Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 63 63: You're Not Allowed

"Mr. Renji, I must commend your courage and strength to be able to cross through hordes of Tainted Corpses to come here."

"I know that you, in your current state, have probably exhausted both your body and mind, nearing the point of collapse! My goodness, you even lost a companion!"

The priest, upon noticing the absence of Eileen, put on a show of grief, his face expressing immense sympathy, his voice deepening with sorrow.

Because it was evident that the young man's companion had undoubtedly died on the way here, fallen victim to the clutches of the Tainted Corpses, becoming a corpse in the gutter.This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

As a priest of the church, Gralon excelled at offering prayers for people.

He enjoyed the feeling of being superior, and he relished the process of "comforting" devout people.

"Please allow me to offer you my sincerest apologies and respect for your unwavering determination to carry on your companion's will, even after losing her."

"I know you must have many questions now, like who I am, why I am here, and how I know your name."

lightsnοvεl As he spoke, the priest's smile became more pronounced, his expression starting to twist into madness.

Because Gralon couldn't wait to reveal the truth to Renji, to see the despair and terror on the young man's face, the frustration that came after betrayal, that was what excited him the most.

"Don't worry, as a reward for reaching here, I will tell you everything, such as my name, Gralon Andu, the leader of the Blackhole Church, soon to become a figure remembered not just in the Holy Kingdom, but the entire world! And this is all thanks to you, Mr. Renji, and..."

The priest deliberately paused, dragging out the climax of his revelation, "Thanks to the Light Bringer beside you, who led you here!"

"Hahahaha, yes, the seemingly delicate and frail nun beside you, your constant companion in battle, is actually our church's strongest warrior, a battle nun who directly obeys the 'Goddess Suthia', the esteemed and noble Light Bringer!"

After his laughter, Gralon eagerly looked at Renji, expecting the shock and horror, the desperation and rage that would come from betrayal.

Renji: "Thank you, hoodwinking man."

"Hoodwinking man?"

The priest was dumbfounded, and at this point, he finally realized that something was amiss.

On the other side, Renji turned the tables and began to explain to Gralon:

"Yes, I'm really grateful to Priest Gralon for telling me all this. Otherwise, I would have been in the dark forever"

"Also, Mr. Gralon, I actually think you might be better suited for a different profession than a priest."


"Hmm, I think the role of a clown would suit you far better than a priest. No, it's as if it was tailor-made for you."

Renji offered this sincere suggestion.

Unfortunately, Gralon, the priest on the other side, became agitated. He might not have understood the meaning of 'hoodwinking man,' but he certainly grasped the implication of being called a clown.

"You!! Oh... I see, you must not believe and are using this way to escape, right? Then let me shatter your last illusion!"

"Lady Light Bringer, Lady Maria, there's no need to pretend anymore, nor to sully your noble self by associating with these lowly fools. You—"

"Can take action now!"

The noisy underground altar finally fell into silence.

"Lord Ashen, then what about Miss Eileen? I couldn't sense any trace of faith in her. But I remember, Lord Ashen, you once told me that you were my most loyal and devout follower. You said you would never befriend someone who didn't believe in me."

"So... was all of this"

"A lie to me?"

Renji, after hearing Suthia's words, glanced at the still-warm remains of Gralon, now reduced to pieces, and quickly replied:

"Yes, it's true that Eileen no longer believes in the Goddess, and she even dislikes her now. But that doesn't mean she was always like this. On the contrary, her mother, Nolan, was a church nun, and Eileen grew up under her mother's influence and teachings. She used to believe in the Goddess until a tragic accident."

"In that accident, Eileen lost her father, and her mother Nolan, who was a nun, didn't receive any protection from the church. Instead, the church turned its back on them, stripping them of everything. It was after this incident that Eileen stopped believing in the Goddess."

"I've been with Eileen all this time, and I've helped her for many reasons. One of them is to prove to her that the corruption in the Blackhole is separate from the Goddess herself. I believe that Thia is simply too tired and hasn't noticed what's happening here. So, it's my duty and responsibility as Thia's most loyal fan to help her regain her believer , to let that little girl know that the Goddess won't abandon them, and to let all the suffering people of Blackhole know..."

"That the holy light from Suthia might be late, but it will never disappear!"

"After all…"

"She is the one who even made the renowned, unparalleled Emperor of Ashen fall helplessly in love with her, captivated by her kindness and gentleness. My first love…"

"Am I right, Thia?"

The nun's response was simple, and actions spoke louder than words. With tear-filled eyes, Suthia pounced into the young man's arms, continuously burying her head against him, as if trying to merge her entire being with him.

"It's been a long time Thia, and I'm sorry, I'm late." Renji gently brushed the disheveled hair of the nun in his arms, his hands wrapped around her body, and he murmured softly in her ear.

And it seemed like this was the last straw that broke the camel's back. The sobbing cry echoed in the underground altar, and Suthia clung tightly to Renji's chest, her tears soaking his clothes.

"My Lord... Sniff... Thia, Thia is so tired. Thia... Sniff... Thia is really tired. Why did you... Why did you leave me? Thia has been so scared all alone for these five hundred years. Thia was afraid she'll never see you again. Thia was afraid she didn't do well enough, and you gave up on her."

"So, Thia learned from 'Them' and even established a nation. Thia thought it was your test, Thia didn't want to lose to 'Them.' But Thia really doesn't understand, really doesn't know. Thia messed up. Thia is sorry, so sorry. It's all Thia's fault."

Seeing Suthia in his arms, crying her heart out, Renji finally felt the familiar feeling return. This was the Suthia he knew, the little nun he liked the most.

Renji lifted Suthia's fair chin with his hand, raising the face of the nun who was crying her heart out against his chest, directly facing him. Renji's other hand wiped away the tears on Suthia's face.

"It's alright now, everything is fine. I'm here, aren't I? I promise you, from now on, we will never be apart again. I will never... leave you all again."

This heartfelt statement from Renji made Suthia's whole body stiffen.


"Not leave... 'you all?' YOU ALL?"

"You... all?"

"You! All!?"

The weakness of her tear stains and the sound of her sobs quickly disappeared from Suthia's face.

In their place, red light started flickering from the depths of her eyes, and a sinister red mist, which couldn't be contained any longer, began to seep out from within her.

Suthia left Renji's embrace.

Chains and shackles formed of Miasma materialized in her hands.

Suthia stared at the young man in front of her, the person she loved most in her heart. In her heart, Renji was everything, he was her entire world, and she couldn't endure another journey in a dark and lightless world.


"Lord Ashen,"

"[You all]. Thia can't accept that."

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