Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1003: The gate of space to be completed

When Luochuan and Yao Ziyan returned to Origin Mall, customers in the store had already arrived early.

It seems that the duration of the apprenticeship feast in Yuangui's shop has lasted until the opening hours of Origin Mall.

"Boss, you are back!" An Weiya noticed the two people entering the store and greeted them happily.

In fact, Yuan Gui’s invitation list included An Weiya, but every time the dragon girl left the Origin Mall, she would escape into the subspace, and there was nowhere to find it.

Luochuan still doesn't understand why Anvia can play in the virtual world for so long every day.

From the beginning of the morning business to the end of the evening, Luochuan can see Anvia immersed in the game world every time during the period of noon.

"In addition to the rewards of the Arena Ranking mode, there are also the task rewards of the casual mode." An Weiya answered casually.

Does the casual mode have tasks that reward game time?

Luochuan felt that this should be the system's special treatment of Anvia.

Forget it, after all, it is the only dragon among the customers, and it's just some game time.

Luo Chuan didn't want to care about so much, he just wanted to paddle quietly.

After adjusting the angle of the recliner, Luo Chuan lay down.

Closing my eyes, the voice in the store faded away.

The city of the sea.

In the square in the center of the city, the Krakens are busy, the prototype of a large-scale installation.

The device looks like a special ring with a diameter of about ten meters. The ring is assembled from many different precision parts, with a strong science fiction style.

The Krakens are busy around the circle, placing the various parts placed on the ground in the correct position.

The ring showed a silver-white metallic color as a whole, and was temporarily supported. When it came to run, there would be some kind of anti-gravity system.

"It will be completed in almost one day." Yila and Evanna talked about the progress of the installation of the space gate. "At that time, you can directly reach the city of the sea monster through the space gate."

"It looks... very special." Even after seeing it many times, Eveanna couldn't help but sigh.

The style is completely different from the spirit weapon, but it has a wonderful sense of beauty.

The sea clan living in the city of the sea was shocked far more than Evanna.

They witnessed the installation of this exquisite device from scratch, which is no less than a visual feast.

The beach outside the city of Siren was also a busy scene.

Many Krakens are busy, and a device similar to the city of the sea is about to be completed.

The two corresponding space gates assume the teleportation function of the future sea clan.

After careful consideration, I did not choose to place the gate of space in the central square.

Because there is already a portal to the Origin Mall.

After leaving Yuangui's shop, Yao Huichen returned to Yaogu via the central teleportation formation.

The air was mingled with the faint fragrance of medicine, and Yaogu disciples in white robes came and went.

Tearing the space, Yao Huichen's figure disappeared.

"No! Totally unqualified! Start over!"

In a cave dug on the mountain wall, there were bursts of angry voices.

When Yao Huichen arrived, the voice just hit his ears.

Shaking his head amusedly, he walked into the cave.

"Three elders, I heard your voice from afar. How is the progress of the video shooting now?"

The first thing Yao Huichen saw was a scene where a pharmacist restarted refining the pill, and sweat faintly appeared on his forehead.

The magic phone was suspended in mid-air, and the three elders stared at the alchemist with a bad face.

"Head." Noting the arrival of Yao Huichen, the expressions of the three elders returned to their normal appearance, "The progress is expected, and there is no major problem."

"Then why was you so angry just now?" Yao Huichen asked with a smile.

"Not at all." The third elder shook his head, "Although I don't know why, I feel that the shooting is completely impossible."

"You stop first, forget it, let's go out and rest first." Yao Huichen glanced at the sweating pharmacist and said to him.

"Yes, head." The pharmacist breathed a sigh of relief and left the cave after responding.

"Where is the thing that was taken just now? Let me see." Yao Huichen said.

The magic phone fell into the hands of the three elders and opened the picture just taken.

There is no sound, only the picture of the pharmacist refining the pill.

Yao Huichen squinted his eyes, he already understood the problem.

"No explanation? It's just a dry refined pill?" Yao Huichen shook his head, "In addition, there are problems with the choice of pill. The level is too high. You must start with the simple ones. By the way, you can popularize some elixir. Know how."

This is the inspiration he got from the first few videos on the origin video rankings, mainly "Survival in the Forest", which even gave him a bright feeling when he saw it.

"Explanation while refining the pill?" The Third Elder understood what Yao Huichen meant, and his eyebrows wrinkled. "However, refining pill is a matter of concentration, and distraction is not good."

Among the nine elders of Yaogu, the three elders' obsession with refining pills is definitely ranked first.

"There is nothing good or bad. In addition, I recommend you to watch the video called "Survival in the Forest" in the origin video." Yao Huichen smiled, "I'll go to them to check it out, the third elders, don't let me down. ."

As soon as the sound fell, the person disappeared.

""Forest Survival"..."

The third elder thought for a while and opened the origin video on the magic phone.

Origin Mall.

The shop is as lively as ever.

Luo Chuan opened his eyes and yawned.

When I wake up, I feel relaxed.

Adjusted the angle of the recliner, took the Coke that was placed next to him and took a sip.

"Boss, how is the relationship between the characters in the story set?" Yao Ziyan asked Luochuan.

Are the characters in the story connected?

Luo Chuan thought for a while and put forward his own view: "Relying on various conflicts to connect them, similar to wars between different countries, love, hatred, and hatred between forces, etc."

This answer is very general, Yao Ziyan still looks puzzled.

Luo Chuan was also aware of this: "To give a simple example, in your setting, isn’t Huka, the undead priest, the master of the hill of the necromancers? The arbiter Helram can be his mortal enemy. As for the reason? ...The hatred of the country’s destruction and family destruction is fine."

"I seem to understand a little bit." Yao Ziyan said thoughtfully.

At this time Luo Chuan's thinking began to diverge: "Nature Envoy Carole is a girl of the elven race. In order to resist the flame demon Sauron who had escaped from the ancient seal, she had to seek the help of humans. The Saint of Light Roland reached out to her. , At the same time I called my friend Xing Ji Aviana..."

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