Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 378 378 Rent part 1

Chapter 378 Chapter 378 Rent part 1

Splash splash

The sound of water kept going.

But this wasn't the sound of rain, it was from the showerhead.

The bathroom door was left ajar with a small crack. Through the gap, one could see the vague white figure in the steamy mist inside.

So... how did it turn out like this?

The slightly restless young man in the living room couldn't help but sink into his memories.

After Yuki brought him to the bottom of her apartment building, Renji hadn't intended to go up. But at Yuki's insistence, he was still led into her home.

Coming to her place was one thing. But before Renji could say anything, Yuki went straight to the bathroom, saying she was soaked and sticky, and needed a good shower.

However, Yuki seemed to have forgotten that there was still an outsider like him. She very casually started undressing, and didn't even close the bathroom door tightly.

Renji, on the living room sofa, resisted letting his gaze instinctively peek through the bathroom crack.

To divert his attention, Renji began to focus his eyes on the walls of Yuki's home.

There were many paintings here. Some were of fantastical flowers and plants that Renji had never seen before, the kind that would only appear in fantasy movies. Others depicted a noble and elegant alien race with pointed ears and beautiful butterfly-like wings on their backs. If I remember correctly, they were called... elves?

For some reason, Renji became a bit entranced as he looked, even starting to superimpose the faces of the elves that didn't exist in reality with Yuki's...

"Pretty, aren't they?" A sudden voice from behind startled Renji, bringing him back to reality.

When he turned his head, he found that Yuki had already finished her shower and come out.

The woman now seemed to be appreciating these paintings in her home together with him.

It's just...

Renji was no longer in the mood for that now.

Because Yuki beside him had come out wrapped in just a towel, barely covering her private parts, exposing large areas of fair, delicate skin that seemed even more translucent after just bathing.

"Um... I..."

The young man really didn't know where to put his eyes. Yuki was exuding a dangerous aura all over. Renji could only lower his gaze to the floor. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted again.

"You should go too, it's still warm in there. If you wait, the heat will escape!"

Renji: "...?"

By the time the young man came back to his senses, he was already holding the change of clothes Yuki had shoved at him and was pushed into the bathroom from before.

Take a good hot shower and get rid of the chill, or else you'll definitely catch a cold and fever the next day!

Renji remembered that's what Yuki said before closing the door on him.

Perhaps it was because his body was indeed too weak, or because Yuki gave him an inexplicable sense of trust.

As Renji groggily took off his cloak and clothes, standing naked in the bathroom showering, the warm hot water from the showerhead gradually warmed his icy body. Renji's head also seemed to clear up a bit.

So... I am taking a shower in a strange woman's home just like that?

Renji carefully recalled the process. Everything was so surreal.

He had wondered if Yuki might be a scammer, like the kind that harvests kidneys. But the problem was, there shouldn't be any scammers who would bring people to their own homes, right? It's usually hotels.

Moreover, judging from Yuki's appearance, attire, and now this apartment of several hundred square meters, Yuki didn't seem to be short on money.

Then... why is she so nice to me?

Renji thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

It... it couldn't be that she was lusting after my body, right?

Although Yuki said to wash for a while to warm up his body, preferably soaking in a bath, Renji couldn't possibly really do that. After a simple wash, he quickly turned off the shower.

The previous clothes were already soaked through and definitely couldn't be worn now. Renji could only change into the clothes Yuki had prepared for him.

Surprisingly, these clothes fit exceptionally well, as if they were tailor-made for his size, even down to the underwear.

Renji took this as a coincidence. What he was more concerned about was that Yuki's home had these men's clothes. Could it be that Yuki was already married?

Thinking of this, the young man felt even less able to stay here. Otherwise, what would it be considered if word got out - a married young woman inviting a vagrant into her home?

Although Renji didn't think he was a vagrant, at least from appearances, his getup was indeed pretty close.

Pushing open the bathroom door and walking out, what made Renji breathe a sigh of relief was that Yuki was no longer in that sexy attire of just a bath towel. The woman had changed into a set of casual homeware and was sitting in the living room eating sunflower seeds.

After Renji came out, he planned to quickly pack up his things, thank Yuki, and then leave.

As for the set of clothes he was wearing now, he would wash them properly and return them later.

At this, Yuki was stunned at first. The young man's attitude had changed so much, suddenly increasing a lot of distance from her, catching Yuki a bit off guard.

But when the young man later said "What if your husband comes back and misunderstands", Yuki suddenly realized and seemed to understand something, then showed a very meaningful smile.

"I don't have a husband," Yuki said first, but then felt it wasn't quite right. She paused and added, "At least for now."

"Then these clothes are?"

Renji didn't know why he was asking further like this either.

"You could say they're my younger brother's."

"Younger brother?"

"Mm, I originally had a very cute brother. But later on, he ran away from home. Fortunately, before he left, he still left some clues. I followed the clues and came to this strange place all by myself. Later, I heard from my family that he had already returned, found by my younger sister, so I was relieved."

"Originally, I was also planning to go back. But then I thought, it wouldn't be bad to put down roots here either. In case my younger brother runs back here again, I can also catch him and bring him back myself without troubling others! And if later on my brother wants to settle down and establish himself here, I can also help him out a bit."

After hearing the woman's explanation, if Renji had to say his most direct feeling, it would be... He fiercely envied Yuki's younger brother.

Running away from home without a word, yet still having so many people care about him. Even his older sister directly chased after him to a strange city. Later, she even considered her younger brother's career, wanting to lay the groundwork for him here first.

Just what great deeds did this younger brother do in his past life to be able to have such a sister in this life?

"Your younger brother must have saved the world in his previous life, right?" Renji couldn't help but sigh with such emotion.

At this, Yuki let out a chuckle, as if amused by Renji. She blinked her bright, shining eyes and nodded with a very certain tone:

"Of course! He is a great savior!"

Renji didn't pay too much attention, taking this as a symbol of Yuki and her younger brother having a very good relationship.

The woman also didn't delve too deeply. Instead, she took over the topic and asked in turn:

"Alright, this sister has shared her own story with you. Shouldn't you also tell sister about yourself?"

Renji hesitated for a moment at this, then quickly shook his head with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, Miss Yuki. I... I seem to have a bit of amnesia. I feel like I can't remember many things."

"Before, I still remembered that my home was right here. But later, I found out I misremembered. Now, the only thing I can probably confirm is just my name..."

The young man lowered his head as he spoke, clenching his fists a little.

"I see... It seems Lena's previous research was correct. The stronger a person's abilities, the greater the backlash force after they ascend dimensions..."

Yuki muttered in a voice only she could hear.

Very soon after, she suddenly got up from the sofa and sat next to the downcast young man. Then, catching Renji off guard, Yuki leaned in and said:

"If that's the case, then come live together with me!"


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