sent a photo by the way.

It seems to be some kind of barbecue.

Luo Chuan took a closer look and his expression gradually became subtle.

Step Lige: "Is there anyone teaming up for a special lunch in Fengxianlou?" 』

The group chat fell into a short silence.

A few seconds later, a message appeared, and many diving customers were also bombed out.

"? ? ! 』

"I felt that the food in front of me suddenly didn't fragrant, and I was suddenly full! 』

"Now when you are eating, what the **** did you post from Step Lige?" ! 』

"No, no, no one really likes the insect feast in Fengxianlou, right? 』

"For Bu Li Ge, I am absolutely convinced. 』


Fengxian Tower.

In the private room, Bu Lige held the magic phone and smiled.

"I said, isn't it a little bad for you to do this?" Jiang Shengjun also saw the pictures in the group chat.

"This is the best delicacy. It is a great pity that they don't come to taste it." Bu Lige shook his head and sighed, placing the finished sign on the table.

"It seems to make sense to hear you say this." Jiang Shengjun touched his chin and nodded in agreement.

"So..." Bu Lige drank the drink in his cup, "The ultimate food is only a few people can enjoy after all."

"Boss Yuan gave you this too?" Jiang Shengjun asked curiously.

"Of course not, this is my own conclusion." Bu Lige burped...

An Weiya and Yao Ziyan went downstairs, and Luochuan put away the magic phone in time.

Frosty stared tightly at the food in the hands of the two.

"It seems to be a lot richer than usual." Luo Chuan said as he looked at the food that filled the table.

"There are many people, so I did more." Yao Ziyan smiled.

An Weiya was already swallowing.

"By the way, are you not a dragon? Are these enough?" Yao Ziyan suddenly thought of a crucial question.

"In the human form, there is nothing wrong with the normal situation." An Weiya said.

"That's good." Yao Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Lunch starts.

"This should be pretty good, try it."

"This looks delicious too."

"and this……"

An Weiya kept picking Frost with vegetables.

Frost looked at the increasing food on the plate, her expression unchanged as before.

However, there seemed to be something unusual in those red eyes.

"The relationship between you seems to be very good." Yao Ziyan felt a little funny about An Weiya's behavior.

"This... isn't it?" An Weiya thought about it carefully.

"I think it's better to let Frost come by herself." Luo Chuan couldn't help but remind her when she watched her subconsciously picking up vegetables for Frost.

"Oh, I got it." An Weiya nodded her head again and again.

Fingshuang looked at the food that was almost piled up on his plate, then looked at the dishes on the table, and ate silently with a fork.

Yao Ziyan understood that An Weiya didn't want to continue this topic, and began to mention other things.

The two talked and laughed, and Luo Chuan also said a few words from time to time.

"By the way, Frost should have drunk mineral water, it doesn't seem to have changed much from the original." Yao Ziyan looked at Frost with some curiosity, she was about to finish the food on the plate.

"I don't know." Frost shook his head gently.

Mineral water has the effect of enhancing qualifications, which is different for every customer.

Some people promote more and others promote less. This is something all customers know.

And the effect is guaranteed, basically there will be no situation where the face is so dark that the effect is not noticed.

"System?" Luo Chuan hoped that the system would answer his doubts.

"Mineral water cannot have an effect on life forms that tend to be perfect." The system answered.

Luochuan:? ? !

Tend to be perfect?

After drinking the mineral water, An Weiya, who is a dragon, actually felt the effect, but it was relatively unobvious.

Because at that time, she told Luo Chuan about this incident on the magic phone, with deep surprise in her words.

However, mineral water cannot have an effect on Frost, which clearly shows one thing-Frost is incomparable to dragons in some respects.

But she didn't seem to know what was going on.

Luo Chuan glanced at Frost who was eating.

The cheeks are bulging, although there is still no expression, but compared with the original, it feels more cute.

An Weiya should know something, but it seems obvious that there is no news from her at present.

Forget it, it's not important, let's have lunch first.

Luo Chuan did not speak, and Yao Ziyan did not continue to question.

Lunch is over.

The business hours of Origin Mall starts in the afternoon.

Bu Lige and Jiang Shengjun did not go home after lunch in Fengxianlou, but went straight to Origin Mall.

When passing by Yuan Gui's shop, he went to the store and said hello to Yuan Gui.

"Eh? Why did you come so early?" When he came to the door, Step Lige saw Frost and Anvia at the counter.

Yao Ziyan had just taken things upstairs and wanted to clean up.

"Because I didn't leave." An Weiya answered casually.

"Did not leave?" Jiang Shengjun's eyes widened, "Did you have lunch here?"

"Yes." An Weiya nodded.

Bu Lige and Jiang Shengjun looked at each other, then looked at Luochuan together.

Bu Lige was a little excited: "Boss, does Origin Mall still have a Cengfan function?"

"I want to eat here tomorrow too!" Jiang Shengjun has already begun to fantasize.

"No." Luo Chuan shook his head.

There is nothing wrong with rubbing it once or twice, but from the expressions of these two people, it is obvious that they want to use Origin Mall as a long-term hotel, and Luochuan definitely cannot agree.

Except for this reason, if they agree, the rest of the customers will definitely ask for a meal, and Yao Ziyan will be greatly affected.

"The boss refused so simply." Bu Lige shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, go buy an ice cream and try it." Jiang Shengjun walked to the ice cream machine in the corner.

The reason why they can accept this fact so easily is mainly because of the existence of Yuan Gui Xiaodian.

After all, from a certain perspective, Yuan Gui's cooking skills are no weaker than Yao Ziyan.

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