Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 71 71: Number Eighty-Six


  Thud thud!*


  "Miss Eileen, I think we might try a more gentle method of repair."This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content


Sea Sand Bar, sealed off by the Knights, was stealthily infiltrated by two figures: Eileen and Tamic. When the girl saw the traces of a second battle inside the bar, she knew her guess was correct.

Unfortunately, judging from the scene,

  with the floor littered with violently dismantled scrap metal, the remains of machinery in various "dead" states looked utterly tragic. The other supreme being, the legendary leader of the Mechanoid Alliance, "Zero" seemed to have failed. And it was unclear whether it was due to fighting on unfamiliar ground or if he was utterly defeated by the nun.

  However, Eileen was still lucky to find one, comparatively "intact" mechanical battle maid.

  With Tamic's help, they transported the body of this maid to the back of the bar, to Brian's private workshop.

  The initial scene was Eileen, wearing a welding mask, wielding a hammer in her left hand and a drill in her right, bombarding the broken maid's body on the workbench with sparks.

  Before Eileen lost her father, her family was relatively well-off in the Blackhole Plains, and she received a lot of high-quality education, especially in invention and creativity, as evidenced by the multitude of awards on the wall.

  Buzz buzz buzz*


  Accompanied by a loud noise, Tamic was startled, almost thinking it was going to explode. However, Eileen, who was working at the bench, put down her tools. Despite her sweaty nose, the young girl still had a look of excitement and satisfaction on her face, as if she was still yearning for more.

  [Beep beep beep power connected successfully]

  [Restarting... Restart failed due to severe data loss... Executing self-repair program... Please do not disconnect the power]

  [Repair complete. Body data recovered: 34%. Capturing unknown data: 19%. Data reshaping rate exceeds 50%... Boot-up permitted]

  The damaged body on the workbench emitted a series of electronic sounds, and after a brief pause, the maid sat up abruptly from the table.

  Clearly, the maid's attempt at comfort had the opposite effect.

 Eileen became even more anxious, to the point of feeling a bit eerie. Upon learning of Renji's impending fate, she was almost shocked enough to bounce off the ground. Even Tamic, standing beside her, displayed a greatly shocked expression.

The reaction of the two humans opposite triggered the self-calibration program of No. 86. Evidently, due to missing data, her judgment was flawed.

[New data received, master status updated to extreme danger!]

[Emergency protocol activated, 'Supreme Level' membership specifications adopted, preparing to send a distress signal to the 'Main Brain Network']

Words that Eileen couldn't understand began to spill from No. 86's mouth, but they sounded very powerful just by listening to them, which finally brought some relief to the girl, who began to anxiously await.


[Error. Error in connecting to the 'Main Brain Network'. Failure due to [key] data missing]

In just a few seconds, the mechanical maid began to report errors frantically, even giving off a sense that she might completely burn out.

Fortunately, Eileen reacted promptly, forcefully patting the maid's back, just like she would with an old TV with a scrambled screen.

[Is this mutual assistance between servants? No. 86's fondness for you has increased by 5.7%,]

The maid, recovering from the "garbled error messages," elicited an eye roll from Eileen. The girl just wanted to know, if the reinforcements couldn't come, what should they do now?

The answer from No. 86 was simple.

[Initiate backup plan. Solo module load successful, detecting damage rate of the [Combat Unit]... 39% detected presence of repair materials in the vicinity, executing recovery program]

After saying this, the mechanical maid left the office and returned to the Sea Sand Bar.

The mechanical wreckage, which seemed beyond hope in Eileen's eyes, became the raw materials for No. 86's self-repair.

She moved among these "fellow" remains, each time extracting with incredible precision the parts that could be recycled and reused, continuously inserting them into her own body.

And Eileen, as an Eclipse, could feel that during the whole process a murky energy of Miasma subtly emanated from No. 86. Obviously, these recoveries were not just mechanical assembly but also involved the power of the curse?

'Can even a robot become an Eclipse?'

Eileen was secretly astonished.

It might have taken less than ten minutes in total.

When No. 86 reappeared before Eileen and the others, she had completely transformed. The various battle wear and tear on her body that Eileen couldn't repair before were now completely renewed, with not a single scar visible on her smooth bionic skin.

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