Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 62 - Chapter 62: 061 Death Lord 1

Chapter 62: 061 Death Lord 1

Translator: 549690339

“I even took in a few talented Svirfneblin and Dore elves as my disciples, diligently imparting them with relevant magical knowledge, just so they could help me with my subsequent magical research…”

At this point, Moray became somewhat annoyed and said, “But those damned, lowly, despicable, greedy bastards dared to steal my research results. In my absence, they collaborated with outsiders to plunder my magic research laboratory. Hahaha! Look at what I’ve taught them—robbers and thieves!”

“They even thought they could deceive me, just walk away after being successful, and become honored guests of various city-states with my magical knowledge! What a ridiculous stroke of luck…”

At this moment, Moray sneered, “I killed them all, and my undead army assimilated and protected their city-states, turning them into spawning pools for newly arisen undead!”

Otto interrupted, “That sounds like a good revenge story, but do I need to remind you that I’m not interested in these trivial matters?”

“Don’t be impatient!”

Regarding Otto’s impatience, Moray indifferently said, “After all, I’m an old man who has lived for thousands of years; it’s quite normal for me to be a bit long-winded. You are the only living creature I’ve been able to converse with in the last few centuries…

Indeed, as Moray said before, the path of the Witch Demon is a lonely one.

Otto understood this, but that didn’t mean he was willing to be a devoted listener to Moray’s life review.

What he cared about was why Moray wanted to take action against the two giant dragons, and what he meant by self-preservation.

“We’re getting to that part now, so the younger generation is always impatient!”

Perhaps realizing Otto’s impatience, Moray hurriedly said, “After that incident, I’ve been thinking—if my magic apprentices are both greedy and foolish and can’t be trusted, why not let myself help myself with my magical research?”

“Ah, this isn’t a grammatical error, but the literal meaning, and I soon turned it into reality. I let many versions of myself help me to complete many difficult studies.”

Otto’s head was about to explode as he hurriedly asked, “I hope you can simplify the explanation of how this happened!”

“Ha, how foolish. That’s why I can only count on myself…”

Seeing that Otto was about to get agitated again, Moray quickly explained, “I developed a new spell that allows me to split my soul into several parts without harming myself!”

The long-winded Moray finally mentioned something that interested Otto.

Otto gestured with his eyes for Moray to continue, and the latter went on simply, “In short, I used magic to split my soul proportionally and embedded it into different bodies.

“This wav, I can have multiple avatars with equal memory and knowledge! I have named this spell Moray Soul Splitting Skill, First Edition!”

To this, Otto raised a question, “If it is just for the sake of manpower, I don’t think it is necessary to do so. I believe you could control multiple delicate magic puppets to do the work.”

“Yes, you’re right!”

Moray agreed but quickly explained, “But what I need is not just manpower, but excellent researchers who can propose different approaches to the research. The multiple selves generated by splitting my soul can provide various perspectives, greatly promoting the progress of magical research!”

At this point, Moray’s voice sounded very proud. This extraordinary spell was indeed an amazing invention, and he had the capital to be proud of it.

“With this spell, I can create multiple versions of myself with different thoughts at any time. When the research is over, I can merge the split souls back together, synchronizing all new memories and experiences. This not only saves time for meetings and summaries, but is also more comprehensive and efficient, without missing any details!”

Suddenly, it seemed Otto understood something and said, “According to your description, each soul is an independent individual, and after the event, they need to be merged back together to synchronize the memories. This seems to carry certain risks!”

“You’re right…”

Moray sighed, “With this method, the split souls can be considered as myself or another person because each one has an independent thought. Sometimes, individuals who don’t want to merge back together and have different intentions do exist.”

“I made a fail-safe connection to address this issue. As long as one soul wants to recombine, all other souls are unable to resist. That’s the new Soul Splitting Skill, Second Edition, developed later! So overall, there aren’t many problems until…”


Otto became interested, it seemed that in the end, there was some chaos.

As Otto had guessed, Moray said, “Until an accident occurred during the Magic-Repelling Armor experiment, which is the most perfect creation in my life. In front of it, even the most powerful Ancient Red Dragon is nothing!”

“Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration?”

Otto wasn’t the naive newcomer he used to be. Even without gaining the True Dragon’s inheritance memory, he roughly knew how powerful the Ancient Red Dragon was.

Living for over 1200 years, the Ancient Red Dragon is estimated to be more than 40 meters long. Even a deity’s incarnation wouldn’t dare to claim it could subdue it.

“In theory, it could be done if it were perfected…”

Moray seemed to realize that he had overstated his case, and after a sheepish laugh, he continued, “The research of the Magic-Repelling Armor was mainly to provide me with an easy-to-use new body. Although it’s called

Magic-Repelling Armor, it can not only resist nearly 90% of magical attacks, but also most physical attacks below the Legend tier.”

“The reason is that I’ve incorporated almost all precious materials and collections into it. I even dismantled all the Legendary Equipment in the treasure vault for this purpose. However, research always carries risks. To avoid them, I split one-fifth of my soul for the experiment. Even if there were problems, the remaining soul entities should be able to think of a solution!”

Upon hearing this, Otto could pretty much understand and soon guessed, “Let me guess, this soul entity that you threw into the Magic-Repelling Armor doesn’t want to leave it!”


Moray said helplessly, “The Magic-Repelling Armor’s research was unexpectedly successful, but the spell for soul splitting is also a kind of magic. So, the fail-safe connection of the Soul Splitting Skill Second Edition was cut off completely, and the soul entity that entered the armor happened to be one with different intentions.’

“Yet he wanted far more than just that. At first, he just refused to cooperate with our research and wouldn’t leave the Magic-Repelling Armor. But as time went on, his thoughts became more independent and mature. He felt that he shouldn’t just be a part of Moray; relatively speaking, he was the superior existence.”

“Soon, he gave himself a new name—Death Lord!”

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