Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 149 - Chapter 149: 147 Conquering the World_l

Chapter 149: 147 Conquering the World_l

Translator: 549690339

Otto still remembered the price Blackheart George had estimated for himself.

He said that if Otto were in Serbia, he could sell for a thousand gold coins.

But if converted to Imperial coins, it would only be about two hundred thousand Imperial coins, worth only about twenty or so Gold Moons.

After calculating, his original price was surprisingly similar to that of two or three dwarf blacksmiths…

Moreover, Gold Moons were now piled up like a small mountain in the inner hall.

Otto sighed at the changes in the times, and at the same time, Saru and the ogres brought in the abundant food.

Sofia, along with the floating Moray, also came.

“Big dumb dragon, since you woke up, why didn’t you contact me!”

The half-elf girl looked unhappy, while Otto helplessly said, “I didn’t want to bother you in case you had something to deal with…”

After speaking, the silver giant dragon began to eat. Every time after a deep sleep, he would consume a lot of energy.

Sofia glared fiercely at the big dumb dragon and then helplessly said, “Every time you wake up from your sleep, you need a lot of food. If you sleep for a long time, you’ll get seriously… what’s the word you taught me? Malnourished, right?”

Otto gnawed on the roast pig, puzzled by Sofia’s words, but she just smiled, “I think it’s necessary to create a new spell just for you.

For example, when you sleep, it could directly inject food or other nutrients into your body.

That way, even if you sleep for a long time, you won’t suffer from malnutrition.”

Eating, Otto understood Sofia’s intention. Last time he slept for three years, it caused a similar situation.

“I’ll take that as a yes!”

Seeing that Otto didn’t give a clear answer, Sofia decided for him and looked at the kneeling werewolf, “What’s this guy doing here?”

“I’m planning to let him help me buy some stuff in Black Gold City.”

Otto answered casually.


Sofia still had some impression of Link as he had brought her the spice seeds and her favorite half-body mirror together with Gaz.

Now that the Thunder Legion was history, trading with Black Gold City was no longer as dangerous as before.

“I also need some rare magic materials, so I’ll leave that to you too.”

As soon as Sofia finished speaking, Moray added, “I’ll give you a detailed list later. Remember, you can’t miss even one, or I’ll turn you into a Corpse


Link didn’t dare to refuse and nodded in agreement.

Since Moray was so enthusiastic, it must be related to some magic research.

However, the matter of money was a bit troublesome. After all, if they wanted to purchase a large amount of supplies and slaves, it wouldn’t be a small expense.

Carrying so many gold coins on one’s person wasn’t safe, especially since Black Gold City and Dragon Bone Wasteland weren’t stable places.

Fortunately, there were a few Treasure Bags in the Blue Dragon Treasury. Sofia took one out and threw it to Link, then counted a not-so-small amount of Imperial Gold Moons and put them inside.

Link’s hands trembled as he received the Treasure Bag. So many Imperial Gold Moons were enough to buy a small city.

Moreover, technically speaking, the gold was given to him by a giant dragon, which was a rare honor in this world.

Though influenced by some dragon habits, Otto also liked these glittering little cuties, but he hadn’t reached the pathological level of ordinary dragons.

Gold coins were meant to be spent. Hiding them at home meant they had no value at all, they were just pretty to look at.But for many dragons, just looking good is enough…

Before heading to Black Gold City, Otto asked Sofia to bestow a silver dragon scale to Link.

Although it was said to be a gift, it was actually for insurance purposes.

That many Imperial Gold Moons, when converted to Imperial Coins, amounted to tens of millions; who knows if Link could resist such a temptation.

That werewolf held out quite well, gritting his teeth and not making a sound even at the last moment of the Dragonborn Transformation Ritual.

In the end, Link fully transformed into a Dragonborn werewolf.

His appearance changed greatly, but instead of growing the signature silver scales, his pitch-black fur turned silver-gray.

His height only increased slightly, but his physical fitness changed drastically, and his formerly slightly curved spine straightened up quite a bit.

Link was very satisfied with his new body. He first kneeled in front of Otto to express his gratitude, and then left with his thirty wolf cavalry subordinates to prepare to head to Black Gold City.

After the werewolf left, Otto glanced at Moray and asked in a deep voice, “What about my magic puppets?”

“Still missing some rare materials, but I have listed them and handed them to the werewolf. When he comes back, you will have the two magic puppets.” The demonic face on the ruby appeared casual.

But soon, Moray continued, “Regarding those human captives, we got some interesting intelligence.”

“Oh? Let’s hear it…

With an annoying expression, Moray said, “Ah, I suddenly seem to have forgotten…”

Without needing Otto to take any action, Sofia directly threw Moray into the magic vortex.

The half-elf girl didn’t care about the other party’s pleas and waved her hand, throwing this bastard along with the magic vortex out of Blackstone Castle.

Then the half-elf girl took Moray’s place and said, “I used the method provided by Moray to read their souls and memories, learning that they were dispatched by a noble called Pink Lady.”

Their mission was to investigate the recent situation in Nolan Forest, to prevent any accidents from affecting the new king’s plan.

In addition to these people, many others have been sent to other places around


“The new king’s plan?”

Sofia spread her hands out, saying somewhat helplessly, “Seems like something about conquering the world…”

Alright, simple and crude…

Did he remember wrong, wasn’t Lait a remote little country?

The so-called new king had just succeeded in usurping the throne, and the first small goal he set for himself was world conquest?

Also, this noble called Pink Lady seemed familiar…

That’s right, wasn’t she the owner of the Serbia Colosseum mentioned by Krom before?

This little noble had come a long way, now almost becoming a close confidant of the new king.

However, no matter how exaggerated the new king of Lait’s goal, at least he was already taking action.

The other side’s spies had already infiltrated the Land of the Soaring Dragon, and naturally, Otto couldn’t be without any defense.

Soon, Otto gave orders to Saru.

From now on, the Lizardman Scouts and Hawk Girl would focus on guarding the west side of Nolan Forest to prevent any sudden tricks from the new king of Lait.

The devastated Kor Town seemed like a good outpost..

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