Chapter 352 Chapter 352: Test

The diary ends here.

To be precise, the story of the diary entry for the day of "Lord Ashen's departure" has come to an end.

Without giving Renji the chance to flip through any further, the diary on the table gradually fades away until it disappears.

Clearly, in order to see more of the subsequent diary entries, one must proceed to the next "secret room."

Even with just one diary entry, the amount of information it contains caused Renji, who has now returned to the real room, to sit at the table for a long time without moving, digesting the contents of the diary and the many truths about the game and his arrival in the "second playthrough."

Throughout the diary, Lena views things from the perspective of a "native," while Renji, as a player, was able to discover and analyze many more details.

In the Succubus diary, Lena sees many similar worlds through the World Tree, and Renji conservatively estimates that there are probably tens of thousands of them.

Since the release of the game "Fallen Chronicles" the total number of players worldwide has only reached a few tens of thousands, according to Renji's memory.

This means that each "world" is not created simultaneously with the "characters" of the players.

Rather, there are first the "seeds" of the world, and then the players who come later.

As they begin the game, players are allocated to these worlds that have been "prepared" for them.

Renji can't help but admire the beings behind the scenes who came up with this method.

Because, in truth, when it comes to being a "worker," there may be no one more hardworking and tireless in their productivity than the humans in his world.

Among the tens of thousands of players, even if 90% of them are discouraged by the extremely high difficulty and various disgusting mechanics of "Fallen Chronicles" and quit, as long as there are still 10% persisting in playing, and only half of them can clear the game, this probability is still much higher than that of the "natives."

Moreover, if one were to cultivate the "natives," there may be a risk of backlash and betrayal in the future. After all, the ultimate goal of the beings behind the scenes, as seen from the Fire Giant, is to occupy the powerful body of the "Savior" and make its power their own.

However, if they become "players," the beings behind the scenes no longer need to worry, because for most players, the end of the game means saying goodbye to this world for good.

Take Renji himself as an example. Apart from "Fallen Chronicles" he has played over a hundred other single-player games, achieving perfect completion with full achievements and collections in each one.

However, after that, he rarely logged back into those games, and instead viewed them as a kind of memory and sentiment.

If Fallen Chronicles did not have a second playthrough, Renji estimates that he would probably still go online frequently during the first playthrough to check on the characters he had leveled up and the wives' illustrations. In the first month, he might occasionally visit the game forum to write guides and share his experiences with new players. However, six months later, a year later, the "Ashen" avatar in the world of "Fallen Chronicles" would likely be permanently darkened.

The "abandonment" of players allows the beings behind the scenes to take over the bodies and this world that the players have worked so hard to build and save, without any obstacles.

The world that Lena saw with "Lord Dawn" is definitely not an isolated case.

It is possible that there have already been many beings behind the scenes who have "incubated" in this way, as Miyuki described it.

However, perhaps even the beings behind the scenes did not expect that someone would be able to "perfectly" clear the highest difficulty level of "Fallen Chronicles" and cultivate five "Calamity" level Eclipse characters in one go.

According to Renji's knowledge, the vast majority of players who have cleared the game have chosen the "easy" or "normal" mode, and their contractors can only reach the "Disaster" level at most.

Perhaps some Eclipses in these players' worlds have noticed something, but with their strength, they can do nothing and can only watch everything unfold before their eyes.


"Thank you… Lena, Miyuki."

Renji murmurs to himself in the room, expressing his heartfelt emotions. As the truth is revealed, he also understands many of the actions of the Succubus and Elven woman.

For example, very early on, Suthia and Nova had both told him that Miyuki had voluntarily appeared and entered "hibernation" to resist the corruption of the Miasma.

Looking at it now, it seems as though Miyuki intentionally wanted the Miasma to remove the contract that was once "Ashen," so that the real him could give the contract personally in the second playthrough, as the Succubus said.

Thinking about it this way, Lena seems like a pure and innocent tsundere lover.

Shaking his head, Renji walked out of the room.

Although the fact that he could appear in the world of Fallen Chronicles means that Lena and Miyuki's plan must have been successful, he still wonders how they implemented it afterward, what the game system he brought with him means, what is the current situation of the beings behind the scenes who are spying on their world, and why Lena and Miyuki still haven't come to see him.

To find the answers to these questions, Renji can only look for them in the subsequent diaries.

To get more diaries, according to Lena's request, he needs to continue filming episodes of "Enchanting Body."


Looking at it now, it seems more like the Succubus requested it, and through the form of "filming a movie," they are trying to find the experiences that belong to them.

The experience of meeting and forming contracts with the five women, especially Lena's experience, is indeed different from the others and is the best reflection of her as his "will."

This is why, even after learning the truth, Lena still firmly believes in him.

This experience is the "test" that the Succubus mentioned in the diary.

For Renji in the game at that time, it was many times of "choice."



[The rising star of the Ashen base, which made bold moves, is now embroiled in a huge conspiracy.]

[In order to protect themselves and avoid being annexed by the Ashen base, five powerful human bases decided to join forces with the Succubus clan and, through marriage contracts, try to send their agents to the side of the Ashen leader to destroy the Ashen base from within.]

[On the other hand, the little Succubus princess, who rebelled against her mother and saw the Ashen base as the hope of the world, decided to leave home and go to the Ashen base to save the situation.]

On the second day of filming, Director Merlon, who had been in a coma for half a day after taking Suthia's medicine yesterday, was now full of energy and looked ten years younger. He was constantly directing on the scene.

His attitude towards Suthia was extremely good, especially praising her medical skills, almost worshipping her as a goddess.

Regarding Suthia's upcoming role as a "nun," naturally, there was no question that it belonged to Suthia and no one else could replace her.

Now, the actors, including Renji, were holding a summary of yesterday's [Prologue] to better get into character and not forget the previous plot.

By the way, Keyji, as expected, did not show up today.

After reading the "Background," the screenwriter came over to give the actors an overview. Today's performance was the first act, called [Test].

"The Succubus Princess in the story has a good impression of the Ashen base's Leader, but this impression comes only from what she has heard.

"Seeing is believing, and now that the Succubus Princess has come to the Ashen Base, before helping Ashen, she decides to test this human first to see if he truly possesses the qualities of a savior, as rumored.

"The Succubus Princess quickly came up with the first test. Using her special ability, she disguised herself as a beggar."

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