Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 369 369: I Love You...

Chapter 369 Chapter 369: I Love You...

[Day 175 since Lord Ashen disappeared]

[It seems, it has been a long time since I last wrote in my diary.]

[So much has happened in between, I hardly know where to start.]

[After capturing that giant spider's "Source," it only lasted three days under my experiment before breaking down. Although I discovered some of the essence of "Memory Points" by dissecting its corpse, it was far from enough. I need more experimental materials.]

[In the days that followed, I began to frequently visit other lower worlds on the World Tree in search of Sources. By capturing them, I gathered materials to create new "Memory Points."]

[Through this process, I've come to understand more about the relationship between the World Tree, Sources, and the Tainted Miasma. The Tainted Miasma was not specifically created by the World Tree to target the "Sources"; it's just that the World Tree has reached its "Autumn."]

[Withering and falling into the galaxy is the destiny of every "leaf."]

[Just like fallen leaves turn into soil and become nutrients, all destroyed worlds blend in the sea of stars, evolving into new energy—"Sources." When "Spring" arrives, the World Tree uses these "Sources" to sprout new leaves, giving birth to countless new worlds.]

["Sources" were supposed to be a type of energy material, but over the vast expanse of time, they gradually developed their own consciousness and became the behind-the-scenes beings. They did not want to go through the World Tree's cycle of endless destruction and rebirth. They began to look for ways to survive "Autumn."]

[After trying thousands of methods, they finally found a way to counteract the "rules" of the World Tree. They communicated with another dimension, the independent worlds existing in the form of "planets," and created pathways. Using the power of the "Sources," they summoned "extradimensional" beings—countless saviors like Lord Ashen, not restricted by the "rules" of the World Tree.]

[So, the method to summon Lord Ashen was to collect the energy of the "sources," or in a simpler way, to collect the source essence. Depending on the Source Essence, I could create new connections to the "planets." However, as I continued hunting Source creatures, even though I was very covert and careful, it ultimately led to their discovery of me.]

[At first, they were just cautious, but later they began to systematically hunt me down. Ordinary "Sources" didn't scare me; their strength is only based on their native worlds. Once they leave their worlds, even if many "Sources" act together, I could easily handle them, until... their "Master" appeared.]

[I called the strongest among them the "Source Master," akin to the original consciousness of the "Sources." Such an existence, even I felt a shiver, the last time I felt such fear was when facing Lord Ashen. Perhaps only Lord Ashen could contend with it.]

[Because of the "Source Master," I had to stop hunting for Source Essence outdoors and was forced to retreat back to our world. However, due to the lack of "Source Essence," I could only perform a simple ritual, which could not perfectly synchronize Lord Ashen's soul with the world, resulting in extremely poor stability.]

[I initially wanted to lie low for a while, waiting for the "Source Master" to shift its attention. But when I ventured out again, I found our world was... surrounded. The Source Master had not left but instead eyed Lord Ashen's body, leading a large number of "Sources" to block the world's exit. Fortunately, we revived the Mother of Tainted Miasma, which made the "Source Master" hesitate to invade directly.]

[But this was not a solution. Moreover, I later faintly sensed that the Tainted Miasma might not have such a deterrent effect on the "Source Master." The reason it hasn't acted is only because Miyuki is inside Lord Ashen's body.]

[I think the "Source Master" is afraid Miyuki would choose mutual destruction, destroying Lord Ashen's body, so it dared not provoke us. After all, its purpose in surrounding our world was to obtain Lord Ashen's body.]

[I'm sorry, Lord Ashen, Lena has no other choice but to perform a simple summoning with the only Source Essence I have. This will result in you not directly returning to your own body but descending into the world in a new, frail body.]

[To maintain stability and allow you to fully stay in our world, it requires your recognition of the world. This can only be achieved by you, Lord Ashen, writing a new chapter and leaving your mark in the world.]

[Any excessive help from us would only undermine your influence on the world, which is why I've buried the truth and haven't told Thia and the others.]

[I foresee that this will not be an easy path, so I combined the remaining Source Essence residue with a part of my soul, ultimately creating a guide for you. She will become your first contractor, having a part of me by your side makes me feel reassured about the future.]

[As for myself...]

[When you read this diary, I assume you have already successfully reclaimed your power, haven't you? I'm sorry for keeping this from you. Before you fully merge with the world, sustaining your arrival requires a power supply. My strength has been significantly depleted over these five hundred years, maybe to less than Disaster Rank? I was afraid that after meeting you in reality, you would immediately realize this, leading you to reject Lena's plan.]


[Actually, it's nothing much. The final step to make Lord Ashen truly Lord Ashen is to overwrite the Memory Points. I've also taken a brief look at your world. In your terms, it's like overwriting a save file, right?]

[Having Lena stay permanently on "Blue Star" will allow the Lord Ashen of "Blue Star" to be permanently replaced, merging completely with your physical body in our world, achieving the complete you.]

[Only in this way can you regain your power and oppose the surveillance of the "Source Master."]

[The moment you regain your power, the "Source Master" that surrounds our world will surely sense it. Then, it will act without hesitation, but I believe you, Lord Ashen, will definitely succeed in repelling it. And this is the last thing I do for Lord Ashen. By this opportunity, let the world know that you... have returned.]

[Whew! I've written a lot in this diary entry. Speaking of which, even though the name implies a "Succubus' Great Victory," in the end, the succubus who is the female protagonist is no longer present. Please consider this Lena's bit of selfishness. After all, sacrificing oneself for one's lover is always the most memorable and profound victory, right? So, Lena has won, hasn't she?]

[Don't worry about Lena. Lena, on the other side's Blue Star, in your higher-dimensional world, can live well on her own, not lonely. If really lonely, I can also watch the films you shot for Lena, and I can also...]


[Lord Ashen, please apologize to Thia and the others for me. I am grateful for their tolerance of my whims and playfulness. In the end...]

[I love you.]


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