Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1011: Master of the Black Robe

Through the rain curtain, Bu Lige and Jiang Shengjun came to the door of Yuangui's shop.

"Teacher." Bu Lige said respectfully to Yuan Gui in the store.

"Good morning, Boss Yuan." Jiang Shengjun also said hello.

Now the diners understand one thing, that is, Yuan Gui doesn't like others calling him God of Cooking, but rather likes the title Boss Yuan.

Yuan Gui nodded slightly as a response.

After checking the time, I opened the steamer.

The stronger white water vapor immediately enveloped the door of Yuan Gui's shop, and the alluring sweet fragrance diffused.

It is also mixed with the light scent of cherry blossoms, which plays a finishing touch and raises the overall smell.

Jiang Shengjun's throat moved, and the bursts of hunger from his belly reminded him that he might have to eat something before coming.

"This taste... even if my chef is dozens of times more powerful, it can't match it." Jiang Shengjun's voice was a little vague, and he kept breathing because of the high temperature of the food.

"Teacher is the recognized God of Cooking in Tianlan Continent. It would be weird if your God of Cooking can be compared." Bu Lige responded casually, and his attention was completely focused on the food in his hand.

The breakfast provided by Yuangui Xiaodian today is rice cakes. Because of the use of cherry blossoms, the whole is pale pink with a variety of fruit flesh.

The flavors of various spirit fruits, the faint aroma of cherry blossoms, the rice aroma of the rice itself, and the woody aroma carried by the steamer, the various flavors are perfectly blended, and the taste is well-defined.

Yuan Gui heard the words of the two, his expression unchanged.

After reaching his level, he will basically not be affected by the outside world.

"Teacher, the cherry blossoms in the rice cakes, aren't they from the owner's shop?" Bu Lige couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Yuan Gui nodded, "Cherry blossoms in Sakura Village."

"By the way, the cherry blossom trees in Sakura Village seem to be the same every morning when they pass by." Jiang Shengjun touched his chin with a thoughtful expression, "It's just that a few times it looks sparser."

"I heard from the boss that the cherry blossom trees in the store will be restored to their best condition every morning." Yuan Gui said.

There was no change in Bu Lige's expression, and his expression was a little dazed: "So it is."

He deeply understands a truth, as long as it is something related to Origin Mall, it is normal even if it is beyond imagination.

At this time, diners have come one after another, ready to buy breakfast from Yuangui's shop.

Walked into the side alley and came to Origin Mall.

"Boss, early..." After seeing the scene in Origin Mall, Step Lige's words suddenly got stuck.

"It seems that you are not the first to come." Jiang Shengjun patted him on the shoulder with some amusement.

The two happened to see the scene where Luochuan explained the products of Origin Mall to Frost.

But from their perspective, only Frost's back was seen.

"...That's all, you can just look around." Luo Chuan has already noticed Step Lige and Jiang Shengjun entering the store.

After glancing at Luo Chuan with his frosty red eyes, he nodded slightly, and walked towards the shelf where the magic phone was placed.

Because according to Luochuan's narration, it is best to buy a magic phone after coming to the Origin Mall, which is very convenient for the next thing.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Shengjun and Bu Lige did not see Frost's face because of perspective.

"Boss, is this a new customer in the store?" Jiang Shengjun walked to Luochuan's side and looked at Fingshuang's back.

"That's it." Luo Chuan nodded.

Bu Lige looked at Frost and frowned

He had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it before.

correct! The man in black robes last night!

Bu Lige thought of the source of the familiarity, his back figure was exactly the same as the black robe man.

"Boss..." Bu Lige wanted to tell Luo Chuan about this.

At this time, Hanshuang turned around because he wanted the goods on the other shelf, and his face fell into the eyes of Jiang Shengjun and Bu Lige.

The two suddenly opened their eyes in surprise.

They didn't expect that under the **** robe, there was such a...beautiful girl.

"What's wrong?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Ahem, nothing." Bu Lige coughed twice and shook his head.

Luochuan Cong Bu Lige's expression also guessed what he thought, but he didn't mean to explain it actively.

Sit down in his seat behind the counter and took out the magic phone.

But Bu Lige couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart, and got to the counter after struggling.

"Boss, did she also come to Origin Mall last night?" Bu Lige asked in a low voice.

Although he sent a message to Luochuan on the magic phone, Bu Lige felt that he could only satisfy his curiosity by asking himself.

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded, not surprised by the question of Bu Lige.

Jiang Shengjun didn't think so much. He had already gone to the shelf, ready to come to the bucket of instant noodles. It was really difficult to fill his stomach with a single piece of rice cake.

"Surprised?" Luo Chuan said casually.

"Extremely surprised." The expression on Bu Lige's face was a little subtle, and his eyes followed Frost. "I really didn't expect that the master of the black robe was like this."

In his original idea, the mysterious person wearing such a **** robe with a black mask on his face was often set by a villain, similar to a fierce-looking strong man, a silent and cold-blooded killer.

No matter how extreme it is, it may be an inhuman existence. Behind the mask is a skull with dark blue ghost fire flashing in its eye sockets, or the face of other beasts or monsters.

I didn't expect it to be such a beautiful girl, and she looked so young.

Yao Ziyan also walked downstairs at this time, and noticed Frost, who was picking goods on the shelf, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Every product sold in Origin Mall is the same, and Frost is still making selections, and she is happy in it.

"Time seems to be almost up."

In the subspace, the beautiful and majestic golden dragon opened his eyes.

Energy different from spiritual power emerged from the dragon's body, and in the blink of an eye it condensed into a substantial energy light curtain, which completely enveloped the dragon's body.

With the gradual reduction of the energy light curtain, the dragon's body quickly disappeared in the brilliant glow, and a smaller human silhouette soon appeared.

An Weiya placed the energy in her hand in the space in front, like a light curtain on the surface of the water appeared out of nowhere, and a spatial passage leading to the real world was briefly opened up.

The physical fitness of the dragons prevents Anvia from being affected by the transmission of space. After walking into the light curtain, the surrounding pictures are temporarily distorted, and she comes to the real world, mixed with the cool breeze and the rain. The sound came from all directions instantly.

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