Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 360 360: Great Victory of the Succubus part 1

Chapter 360 Chapter 360: Great Victory of the Succubus part 1

After capturing the being behind the scenes, Lena was very cautious and did not choose to bring it into her world. Instead, she selected one from the many "empty" worlds on the World Tree.

Considering what Miyuki had mentioned earlier, these beings behind the scenes might fear Miasma, so Lena intentionally did not choose those worlds that were completely corroded by Miasma to make the situation worse for her.

However, even so, when Lena brought the being behind the scenes into a world with a relatively low degree of Miasma corruption, the spider-like creature let out a whimper, as if enduring some pain when it was released from the black hole.

It was apparent that in this world, the Mother of Miasma still existed, and the Miasma concentration in the air was at a high level. The being behind the scenes kept shaking its limbs, like a person placed in an environment with extremely low oxygen levels, struggling to breathe and on the verge of suffocation.

Lena eventually released her special ability and enveloped the other party with a barrier, isolating some of the high-density Miasma in the air, giving the creature a slight chance to catch its breath.

The reason Lena chose to capture this being behind the scenes was not only because it had low power but, more importantly, as mentioned earlier, this creature had evolved to have more "intelligence" to adapt to its environment and abandoned its giant body.

This meant that it could communicate.

Soon, the spider-shaped creature transformed its body and took on the appearance of the female player "Ailin" from its original world. It took the initiative to converse with Lena, albeit with a less-than-friendly attitude.

"Insect, quickly leave this filthy world!!"

The being behind the scenes roared. Its first sentence was not about Lena's attack on it but an urging for her to leave this place as soon as possible.

Seeing the creature's anxious appearance, Lena noticed that in just a short while, some brownish-red spots, the Miasma's veins, had started to appear on its skin.

At the same time, the concentration of Miasma in the air also rose, as if the Miasma had "discovered" the being behind the scenes and began to swarm towards it. The sky of the entire world turned a few shades redder.

Following that, distorted voices came from the distance, which Lena had heard before. They were from the deepest part of the Miasma Abyss - the Mother of Miasma.

In just a few moments after appearing, the being behind the scenes had already attracted the attention of the Mother of Miasma in this world.

Lena even had a premonition that if she didn't use her shield to protect the being behind the scenes and just left it here, the Mother of Miasma would crawl out of the abyss in just a few minutes to devour it.

To verify this conclusion, Lena slightly opened a gap in her shield, allowing a few traces of the being behind the scenes' aura to escape.

As expected, the Miasma in the air became agitated once again.

The muttering and shouting from the Mother of Miasma became clearer, like a shark that had smelled blood.

After the experiment, Lena quickly closed the shield again, and the surrounding abnormalities slightly eased.

After all, she still needed to keep the being behind the scenes alive for interrogation.

The being behind the scenes within the shield was also frightened by Lena's previous action. It seemed to have finally realized its situation, and although its address to Lena remained unchanged, its tone was no longer arrogantly crazy but became much more humble.

"Insect, what do you want?"

"Tell me about the World Tree, Miasma, the Savior, and your existence. I want to know the truth behind all of this," Lena said concisely.

The being behind the scenes seemed surprised that Lena, as an "Insect," had grasped so much. However, it quickly regained its arrogance and raised its head, saying, "I am the source of the World Tree. It is because of us that 'One Leaf, One World' was born. We cultivated the World Tree. I am your master and the creator of the world!"

"Would a creator become like this in the face of Miasma?" Lena scoffed.

This enraged the being that called itself the "Source." It angrily roared, "The World Tree betrayed us! It used you filthy and despicable Insect to manufacture toxins! It attempted to expel us and break free from us, but how could it possibly think that we would have no recourse? Ridiculous!"

From the information provided by the being behind the scenes, Lena roughly summarized the truth.

These beings, as the "Source," should have had a symbiotic relationship with the World Tree. However, as time went on, the World Tree seemed to have disagreed and conflicted with these symbiotic beings, which led to the creation of "Miasma," a toxin used to exterminate them.

Regarding the "Source's" final mention of a method to counteract the "toxin":

"We brought in beings from another dimension to serve as our projections, which you Insect refer to as the Savior. Since they are not in the same dimension, they can leave 'behind memory coordinates' and search for ways to clear the toxin an infinite number of times until they succeed."

"Memory... coordinates? Infinite times?"

"To put it in your terms, they can retrace time, returning to a specific memory node in the past. So, the Savior you believe in is nothing more than someone with more chances to start over and some authority bestowed upon them by us. That's all."

The being behind the scenes deliberately repeated the last part, showing no respect for the "Savior." In its view, most of the high-dimensional beings serving as the Savior were not even as good as the Insect.

The only value these "high-dimensional beings" had to be exploited was their ability to retrace time.

"I more or less understand what you're trying to do, but give up. From the moment the source of the toxin was cleared, their 'memory points' in the world disappeared. Moreover, judging by your power, the level of toxin in your world is likely to be many times higher than in other worlds. Such a world can contain fewer memory points, perhaps only one. You won't be able to find him again."

The being behind the scenes intended to make Lena give up.

Even from its slightly softer tone, there was a hint of wanting to get along with Lena.

Because it was not stupid, it realized that Lena's world might still be "masterless," unoccupied by its peers, and in the stage where the Savior had just left.

Being able to nurture a native being as powerful as Lena showed the strength of her world. If it could get Lena to take it to that higher-level world and occupy the "Savior's" body there, the being behind the scenes became more and more excited at the thought.

It wanted to continue belittling the Savior while also enticing Lena, promising her various benefits. However, unexpectedly, Lena asked another question:

"What if there's only one memory point, and what if the memory coordinates were placed in a deadly situation along the way? What then?"

Lena's strange question made the being behind the scenes slightly frown.

It didn't quite understand why the succubus was asking this, but in order to entice Lena, it quickly answered: "There's nothing that can be done. In such a situation, he can only give up on this world and move on to the next one."

"So, the choice of memory points should be very careful, because a slight carelessness will make all his previous efforts completely wasted, right?" Lena asked.

The being behind the scenes fell silent.

Because it noticed that when it mentioned the "memory points" ability earlier, the succubus in front of it seemed to have some doubts about the "Savior."

However, for some reason, as the subsequent questions continued, the succubus's expression became more and more relaxed, and even the corners of her mouth curved upward.

Indeed, why was that so?

These words, Lena might never say them out loud in her lifetime.

But in her diary, the succubus wrote in great detail.


After learning about the "memory points" and "time retracing" abilities, Lord Ashen's image in her heart was no longer as cunning and wise. Those miraculous strategies and decisions that seemed to predict the future all had an explanation.

Her worship of Lord Ashen was slightly reduced.


Her love for Ashen increased by a billionth.

The reason was simple.

Lena recalled her experiences with Ashen. For him to perfectly fit her image of a heroic Savior, he must have used the "memory point" ability in her trials, right?

However, what truly touched Lena's heart was not the previous trials that Lord Ashen had "passed."

Rather, it was Lord Ashen's choice in his "final trial," which was not the "correct option."

If Lord Ashen had also used the "memory point" ability in the final trial...

As the being behind the scenes had mentioned earlier, when there was only one "memory point," the risk of doing so was extremely high.

A slight carelessness would be equivalent to abandoning all previous efforts, turning all previous hard work into nothing.

But at that time, Lord Ashen still chose the most adventurous decision.

It was as if he was betting on the entire world.

Since there was someone willing to block everyone for her, why shouldn't she love him?

Even if he was not that great, just an ordinary person.


As a succubus, she preferred her lover to be a good-for-

nothing, so she could take the lead.

The key to summoning Lord Ashen was to create a new memory point.

Lena now had a clue.

After the succubus obtained the information she wanted, she fulfilled the wish of the being behind the scenes and brought it to her own world.

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