
I squealed. The middle-aged smiled coldly. He threw five photos on the table where I saw...


Yes... Skeletons. The only thing in the picture was skeletons. Skeletons!!!!

"Yes... These are skeletons and there are many of them."

He calmly said that ignoring my confusion.

"But why are you showing them to me?"

"Because this is related to the favor."


"This dungeon is called Dungeon of Undead or skeletons. The dungeon is full of skeletons and a necromancer who summons these skeletons."


"This is a B-rank dungeon. We sent our team of ten B-ranked hunters and one A-rank hunter, but all of them were wiped out except for some guys, and we found out this information."

"W-Wait. Really?"

"Yes, this dungeon is dangerous. We found that the skeletons don't die. Even if they are destroyed, the necromancer fixed them. And how much they are destroyed, the much they are fixed.

Even the A-rank's mana and energy finished fighting these enemies."

His face turned grim as he explained that.

He sighed and looked at me.

"So, I want you to clear that dungeon for us."

"O... W-Wait what?!"

I stopped breathing as he said that. My eyes widen in confusion as I look at him with disbelief in my eyes.

"Yes, you can control the monster. So, we put our hope into you.

But if you failed and died, then don't worry, we will make sure your corpse will never get found."

He said with a grin and stood.

"Well, I wanted to say this much."

And left the room before giving me a chance to reply.

I stood still dumbfounded.


"Going into B rank dungeon... seems quite charming... And..."

I don't know what to say, I jump on the bed and sleep.

Next day...

The cars came here to take me with them. We are not leaving the town, since the dungeon seems to be at the end of the town. Two men in black suits took me with them.

'At least send a cute girl.'

I complained as I look around. There are only men here, and they seem quite cool and handsome. But couldn't they have sent some beautiful girl... It would be heaven, except for going with some cool-looking men that are wavering my confidence in my appearance.

My heart is throbbing heavily, I haven't even dived into the D or C rank dungeon and I am jumping directly to the B rank.

Will, I even survive, they just ordered me and left.

But, I requested the phone since I found their card on the table.

"I want to go alone."


Their reply again surprises me, but I guess they know that my ability can't co-exist with other hunters.

So, let me process the information again. This dungeon is full of skeletons. And there are three phases.

There is only one floor and three rings are around the ring.

The outermost ring where only F or E-ranked skeletons come.

The outer ring where D and C ranked skeletons charges.

And the Inner ring where B ranked skeletons and the boss 'Necromancer' rush.

'I am nervous, about meeting someone who has the same ability as me. But I guess, I can't say someone since it is a monster, but is a humanoid monster wearing a robe like a typical necromancer.'

As I was lost in thought, the car stopped and the men in black opened my door and I exited the car. Then they dashed off, leaving me here in front of the portal.

I enter inside with resolve. As I enter there, I smell dead. Since I am a necromancer, I could smell dead if someone is dead, even if they have died a long time ago. This is a natural ability that doesn't count as a skill.


The land shook and hindered of small skeletons rushes at me from a little far away.

I smirked and released all of my summons which includes thousands of wolves and goblins and tens of bosses.please visit

Our battle continue and my force won the battle. But...

[Necromancy detected. Can't summon the dead one since another necromancer is summoning them. Using higher necromancy skills - will take some moment to crack the necromancy]

This notification is displayed. I dropped my bag full of mana potions so I don't have mana deficiency. Since my summons is enhanced, they overpowered the skeletons and my forces are much greater than of enemy, so I easily outnumbered them.

I casually sat at the corner, eating some snacks. My summons didn't die once, so I don't need to even touch my mana potion.

I may be the first person in history, who is eating snacks in the middle of a battle and is relaxing. If people saw this then... they will die from shock and envy.


A notification rang in my head.

[Enemy necromancy has been cracked. Hacking the summons - Hacking successful - Every summon will now be summoned towards the caster]


I closed my eyes and doze off. After five minutes...


I opened my eyes, I seemed to have fallen asleep, but it was also good since I only nod off for five minutes.

My all summons were standing in front of me. Even the skeletons were there. And the space was big enough for three thousand bodies to exist here without any problem.

"Time to go to another ring."

I mumble as I walked to another ring. There I was welcomed with more summons, but only 500 deads were there.

They were bigger and their pressure was more than my summons combined. But, I wasn't scared.


As my whole summons surrounded the 500 summons, I cast a fireball and the next battle began, with me smiling creepily.

The explosion can be heard repeatedly.

I cast fireball multiple times, at least 10. I have drunk 5 mana potions, and the C and D rank monsters are all obliterated and I gained new summons.

Out of 500, I have now 150 C-rank summons ad 350 D-rank summons. I feel satisfied with the outcome. I have more mana potion to spare.

Using lower-level magic to defeat high-level monsters. It was possible because I could cast 2000+ fireballs at a time, which completely drained my mana on the verge of being empty. No normal magician could cast this many fireballs at a time.

And in total, I guess more than 20 thousand fireballs were used to kill all the 500 monsters. So, if I have to make it in ratio then it would be 4 fireballs for one monster, 4:1.

Well anyway, I walked ahead and cross the second ring.

I have now more monsters than when I came here.

As I crossed the ring, I felt many sharp auras coming at me from different angles. Sweats dripped from my neck, as I gulped down. My heart beat a little harder.

I could also feel an aura that I feel familiar with. So, I can feel the necromancer.

[Dected Necromancer - Same Kind - The Necromancer there is lower in level than the caster - Familiar Language Unlocked]

[Familiar Language]

-An skill that makes the caster talk with any being who is a Necromancer.

-This skill only works with the being which has the same class as the caster


Before I could learn more about this new skill, many monsters that are mostly skeletons but huge charged at me.

I immediately ordered my summons to charge at them.

But... the difference in rank showed clearly. The bigger monsters were a little slower so they weren't much problem, but out of 100 B-rank monsters, 70 monsters could be dealt and 30... were a little troublesome. No, a huge troublesome.

My mana drained continuously as I had to drink more mana potions.

The 30 monsters weren't only strong, they were fast too. They also had skills. One used claw skill that cut my summons like butter.

Some even had fireball, elemental attacks, and even gravity.

This fight even with my overnumbered troops seemed hopeless. But that wasn't the thing I only had.

I took out five mana and drank one. I gaze at the monster sharply and...


The moment I cast that, my whole body screamed. This was because of the lack of mana. The mana I had couldn't support all the monsters.

So, I drank the mana potion immediately, which eased my pain.

My whole summons emitted a red aura from their body. Their hollow eyes glowed and they all became faster.

But that wasn't enough to make them powerful enough to tackle the B-rank. So, I used their speed to my advantage.

I used berserk once again, and in the right corner of my eye, I saw a timer running.

[2 minutes - 1:45 seconds left]

Without wasting a minute, I gulped down another bottle of mana and cast berserk. With that, I finished my 5 mana bottle and even took another one from my bag and drank it.

(To Be Continued)

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