"Are you going to tell me how to activate this 'Slave-sealing encryption'?" I asked.

Staring back into her eyes, I could see subtle hints of erratic movements in her eyes until it all settled down and focused on me.

"Don't waste your time….. You are not getting anything out of me" She replied.

I couldn't help but frown at her words as I can't think of any other way to get the secret out of her.

She was already utterly defeated with her severed hand in front of her.

If I hadn't known and understood her character from the several few minutes that we had spent together, I would have thought that she was just a noble soldier who would rather die than spill a confidential secret to their enemy.

However, this wasn't bravery or loyalty but deep inherent loathing for me that seemed to have developed over time. Her real purpose was to deny me the satisfaction I would have gotten before I killed her.

And if there was any more confirmation that I needed, then the mocky smile on her face was the stamp that sealed the deal

She knows that I won't send her to her grave unless she spills out the information that I wanted.

She knows, however....

Whatever she thinks she knows was wrong.

If she thinks that I would just give up on killing her just because I haven't yet gotten the information I want, then she wasn't grossly mistaken.

Of course, I was curious about the former Prince Wyatt's past and the people that wanted him dead. Regardless, curiosity killed the cat, so I won't let my curiosity be the end of me.

"As expected of an Imperial Knight, she is definitely a tough one" Captain Crimson eye said, drawing my attention towards him "If you want to get the information out of her, I would suggest that she spends a week with my torturer. Let's see how long she could last then, everybody has a limit after all".

For once, I didn't know whether to be relieved or uneasy about the fact that there is a torture chamber somewhere inside this ship.

However, I shook my head at his statement.

"No, that is what she wants me to do. I don't know if she has a trick of alerting my assailants that the assassination attempt had failed or whether she possesses something that would aid her to escape. Nonetheless, leaving her like this and sending her to your torturer might prove to be futile" I said.

"You are just too cautious for a man of your calibre, Prince Wyatt" Captain Crimson eye replied.

"For a man, of my calibre, reaching this level didn't require strength alone. A snake that bit me once would surely bite me again. So, I would rather cut off its head than treat its venom" I replied.

Captain Crimson eye nodded his head in understanding as he quietly digested my words.

Somehow, I feel that I was able to enlighten him with such a simple sentence and in the process magnify my figure in front of his eyes.

Hah!! Look at me now, suddenly turning into some kind of scholar.

It seems that reading all those enlightened books and novels wasn't really a bad idea.

"So that means you are going to end her life here and now".

I nodded my head at his judgement.

"Yes" I replied "However I need to test one more thing".

"..What is it?" Captain Crimson eye responded, staring at me attentively as he anticipated my next action.

However, I have already returned my gaze back to Knight Camille who seemed to be fidgeting and shivering for some reason.

At first, I was thinking of throwing her into the jaws of Toothless where she would spend the rest of her eternal darkness in her stomach, however, I was suddenly hit with another idea.

Although it was both barbaric and inhumane, considering my lack of resources and limited options at the moment.....


Whether it was cruel or barbaric, I still lacked the strength needed to survive in this world right now, so anything that would pose a threat to my life would either die or live long enough to see my terror.

I know that I wasn't being boastful or prideful because even without knowing the ins and out of how an ascendant acquires their strengths and abilities, I have already achieved this level of strength.

Now, imagine what would happen when I do comprehend such a thing. My thoughts weren't prideful or boastful to me, they were realistic and insightful.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Bringing my hands towards my pocket, I summoned Bones from the 'Fantastic Beasts of Records' and pretended to bring him out of my pocket.

As always, I am leaving the dirty work to one of my beasts.


Both Captain Crimson eye and Knight Camille who was the closest individual to Prince Wyatt were stunned when they saw him bringing out a rat from his pocket.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| And although Captain Crimson eye didn't show it as he had killed countless of these rats since they were a common problem in any ship, Knight Camille who was brought up in the palace and wasn't used to dealing with rodent-like creatures could only morph her face in revulsion as she alternated her gaze between Prince Wyatt and the rat at the same time.

"As expected, such a disgusting sight" Knight Camille said in disgust and would have moved away if not for the blade resting over her neck.

Meanwhile, Prince Wyatt couldn't help but be impressed by the woman's strong-willed mind which seems to be slowly repairing itself, slowly returning to her previous behaviour and composure. after she got one of her arms severed away from her body and

Now, Prince Wyatt was curious to find out how much endurance and will a Knight or a warrior possesses.

"This is Bones" Prince Wyatt said, letting Bones use his palm as a platform to stand on "Bones say hello".

"Squeak!! Squeak!!"

Captain Crimson eye and Knight Camille couldn't help but widen their eye once more when they saw this scene.

Even the Captain had to show some expression on his face because the scene that he had just witnessed was only possible if...

"Prince Wyatt, is that your tamed beast?" Captain Crimson eye asked cautiously as glanced at the rat.

Prince Wyatt nodded his head without hesitation, confirming his thoughts.

The more the Captain thought about it, the more he began to understand how deep the First Prince was.

He was eccentric. Unpredictable to the extent that whenever he feels like he has seen it all, Prince Wyatt suddenly pulls out another thing that would stun and send him reeling back to his thoughts.

The podium at which the First Prince stood in front of him only got bigger. Bigger to the extent that he had begun revising his plans to make sure Prince Wyatt doesn't do something unpredictable again because he seems to be full of surprises.

Meanwhile, Knight Camille could only stare in shock and suspicion as she never knew Prince Wyatt as a beast tamer but instead as a sorcerer.

His behaviour and change in character were already too drastic enough, but this, what next is he going to show her?

That he tamed the Tiger Whale that swallowed him?

No, that would be too much even though the ridiculous thought seems highly plausible right now.

Her curiosity had reached its peak at the moment with her mind being convoluted with a lot of questions that left her too stunned to talk.

Nonetheless, seeing Prince Wyatt's actions, trepidation drilled its way into her heart.

"And what would you be needing it for?" Captain Crimson eye asked, breaking the train of thoughts of the hard-willed Knight as she too wanted to know what he was planning to do.

If he was trying to get answers with the help of a common rat, then she didn't want to be the one to tell him that he had already ailed woefully with such a fruitless endeavour.

A fruitless endeavour that she would gladly want to see even if she was just a step away from death.

However, contrary to her expectations, the rat jumped on her metal-covered lap with a low resounding 'ting'.

"I am going to use it to get the answers out of her" Prince Wyatt replied, prompting a curious glance from Captain Crimson eye as he gazed at the rat.

'What kind of stunt is Prince Wyatt going to pull out next?' Captain Crimson eye wandered.

Prince Wyatt sent his thoughts to Bones who responded back immediately and seemed greatly excited.

Sucking in and releasing a breath of fresh air at what he was about to do, Prince Wyatt said "Go".

The instant the order was given, Bones used the armour below his as a stepping stone, his jaws wide open and his small tiny sharp rows of teeth on full display.

No one knew or expected what was going to happen next or had even anticipated it. The jaws of the rat slowly gnawing on her fleshy stomach were enough to bring her out of her momentary shock.

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