Chapter 99: A Whole New World


They sat at the table, all eating. Silent. Elia wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.

From the minutes she'd arrived at the market—excited, happy, and anticipating finally finding her feet—it had been obvious there was a problem. Candace and Aymora stood at the foot of the stage, talking in low voices, Gahrye stood a few feet away, alone and watching them. And everyone else stared.

Then they'd smelled her and seen the mark on her shoulder.

Aymora was surprised, but happy. "That will make the mating much more successful," she said confidently.

Elia had blushed. "Success hasn't been an issue," she said through her teeth.

But when she'd turned towards Gahrye, his face was wide with horrified shock.

"What?" she asked quickly, looking behind her, but there were just interested Anima looking at them from the nearby tables, and Candace and Aymora watching closely. "What's wrong?"

"You're… he… you're claimed!" Gahrye said in a strangled voice, then looked over his shoulder, and left and right, as if he was afraid.

"What's wrong? What are you looking for?" she asked him quietly.

"Where's Reth?" he hissed back, still scanning over her shoulder and his own.

"He's back at the Cave talking to Behryn last I saw… why?"

Gahrye raked a hand through his hair. "Does he… know you're meeting with me?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"I just imagine he isn't happy about it. At all."

"He was fine with it!" she'd insisted, but a little penny plunked into the pool of her instinct. Had Reth been fine? About the Cohorts? The breakfast? Not entirely. She frowned.

Gahrye gave a knowing look. "Did he talk to you about… about picking a male for your cohorts?"

"No, why?"

Gahrye's lips twisted.

"What is it?" she asked, confused.

"Many won't be comfortable with me being near you in the ways an Advisor needs to be at… at certain times, when you are female and mated. To the King. And now claimed!" he groaned.

And just like that, the response of the crowd last night, Reth's apparent nerves this morning, and now the way they were all standing here looking like a bomb was about to drop made sense.

She'd done the wrong thing. Again. "Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?!" Elia hissed, her hands in fists. "How am I supposed to-to do anything here if you all have these stinking rules and you don't tell them to me!"

"It is like asking a Lion to warn you about his claws," Aymora said quietly from beside her. "He would never think to. They are simply there. It would shock him to find out you weren't aware."

Elia whirled. "You are fucking kidding me, right?"

Aymora blinked and Candace stepped in, whispering. "Perhaps this conversation would be better had in private?"

"No! I will not be—I will not allow you all to be—chased from our breakfast. We will sit here and we will eat, and they will see you—all of you!" she insisted when Gahrye raised a finger and opened his mouth. "You are my advisor, Gahrye. Come sit next to me at the table. And Aymora, you sit on his other side so the others see that too," she growled.

She didn't give them a chance to argue, just stalked up the stairs and to her seat, pulling out the chair and dropping into it, scowling.

She knew she was pouting, being a child, really. But… she wanted to drop her head in her hands and cry. Or stand up and scream.

Why did they keep letting her walk into these blunders?

When was this suspicion and isolation going to stop? Would it? Or would she forever be the weak human Queen, always under Reth's wing?

The idea made her sick to her stomach so that she could barely eat. So as the three of them sat there, picking at their food and barely even looking at each other, she got sicker and sicker, until finally she turned to Candace. "Where would we go, for a private conversation?" she asked.

Candace thought for a moment. "We can go to my home if you like? It isn't large, but it is closer than Aymora's and there are enough chairs, I think."

"Thank you. I would like to see your home," Elia said, trying not to sound ungrateful. She turned to Gahrye and Aymora. "Take whatever food you want, we're going to Candace's house."

Gahrye looked relieved, and Aymora nodded approval.

Then she leaned into Gahrye, who looked alarmed and scanned the market again. "And if anyone says a word to you, you tell me!" she snapped.

He nodded, but his eyes just looked even more hunted. Elia groaned with frustration and got out of her seat.


Candace's house was a tree.? One of the huge trees just a couple minutes from the market. When she stopped along the path next to it, at first Elia had been confused, she'd looked around. Perhaps there was a small path to her home or something? But Candace just walked around the trunk of the massive tree to their right, and on the back side of it, an arched door that reminded Elia of the door into the cave—except this one was made from a bark of much rougher, and a much darker brown than that on the tree. But just like in the cave, it looked as if it had grown there.

"I'm… honored, Elia," Candace said with a small bow, "that you're entering my home."

"Don't be silly," Elia laughed. "I'm just—"

"Do you really wish us to speak up when you offend, Elia?" Aymora piped up quietly from behind her. She turned. "Yes, of course."

"Then know, that when an Anima tells you they are honored, it is disrespectful to deny—it denies both your own value, and that which they believe you bring to them. Do you wish to do this to your friend?"

"No!" Elia whirled, "Candace, I'm sorry. I just meant… I don't think I'm better than you, or needing… me coming to your home is an honor to me!"

Candace's face lit up. "Thank you!" she breathed.

Elia froze with her mouth open and for a moment, all her frustration and aggravation about not understanding the people she was now living within, rushed in until she wanted to scream. But she swallowed it back, closed her mouth, and nodded her acceptance of the compliment, then gave a glance at Aymora who nodded and winked like she knew what Elia had done.

Elia took a deep breath and followed Candace into the home. As soon as she stepped inside, her frustration was forgotten.

It was incredible.


WANT MORE? The next book in the BEAST Series is available NOW! (And it's set 20 years in the future, so (mostly) won't have spoilers for this book! Currently 100% FREE (June 2021): Check out my author profile, or search "Taming the Queen of Beasts" and add it to your library TODAY (Check out the beginning of the first chapter in the author note below!)

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