Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 641: The Immortal Behemoth

“I’ll go…” Suddenly, a cold golden figure stepped forward in the distance. It was one of the most terrifying existences in Misty Mountains, Golden Ant.

Since reaching Tier-4, he had yet to truly display his strength. However, one thing was certain: the current Golden Ant was extremely strong.

*Haaa…* Taking a deep breath, Golden Ant clenched his fists tightly, causing terrifying rumbles as if the very air itself was being crushed.

With a step, Golden Ant’s figure shattered the space like a mirror, transforming into a dark golden streak of light as he rushed towards Behemoth.

*Boooooom…* Accompanied by a thunderous clap, a white beam of light, enveloping endless air, pierced through the clouds and fiercely struck Behemoth.

*Boooooom…* With another thunderous crash, countless Mutant Beasts witnessed the distant Behemoth stagger back several steps.

Each step left a footprint several meters deep in the ground. Yet for some reason, all the Mutant Beasts felt an increasingly terrifying aura.

*Rooooaar…* Giving out a thunderous roar, Behemoth, with its gray-iron fur dancing in the air, stared fixedly at the approaching dark golden figure with its scarlet eyes that resembled red lanterns in the night.

It seemed both excited and thrilled.

*Roooaar, roooaar…* With several more low growls, Behemoth suddenly raised its fist.

The next moment, fist clashed with fist thunderously, creating visible shockwaves that sent countless ripples through the world.

“This guy can actually rival Fifth Brother in strength.”

“What a joke, even without his Strength Boost activated, Fifth Brother’s terrifying strength is not something an ordinary Tier-4 can withstand…”

The Mutant Beasts of Misty Mountains broke into exclamation. Even White Tiger, fighting the Green Komodo Dragon in the distance, widened his eyes.

When he had just broken through, he eagerly sparred with Golden Ant.

The result: with just one punch, he was sent flying 1,000 meters, crashing through two mountains.

Even now, White Tiger still felt a chill down his spine.

Yet now, much to White Tiger’s surprise, Behemoth managed to take Golden Ant’s punch head-on.

*Uh…* With countless thoughts racing through his mind, White Tiger knew another monster had emerged.

At this moment, a low voice suddenly echoed in the air.

“Strength Boost, Stage Two…” Just as these words echoed, a blood-red aura ignited around the Golden Ant. At the same time, an even more terrifying power gathered around Golden Ant’s fists. Faintly, an imperceptible glow emerged around them

This was the energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye caused by Golden Ant’s strength, which had become too overwhelming after he had stepped into Tier-4.

The more refined and concentrated the power, the more dazzling were the fluctuations. Clearly, Golden Ant had become serious.

*Booooom…* Golden Ant threw another punch, erupting with a surge of blood-red light. Immediately after, under the expectant gazes of the Mutant Beasts, his punch landed dead straight on Behemoth.

*Roooaar…* With what sounded like a wail, Behemoth’s body trembled violently as it slid backward, creating a trench several tens of meters long on the ground.

However, what shocked the Mutant Beasts was that, despite taking such a punch, Behemoth remained completely unscathed. Only, its scarlet eyes became increasingly blood-red.

*Rooooaar…* Giving out a thunderous roar, Behemoth lifted a section of a nearby mountain and hurled it at Golden Ant.

In response, Golden Ant fired a flurry of punches in quick succession, shattering the piece of mountain, and sending pieces of rock flying everywhere.

At the same time, Golden Ant transformed into a stream of dark gold, shooting towards Behemoth again, and firing one punch after another, seemingly endless.

*Boooom, boooom, boooom…*

In the night sky, shooting stars seemed to streak across.

Those were the trails left by Golden Ant’s punches, dazzling like a meteor shower.

Amidst all this, the Mutant Beasts faintly heard a voice, “Strength Boost, Stage Three…”

Surprisingly, Golden Ant had tripled his already fearsome strength.

As for how terrifying his strength was, no one knew.

However, seeing Behemoth being relentlessly driven back two kilometers by the continuous punches, leaving trenches several tens of meters deep on the ground, it  was made clear.

Much to everyone’s surprise, Behemoth was being punched deep into the earth by Golden Ant.

Even so, the Mutant Beasts did not show any signs of joy, simply because an increasingly violent aura was rising in the air, and an invisible pressure was slowly spreading.

That was not the worst part.

The worst part was that the Behemoth did not seem to be seriously injured, only its gray-iron fur was slightly stained with blood.

Suddenly, with cracking sounds, the Behemoth grabbed a rock with its right claw and, to the astonishment of the Mutant Beasts, shoved it into its mouth.

*Crunch, crunch…* With the unsettling sound of chewing, the bloodstained area on the Behemoth grew new gray-iron fur.

*Gulp, gulp…* Gulping nervously, White Tiger glanced at Behemoth and labeled it a ‘monster.’

In the distance, Little White and Nine Tails exchanged a helpless look.

“This guy seems unkillable.”

“No, not seems, it really is unkillable.”

Exchanging words, Nine Tails and Little White shook their heads.

At the same time, the distant Sarcosuchus let out a long, helpless sigh, seemingly having reached a conclusion, “So it’s that species.”

“What species?” Confused, Titan asked.

“Behemoth, the legendary king of terrestrial warfare, rarer even compared to our Giant Dragon Clan. In land battles, even our Dragon Clan struggles to compete with them. In close combat, only purebred Rock Dragons, like Crystal Dragons and Diamond Dragons, can hold their own against them.” With a voice filled with lingering fear, Sarcosuchus recalled information from the Giant Dragon Clan’s ancestral memories about this ancient species.

In the previous era, the Dragon Clan had suffered considerable losses at the hands of this species. If it were not for the fact that this race is so rare and nearly extinct, it would not be so unknown.

The birth of such a creature in this new era really came as a surprise to Sarcosuchus.

“Tsk* Clucking his tongue wryly, as if realizing something, Sarcosuchus looked towards the depths of the canyon behind him.

[Now, I understand why Master came to this continent. Rather than collecting resources, it’s more about hunting such legendary creatures. Only such legendary beings could catch Master’s eye.]

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