Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 371 371: Miyuki’s Strategy

Chapter 371 Chapter 371: Miyuki's Strategy

As the world undergoes dramatic changes, the sky's strange phenomena have left people in a state of panic, causing chaos in Sin City. Naturally, the filming of "Enchanting Body" was forced to a halt, with everyone looking up at the sky in confusion and fear.

Fortunately, Lena had anticipated this situation. her personal secretary Caroline took over the temporary governance of Sin City, deploying a large number of guards to temporarily calm the populace.

Before leaving, the crew of "Enchanting Body" kept sending messages to Renji, inquiring about his situation and whether he needed any assistance, urging Renji to seek refuge quickly.

Renji thanked everyone for their kindness and told Director Merlon that he would definitely continue filming the last episode of "Enchanting Body," which tells the happy life of the Ashen and the Succubus Princess, but there might be a new actress by then.

Although Sin City is located at the center of the world, it is still a considerable distance from the Forest Alliance.

Due to its special nature, there are no electronic devices within the Forest Alliance, naturally no airports or flights, and even private planes can only land a dozen kilometers away from the forest, or they would lose control.

This is also why the Forest Alliance has always had a low presence in the world, with very little population mobility.

However, for Renji now, it's not that troublesome anymore.


A huge magic circle rose under Renji's feet. For a level 150 all-rounder protagonist, a minor spell like long-distance teleportation is effortless for Renji now.

Regarding the Forest Alliance, Renji's most impressionable memories are probably of the Old Alliance and the mother of Miasma who was reborn using Miyuki's body.

All along, the Forest Alliance has been the most mysterious among the five countries on the continent.

In addition to the difficult journey mentioned above, the Forest Alliance's closure to the outside world, with the phantom maze within the forest preventing outsiders from entering, is another major reason.

When Renji arrived at this vast forest, he could see many mythological creatures in the sky above, causing strange phenomena as they tried to break into the world. However, compared to the chaos in other countries, it seemed like... the Forest Alliance was not panicking?

Instead, many races within this forest seemed to have anticipated something like this?

"Here he is! Elder Rudd, the prophesied emperor has truly appeared!"

"Is that, the legendary Emperor Ashen?"

"Could it just be a human who happened to come by?"

"Are you dumb, bear-brain? Would a mere passing human have three 'Supremes' accompanying him?"

Amid the whispered discussions of various forest species, an elf elder approached Renji.

This elder had six pairs of wings. The strength of elfkind is generally gauged by the number of wings on their back. Renji remembered the most powerful Elf King of the past had ten pairs.

It was Miyuki's appearance that broke the elfkind's highest record, becoming the legendary "Twelve-winged" Elf empress, which was said not to exist.

Now this "Six-winged" elder, even in the old era, would be considered a powerful elf.

"Lord Ashen, Lady Miyuki has instructed me to lead you into the Forest Alliance."

It was very normal for Miyuki to expect his arrival.

Because Renji remembered, in Lena's plan, it was Miyuki who hosted the soul in his body, ensuring the shell would not be occupied by the 'Source.'

Now that he had returned as Emperor Ashen, the first to sense it would definitely be Miyuki.


Upon hearing the words of Elder Rudd, Renji slightly frowned.

Because at such a time, Miyuki would not fail to meet him personally.

'Perhaps, Miyuki's current state is not good…'

Renji had always been worried about Miyuki because returning as the "Ashen" meant Miyuki lost her host body, and Miyuki's original body was used to resurrect the mother of Miasma. So, where exactly Miyuki's soul is now, Renji was unclear.

Another thing that got his attention was;

"Elder Rudd, what is the prophecy?"

"Your Majesty, Centuries ago, a prophecy circulated within the Forest Alliance, foretelling that one day the world's skies would be enveloped in chaos, and creature from beyond would invade our world. At that time, the spirits of the old days would reappear, and the child of fate would open the doors to a new era."

"Since ancient times, our elven race has been the guardians of the world. We have always remembered the prophecy, preparing day after day for the coming crisis. The Phantom Forest, capable of isolating all outsiders, is the result of our research."

After saying this, Elder Rudd pointed to the dark green barrier in the sky.

It was then that Renji realized that the Forest Alliance's isolation of outsiders was not due to arrogance or haughtiness but merely for experimentation. The purpose of the experiment was for this day, to apply this isolation technique to the world, preventing the invasion of the "creature from beyond."

'This prophecy must have been disseminated by Miyuki'

Elder Rudd's subsequent words further confirmed Renji's guess and connected many previously unrelated clues.

"All this time, Lady Miyuki has also been preparing for this prophecy, secretly forming a new alliance."

"The organization is too mysterious, even I am not very clear about it, but its name should be..."

"The Old Alliance."

Following Elder Rudd's lead, Renji and his group delved deeper into the Forest Alliance, and upon arriving at the grand hall beside the World Tree, Renji met Miyuki.

No, to be precise, it should be Miyuki's body, with the soul of the mother of Miasma, Lilith.

Now Lilith, maintaining the dignified posture of the "Elf Empress" in front of the elf elders, revealed her true form after waving the elders away.

"Damn it, that... that person's prophecy turned out to be true!"

Lilith bit her finger, appearing frantic, angry, and somewhat incredulous.

Previously, Lilith would never have revealed her true form in front of Ashen, especially now that she could sense that Ashen had fully regained his power.

But with the prophecy coming true and the creature from beyond actually invading, she, being from the same world, naturally saw Renji as an ally.

'Ashen must think the same, right?'

Lilith stole a glance at Renji, and only after seeing that Renji did not show hostility towards her did she slightly relax.

"Ashen, let's set aside our destined battle for now. Follow me."

After speaking, Lilith led Renji to the front of the World Tree.

Although Lilith, as the mother of Miasma, essentially possesses Miyuki's body, she also has some control over the World Tree.

Like now.

Under Lilith's manipulation, the World Tree activated an ability similar to an astronomical telescope, allowing Renji to see the specific situation outside their world.

"There must be at least fifty giant creature, and the weaker ones, at least hundreds of them, are frantically devouring the barrier. This doesn't even count the big guy in the deepest part; the barrier won't last a few days."

"Ashen, my disgust for those creatures from outside this world is far greater than for you. I have a feeling that if we let them invade our world, everything will be destroyed."

"Damn it! In the old era, I wouldn't fear no matter how many of them came. Damn it!"

Lilith stomped her foot in frustration, casting a resentful glance at Renji.

The "old era" she referred to is the one under the rule of Miasma.

However, in the end, Lilith asked in a lower voice:

"Do you have any plan?"

Lilith never thought she would see the day when she'd place her hopes on Ashen.

And for Renji, who had almost finished observing the enemy camp, understanding Lilith's deep concern, indeed, their world, in terms of combat power, even with the five of them, is simply not enough.


"Let's do as you say."

Renji replied, understanding the meaning of "spirits of the old days" in the prophecy, and grasped the true significance of the Old Alliance from Miyuki's strategy.

But Lilith was still puzzled.

"What? What did I say?"

"Let the old era descend again"

Of course, Renji didn't mean the disaster of Miasma from the old era.

But rather

"The Ashen Empire of the old era."

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