The boy blinked in confusion before his eyes widened and a blush crept upon his cheeks at the realization of my words.

Still, even with the display of the coin in my hands, I could tell that the boy still doubted the authenticity of my words and the gold coin in my hand.

"A-Are you sur-re," He asked with a little stutter in his voice.

I smiled. If the boy had any brain cells left to reason with, then this was it. However, the fact that he hasn't turned back and ran away was enough to tell me how to respond to him next.

"If you think that I am lying, then you can leave. I don't think it will be hard for me to find another person willing to show me the way" I answered, before looking around as though I was searching for another person willing to show us the way.


I halted and stared down at the boy.

"I will I will show you the best brothel in the kingdom… Follow me please" He replied.

And I nodded my head in understanding and gestured for him to lead the way.

"Let's go," I said to my crewmen, before turning to Annabelle who seemed as though she was just observing every one of my actions and words.

To be honest, I was kind of expecting her to stop my discussion with the boy and help find an alternative method to get to the brothel.

Anyway, at least, she behaved as maturely as she looks.

As we walked down the road, I wasn't surprised by the stares we received. However, what surprised me was how fast they went back to whatever they were doing, dragging their attention away from us.


After what seemed to be an hour of walking, I almost questioned if the boy was leading us to the right place or if he might be leading us somewhere else.

I shook my head and threw the thoughts away.

Even though it wasn't impossible, I doubted that he would be the kind of person to pull off such a thing from his behavior.

"Here we are".

I looked at the building right in front of me and couldn't help but be impressed by its sheer size.

Damn!! This looks more like a hotel if I take in the appearance of the building surrounding it.

The boy turned around and walked close to me, stopping just within arm's length.

"I brought you here. Now, can I have the payment? Please" He said cautiously.

I smiled and shook my head while bringing out the gold coin and tossing it in the air toward him.

The coin flipped a few times mid-air, and just when it came in contact with the boy's hands, he fled. He didn't even waste a second.

Considering that looked like a teenager who still hasn't clocked 18 years of age, If he had stayed longer, I would have booked a room that allowed him to feast upon the wonders of the flesh.

And at least, he would have something else to brag to his friends about other than a gold coin.

"Since we have reached the location, I will be going to find an inn to stay in. I will come back tomorrow when you guys are done" Annabelle said as she tried her best to hide the disgusting expression on her face. However, she couldn't hide the stiffness in her voice.

Watching her leave, I choose not to dwell too much on it and enjoy the night with everything it had to offer.

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm And with that... "Come on guys, let's go in".

With my crewmen following behind me, we made our way through the way and stepped in into the building.

Incense and numerous thick perfumes, mixed with the soothing tranquil music assaulted my being the moment I walked through the door.

The first floor which seems to be a bar but was filled with various women of different shapes and sizes, wearing exotic, erotic, or plain clothes that showcased half their nakedness as they attended to the men who were either drunk or entrapped in the snarl of the women attending to them.

Nonetheless, I was very sure, that we were in the right place. And, as expected because we were quite a lot that entered at the time, we were easily noticed.

"Hello sir, how may we be of service?" Woman in her late 20s. dressed in a one-piece dress that left her thighs and half of her bare ass on full display with an open view of her sized boobs walked up to us with two more women in the same attire following behind her.

"Yes, I would like you to take care of the men behind me" I pointed at my crewmen who now looked like hungry wolves ready to devour anything in their sight.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Regardless, I would rather stare at the women in front of me than watch them twitch their legs, trying desperately to hide their raging boners.


The woman nodded with a knowing smile on her lips. Gesturing to the other two women behind, I watched as they swooped in behind me and took my crewmen away.

"Give them anything they want, and make sure to put it all on the same tab because I will pay" I added, not forgetting to let that piece of information known.

The woman nodded her head "Since it's like that, then a deposit will have to be made to ensure the brothel services do not go to waste" She said. And somehow, her bare nipples slipped out of her cloth. Damn.

Come to one Wyatt!! Keep it together. Remember your conviction.

I never thought a day would come again when I will reject sex with a fully functioning dick. Nonetheless, I didn't want a prostitute to be the first woman I sleep within this new body.

However, that might be a little hard to hold onto, seeing the temptation in front of me.

"And how much would that be?" I asked.

"Not much, but considering the number of men, twenty silver coins will do as a down payment" She replied, pressing her arms against her side boobs and making them pop up to the extent that I could now see her two bare unattended breasts.

I nodded my head and brought out a gold coin from my pocket "Will this do" I asked.

Later on, I will see if I can exchange this for some silver and copper coins, as I didn't want to go around spending a gold coin for every little thing I purchase.

Who knows what kind of unpleasant attention I might attract!!

The woman smiled and immediately took the gold coin off my hands, as though she was afraid that I might change my mind.

"This would do sir. We will be sure to specially take care of your men" She replied, pushing a little closer to me, and letting her thick perfume sweep into my nostrils.

"Is there anything more that you need sir"

She caught me staring at her boobs.

I internally sighed at how fast my conviction was deteriorating. The spirit was weaker, but a night with snu snu made the flesh willing.

I raised my fingers " Get me the best women you have at your establishment. The most expensive, and the one with the highest satisfaction rating" I said, " oh! And if there are any that's just joining today, add them to the mix. I will pick out the ones that I am pleased with".

The woman frowned " I am sorry air, but I am afraid that your demands will b..."

I brought out another gold Coin and watched as quitted her mumbles and swept it off my palm.

"This is I'm okay, but for me to meet your demands, I will still need more" She said, looking a bit professional. Although her bare breast on full display made the conversation awkward for me.

"How much are we talking about?"

"Well, for our most expensive, she goes for over 1000 gold coins..."

"Isn't that a bit expensive " I immediately cut off her words with a frown.

She smiled wryly "We are the best brothel in the whole kingdom sir. You might find such a prize for 50 or 20 gold coins outside, but I assure you that the experience and the woman you will be meeting are worth it".

I touched the few scruples of hairs under my chin "How about the rest?" I asked.

"For the second, she goes for about 500 gold coins. And as for the ones that are just joining us or to say, the ones that have yet to start working go for 10 gold coins each. So that brings your total payment to over 1,550 gold coins. Anything you order will be on the house you are willing to pay such an amount sir".

"Okay, take me to your best room and bring the women over there".

She smiled. Her smile almost threatened to tear through his face.

"Alright, sir" Immediately she pulled another woman that was standing close to us and whispered something into her ear before she turned to me "She will take you to your room sir while I go arrange your requests".

I nodded before I instantly remembered something "Oh! And if you have anyone with the biggest boobs and another with the fattest ass, bring them to me also".

Yes, I said that! It's my money after all.

The woman looked at me strangely before she immediately beamed and replied "Alright, I will do my best to fulfill your request".

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