Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 372 372: A Strike

Chapter 372 Chapter 372: A Strike

Renji hadn't forgotten that in the Sealed City of the Dragon Nation, merely as a peripheral member of the Old Alliance, the jackal Roca had once summoned the "Spirits of the Old Days" through a blood sacrifice.

Although Renji was unclear about the operational principles behind it, if Roca could do it, not to mention now, Lilith, as the Mother of Miasma and the leader of the Old Alliance.

After his "salvation" of the world, peace did indeed arrive, but the rapid decrease of Miasma also led to a significant decline in the world's native combat strength.

With the world's current state, it's indeed difficult to resist the invasion of the "Source," even with him and Nova among others, there would still be widespread suffering.

These "Sources," although in some sense the creators of the world, had no semblance of emotion towards the native beings of the world they invade, as seen from the images in Lena's diary, treating them like ants and wantonly despoiling them.

Finding Lena was indeed the priority, but the Succubus had given so much for his sake, hoping that he could protect this world.

'I don't want my wife to return to a world riddled with scars'

So, the fastest way to enhance the native combat power now is only…

"Lilith, I need you to summon as much as possible of my former subordinates, or as you call them, 'Spirits of the Old Days.'"

After hearing Renji's request, Lilith paused for a moment, then showed hesitation.

Renji thought it was due to uncontrollable factors such as excessive consumption.

But unexpectedly…

"What do you mean, 'your subordinates.'"

"They are clearly all my children," Lilith muttered in a dissatisfied tone, concerned about that point.

But indeed.

As the Mother of Miasma, and after being endowed with "humanity," in Lilith's eyes, anyone tainted with Miasma was her "child."

"So how many Spirits of the Old Days can you summon?"

Without speaking, Lilith showed Renji through her actions. The form of the elf woman began to change, transforming into a dark-skinned elf, and from behind Lilith, tentacles began to spread.

In the span of a few breaths, Lilith went from a dignified and elegant Elf Empress to a black elf with nearly dozens of tentacles on her back, emitting a mutated and eerie aura.

On each tentacle, as Lilith activated her ability, the figures of four or five Spirits of the Old Days could be seen flickering within, totaling up to two to three hundred Spirits of the Old Days across the tentacles.

"So many?"

This number even surprised Renji.

Because in the game, even at the peak of the Ashen Empire, the number of his contracts was only about fifty.

But now, Lilith was actually able to command over two hundred Spirits of the Old Days.

"Heh~, Ashen, I'm not like you, every one of my children is important to me."

"I won't abandon them."

Lilith stroked the beloved tentacles on her back, and her words made Renji understand that these two hundred-plus Spirits of the Old Days included those from the start to the end of his game, including those Eclipse who had been eliminated and whose contracts had been terminated by him.

In the game, Renji didn't think much of it, where strength decided employment.

But now that everything had become reality, Renji indeed felt apologetic towards those eclipses who had been ruthlessly abandoned by his former self or had become "nutrients."


Lilith had even collected these spirits of the old days.

'Perhaps this is also one of the main intentions behind Miyuki's formation of the Old Alliance and the revival of the "Mother of Miasma."'

Although she was the last to join Ashen's team, Miyuki's popularity in the team was almost the highest, and only someone who steadfastly held the belief of "protecting everyone" could become a "guardian" type character.

The method Renji mentioned now, Lilith had thought of it.

But the problem is, with her current strength, summoning so many Spirits of the Old Days at once, including some Disaster Rank Eclipse just below "them," would be very powerful.

This would require an astronomical amount of Miasma, something even her at her peak might not be able to do, let alone now.


Lilith thought of the special traits of her "body."

She had discovered before that the more she was attacked by Ashen, and the stronger the attack, the more power she could draw from it.

When Ashen, who had "lost his power," fought with her, it saved her several years of cultivating by absorbing and exhaling Miasma.

Now, having regained her strength and become the invincible savior, the Ashen Emperor who could pin her down and slice her like a squid.

If I were to undergo another attack like before, this would be...

Such a delight?????.

Just thinking about it made Lilith shiver with excitement.

Although the dark-skinned elf still feigned reluctance without openly showing it, the tentacles behind her couldn't stop swaying. To those unaware, they might think it was a dog's tail wagging, waiting eagerly for its owner's affection.

After quickly understanding Lilith's intention, Renji had no objections. Moreover, he couldn't help but admire Miyuki's intricate setup.

Miyuki's mechanism of "growing stronger with each hit" has no upper limit on layers, theoretically allowing for infinite stacking, thus enabling Miyuki's attribute values to reach a terrifying level.

However, in the game, this was not possible due to Miyuki's tolerance limit for Miasma. Once a certain threshold is exceeded, it could easily lead to a loss of control and pose a risk of "going berserk."

Once an eclipse goes berserk, it's akin to permanently losing that character, a risk Renji could not afford to take.

And how could Renji bear to harm his wife with highly destructive attacks?

But now.

Combining the "Mother of Miasma" Lilith, which is akin to an "unlimited capacity" super battery, with Miyuki's "charging" mechanism, was simply the perfect match.

Another perfect factor was.

Renji couldn't bear to hit his wife.

But when it comes to others, he could let loose.

Although he only inherited the power of Ashen, and the powerful set of equipment he had farmed in the game was gone.

It didn't matter.

He had better equipment options now.

Renji activated the "Touch of Miasma" ability.

Nova transformed into Crimson Wings, boosting his strength and agility attributes, and taking his base attack values to the next level.

Suthia turned into the Healing Holy Armor on his body, applying debuff capabilities to lower Lilith's defense, reducing it by a percentage.

Lastly, Zero, in the form of a DreamTerminal, provided him with precise attack assistance, increasing his critical hit rate and critical damage.

With the blessing of three "Supreme" equipment pieces, Renji's attributes now were even more terrifying than at the game's end, during his peak period.

Channeling this tremendous power into a single point, Renji felt as if he could punch through a star with this strike that was going to hit the elven woman...


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