Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 59 - Chapter 59: 058 Legendary Witch Demon 1

Chapter 59: 058 Legendary Witch Demon 1

Translator: 549690339

“This fireball is too big…”

The shocked Giant Ghost quickly muttered a spell, raising a circular purple mana barrier in front of himself.

However, due to the direct sunlight, his strength had slightly declined.

Compared to when he had previously fought with Otto, the barrier had become much smaller.

The fireball was finally blocked, but the barrier was now full of cracks and could no longer be used.

The Giant Ghost was secretly surprised by this. Although his own strength had dropped, the power of this Fireball skill was incredibly extraordinary.

From the fragmentation of the mana barrier, even if its power was not as great as Otto’s Flame Breath, it should at least have more than half of its destructive power.

It wasn’t over yet. Another fireball of the same size quickly flew toward him. The strange fireball had an astonishing power, so he couldn’t afford to underestimate it.

Just like before, the Giant Ghost hurriedly erected another mana barrier in front of him.

As time went by, under the sunlight, he grew weaker and weaker, and the mana barrier he created became much smaller.

But it should still be enough to block this fireball. He had already noticed that the half-elf was the spellcaster.

The magic circle that had eroded the surrounding area earlier had already consumed much of her magical power and physical strength.

At this time, continuously casting such powerful fireball skills should have completely emptied her magical power reserve.

Moreover, he saw that the half-elf was soaked in sweat, obviously exhausted.

He was desperately trying to escape now. As long as he could block this fireball, he could take the opportunity to fly to the Sulfur Mountains.

Considering the distance between there and here, even if the half-elf could continue casting spells, she should be out of her attack range by then.

Watching the approaching gigantic fireball, the Giant Ghost revealed a confident expression.

The brat was too naive. The fireball’s trajectory was exactly the same as before. She still had a lot to learn!

The mana barrier had already been prepared, and soon he would be able to leave this ghostly place with the precious True Dragon Magic Material, staying far away from these two freaks who didn’t play by the rules.

With just a few decades of development in a new location, he could lead an undead army to counterattack and wash away his disgrace.

By then, turning one of them into a Corpse Demon and one into a Bone Dragon, none of them would be able to escape!

Finally, the fireball was close, just as he had imagined, its trajectory the same as before.

In the next second, the fireball should have exploded on the mana barrier he had set up.

But the unexpected happened.

The stable and massive fireball suddenly shattered into many smaller fireballs just before hitting the mana barrier.

These small fireballs changed their trajectory, scattering in all directions like fireworks from the explosion of the larger fireball. Then they charged back toward the Giant Ghost from their original positions.

He was too confident and had never expected such a thing to happen. Not wanting to waste time, he simply flew straight toward the Sulfur Mountains.

He had a distinctly masculine air, boldly refusing to look back at the explosion. If only things had gone as he had planned…

“Boom… boom… boom…”

Only a few small fireballs collided with the mana barrier, causing continuous explosions, but the barrier still held.

The Giant Ghost’s mood suddenly shifted, as something seemed off with the explosions. Could one fireball make multiple explosions?

And his mana barrier still existed.

Just as the Giant Ghost was considering whether to look back, a series of small fireballs directly hit his back.

“What’s going on?”

Although ghosts don’t feel pain, it doesn’t mean they can ignore the impact of the fireballs.

The continuous fireball explosion on his body, though not powerful enough to tear him apart, did make his body structure unstable for a short period, slowing down his flight speed.

The fireball assault had finally ended, but before he could adjust his posture, Otto quickly approached, flapping his dragon wings.

“Why are you in such a hurry to leave? I haven’t properly entertained you yet!”

Still using the same formula, Otto sneered and pierced his two dragon claws into the body of Giant Ghost, this time with just a slight force, tearing him in half.

The undead army that crawled out of the portal had mostly been cleared by Otto. Although there were still many left, the Ogres could handle them.

This Giant Ghost was obviously the mastermind behind the scene, and he couldn’t let him escape so easily.

Due to the weakening effect of the sunlight, it was obviously slower for the halved Giant Ghost to recombine.

Watching the Giant Ghost trying to piece himself together, Otto narrowed his eyes and suddenly had a bold idea.

He flew to the not yet fully combined Giant Ghost and brought his mouth closer.

“Wait, what are you trying to do?”

The Giant Ghost stared at Otto in horror; he hadn’t forgotten how this strange Silver Dragon Beast had devoured the magic of the portal.

In a sense, the composition of ghosts was not much different from magic power.

He screamed and resisted, but Otto still coldly absorbed the energy that made up his body into his abdomen.

To be honest, it didn’t taste very good, like spoiled rice porridge.

“Enough, enough!”

Watching his body shrinking, the Giant Ghost couldn’t bear it any longer and began to plead with Otto.

If he lost this body, he would, in a sense, truly dissipate in this world.

“Stop it, I surrender!”

But Otto remained unmoved until the desperate Giant Ghost shouted, “All right, you win! I am the Legendary Witch Demon Moray. Let me live, and I can bring you unimaginable knowledge and wealth!”

Otto finally stopped devouring his body. By this time, Moray, who claimed to be a Legendary Witch Demon, had shrunk to the size of an ordinary ghost’s head.

If it weren’t for Otto’s last-minute restraint, he would have moved entirely into the dragon’s stomach.

“Legendary Witch Demon, you?”

After a satisfying belch, Otto sneered and turned the so-called Legendary Witch Demon Moray into a semi-transparent purple ball.

Otto didn’t spare him because of his Legendary Witch Demon identity, but rather because he needed to keep him around to answer many questions.

Moray, who had been turned into a ball, protested, “You can’t treat a great

Legendary Witch Demon like this. You should show me some re-…”

Before he could finish, Otto coldly slapped him from a ball into a thin pancake, then shook him a few times in the air, stretching him into a long strip. “So, Great Legendary Witch Demon, do you understand your position now?”

“You’re right, Powerful Silver Dragon Lord…”

It seemed that the Legendary Witch Demon’s submission was faster than anyone else’s..

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