Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 666: Fire Barbarian! Shift Stars and Change Constellation

*Booooom, booooom, booooom…* Accompanied by thunderous sonic booms, punch after punch rain down on the Black War Elephant, sending it flying here and there in the air like a ball.

Every punch was inconceivably fast and extremely powerful. Every moment, it demonstrated the ‘aesthetics of violence.’

At this time, if one were to notice the fur of Dark King, they would see it gradually turning crimson as he fought.

This was one of Dark King’s abilities—Berserk.

The more excited and thrilled he got, the more his blood would flow like sweat, eventually dyeing his fur crimson.

Simultaneously, Dark King’s strength and speed would multiply.

In other words, this was an ability born for battle—that made him grow stronger the more he fought, until reaching the peak.

[Engaging him head-on was a really bad idea. If his opponent failed to outright kill him, they would face violent attacks like a storm. And this is still not the most terrifying part.]  Narrowing his eyes slightly, a Humanoid Figure standing on the canopy of the Towering Tree looked down with a smirk.

“Dark King’s Innate Talent is truly intimidating,” murmuring, Yu Zi Yu focused his gaze on Dark King before a clear line of text appeared before his eyes.

Innate Talent: Potential Unlocked—Each injury is a growth opportunity for them. More frighteningly, an ability that has hurt them once will be significantly less effective, or even ineffective, the next time.

The other meaning of this talent was—don’t use the same ability on him twice; it won’t be effective.

“If he can truly grow, will become the sharpest spear.” Giving this simple evaluation, Yu Zi Yu felt gratified. This was what he wanted to see. His Mutant Beasts growing. Even if he was not around one day, they could still hold up the sky for him.

*Haaaa…* Taking a long, deep breath, suppressing his emotions, Yu Zi Yu shifted his gaze to the distance.

More formidable enemies were approaching in the distance.

“Master, I’ll take them on.” With a light chuckle, Nine Tails, stepping on a sea of fire, headed towards the swarm of Mutant Ants.

Her near-infinite Spiritual Energy made her the most suitable to deal with this unprecedented Ant Tide.

On another side…

“Leave them to me.” Grinning, Golden Ant walked alone towards the herd of Mutant Wild Buffaloes.

Actually, the Mutant Wild Buffaloes of this continent were among the most dangerous beings.

Even the Lion Clan did not want to provoke them.

At the same time…

*Rooooaar. rooooaar…* Amidst sky-shaking Dragon Roars, Sarcosuchus, Little Tenth, and Little White opened their eyes, looking towards the horizon, where black waves could be seen approaching.

Upon closer inspection, it was tides of Mutant Beasts, converging at their location.

There were Mutant Rhinoceroses as large as mountains, clad in scales.

There were Mutant Antelopes with tall and pointed horns.

There were even swarms of Mutant Locusts sweeping through the air like raindrops.

However, they were not the most concerning thing.

The truly concerning thing was the burly young man holding a toothed club at the horizon, slowly walking over.

*Thump, thump, thump…* Each of his steps felt like a stomp on the chest, instilling an indescribable oppression, causing one’s heart to tighten.

Clearly, he was just one slightly burly man, yet he seemed as grand as the sky.

Even the powerful Mutant Beasts like Sarcosuchus had their pupils contract as a sense of awe surged in their hearts, as if witnessing a divine force.

“A Reincarnator….” In a nearly cold voice, Golden Monkey’s eyes sparkled with starlight.

Reincarnators were great beings of extraordinary power that had returned from the previous era.

Perhaps they were just a wisp of a Remnant Soul, or just an inheritance, or just fragments of memory…

Nevetheless, Reincarnators were the prodigies of the previous era, possessing unimaginable means. Not to mention anything else, just seeing this distant figure, surrounded by countless phantoms, made Golden Monkey’s face change.

Each phantom seemed tangible.

There were Lions galloping on the grasslands, Elephants stepping on the stars…Each and every phenomena indicated the difficulty of dealing with this person.

And right at this moment…

*Booooom, booooom, booooom…* War drums echoed in the distance.

Looking towards the direction of the sounds, everyone saw thousands upon thousands of figures, dressed in beast skin and covered in tattoo-like markings, charging towards them.

“Kill! Our Barbarian Clan will never perish!”

“Kill! No foreigner is allowed to step on this land!”

Thunderous roars after roars echoed through the sky. Clearly, they were not speaking Human Languages, yet it resonated throughout the Heavens and Earth.

In the distance, signal fires were rising, and beacons were burning…

“Tsk, tsk, so these are the Masters of this land…” Murmuring, Sarcosuchus’ gaze focused on three figures hovering above the main force.

A trio of two men and one woman, all extraordinary.

“We’re the Fire Barbarian of the Barbarian Clan, tonight, we’ll light the beacon fire the entire world.”

A Thunderous shout reverberated through the sky, and the deep red markings surrounding the figure in the sky began to flicker intermittently.

Moments later, several candle stands appeared, with the phantom of an altar materializing in the center.

*Tap, tap, tap…* Step by step, the figure who claimed to be Fire Barbarian ascended the altar, his aura growing increasingly terrifying.

Faintly, endless flames ignited from the candle stand phantoms.

“This is not a technique of this world… even if it’s been greatly refined, it cannot hide that ancient, primitive aura…” Frowning, Golden Monkey stepped forward, his eyes swirling with stars.

Right at that very moment…

“Burn…” With a loud shout, overwhelming flames erupted from the altar.

Following this, the candle stand phantoms also started spewing waves of flames, surging towards Yu Zi Yu’s position.

Looking up, the sky for thousands of meters was covered in flames.

The terrifying momentum caused not only other Mutant Beasts but even Nine Tails, a master of fire, to have a drastic change in expression.

*Hmph…* Golden Monkey let out a cold snort. His expression remained completely calm.

The next moment, he raised his right hand and suddenly waved it towards the sky.

In that instant, the world underwent a complete change: The bright night sky turned completely dark in the blink of an eye.

However, in the next moment, countless illusory stars began to shimmer in the depths of the darkness.

And with the wave of Golden Monkey’s hand, these illusory stars flew from the darkness and gathered around him, seemingly attracted to him, forming a thousand-meter-long galaxy.

“Innate Divine Ability: Shift Stars and Change Constellations…” A deep and resonant voice echoed through the pitch black sky as the phantom of the galaxy rushed towards the sea of fire.

*Booooom…* With a thunderous explosion, the sea of fire was reversed, surging back towards him, causing Fire Barbarian’s eyes to widen in shock.

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