Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 605: A Millions Shock Waves

*Booooom, boooom, booooom…” Accompanied by thunderous roars, one waterspout after another soared into the sky, crashing straight into the nuclear warheads falling from the sky.

Immediately after, an unexpected sight unfolded before countless Sea Creatures and the Humans before the screen.

There were no explosions, no thunderous roars, instead each waterspout swallowed the nuclear warheads one by one.

“He is completely suppressing the explosion of nuclear warheads with just his power alone…” Every Superhuman couldn’t help but feel suffocated at the sight of this, They could barely suppress the twitching of their lips and eyes.

This method was far more terrifying than simply resisting nuclear warheads. At this moment, countless Superhumans and Sea Clan Transcendents witnessed one nuclear warhead after another exploding within the waterspouts, emitting a glaring bright flash akin to daylight.

Unfortunately, as the waterspouts expanded and contracted, they completely swallowed the destructive power of the nuclear explosion.

This was the power of a Tier-4 Transcendent. Even though the Flood Dragon King had only just broken through, he was capable of withstanding over a thousand nuclear warheads.

This was a proof in itself why Tier-4s were designated as Natural Disaster. True to this classification, he was a true calamity that could destroy the world.

*Rooooaar…* Suddenly, a thunderous Dragon Roar shook the sky, before a three hundred meters long Flood Dragon King flew higher into the sky, much to the shock of Humans and Sea Clan Transcendents alike.

At the same time, a voice as cold as ice, capable of freezing Souls, resounded throughout the world, “Humans, mark my words: our Sea Clan will not forget this grudge.”

Just at the drop of these words, Spiritual Energy surged around the Flood Dragon King as a fearsome storm started blowing, with large swathes of dark clouds converging around him.

Faintly, countless bolts of lightning could be seen streaking across the clouds. The terrifying momentum was like a thunderstorm coming from another world, leaving a huge impact on everyone’s mind.

*Gulp…* Gulping in nervousness, Humans in front of their screens couldn’t help but have the corners of their eyes twitch, with some looking at each other in disbelief.

For some reason, a sense of regret smothered their hearts.

Meanwhile, in Skyhaven, United States of America…

The Master of Magnetism, Yule, was sitting high on the throne, with a gloomy gaze and an extremely cold expression.

“A snake should be beaten to death or it will cause endless calamity. I should have used the Star Piercer earlier. Haaa…” Feeling regretful, Yule couldn’t help but lament.

[However, it was already too late. This Evil Dragon has already passed its weak phase. Even if the Star Piercer is used now, it would be too late. After all, no matter how powerful the Star Piercer may be, it would be useless if it missed its target. Moreover, the Star Piercer is not much stronger than China’s Spiritual Energy Cannon. Since, even China’s Spiritual Energy Cannon had not been able to truly kill it, it would be difficult for our Railgun as well. Unfortunately, when that Evil Flood Dragon recovers from its injuries, a true war will be on the horizon.]

*Haaaaa…* Heaving a sigh, Yule slowly turned around.

However, just as he turned around, cries of surprise suddenly filled the conference room.

“What’s that?”

“Oh my God, is this for real?”

“It actually came…”

These nearly incoherent exclamations immediately brought a change in Yule’s expression, as he abruptly turned back.

In an instant, a vast and deep purple aura on the screen caught his eye, a purple aura streaking across the sky, accompanied by a roar that shook Heaven.

The overwhelming aura filling the atmosphere gave the impression as if an ancient beast of calamity had descended.

Upon a closer look, everyone finally discovered that it was an indescribably massive Purple Python, slithering across from the horizon.

It was only then that the Humans finally discovered the massive Purple Python’s golden vertical pupils, purple eyelids extending to its nostrils, and the crimson snake’s tongue flickering with each hiss. It sent shivers down everyone’s spine.

Right at that very moment, as they watched this vicious creature descending from the sky, a Human seemed to realize something, exclaimed out loud suddenly, “Is it going to attack the Flood Dragon?”

Just at the drop of these words, the Soaring Purple Python suddenly accelerated in the stunned gazes of every Human.

*Boooom!* With a deafening boom, a flicker of purple flashed across the sky before the Soaring Purple Python abruptly came to halt just about a kilometer away from the Flood Dragon.

The next moment, it hissed towards the sky as a purple glow started gathering in its throat, intensifying every second.

Immediately after, with a deafening boom, a purple beam of light, like a sharp sword, suddenly shot towards the Flood Dragon.

*Roooooar…* The distant Flood Dragon also opened its mouth, giving out a furious roar. Its Spiritual Energy surged before a towering column of water gushed out from the Flood Dragon’s mouth, crashing straight into the purple beam of light.

The following moment, a thunderous clap reverberated through the sky, followed by a terrifying shockwave spreading out.

The clash of their respective Spiritual Energies dyed the sky in various shades of purple and blue.

However, this was not the end of it.

Or rather, it was just the beginning.

In the next moment, the distant Soaring Purple Python suddenly accelerated, drawing an S-shaped winding path, x almost teleporting to the Flood Dragon’s side.

It then opened its gaping maws, revealing two gleaming purple fangs, before burying them into the Flood Dragon. Its Spiritual Energy surged as purple flames continuously flared from the fangs, setting the Flood Dragon ablaze.

While biting the Flood Dragon, the Soaring Purple Python charged straight towards the sea, straight as a line, like a meteor descending from the sky.

*Booooom!* The moment it crashed into the sea, towing the Flood Dragon, the impact was so powerful that the sea water within a ten kilometer radius was pushed away, creating the image of a massive bowl sinking continuously.

Adding more to the dread, a mournful Dragon Roar resounded through the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, the Soaring Purple Python, with the Flood Dragon in tow, descended into the deep sea without any sign of returning, still plunging towards the depths.

“You…” Before the voice filled with rage could finish its sentence, the entire sea surface trembled once again.

Right at this moment, countless Human and Sea Clan Transcendents alike witnessed a surge of purple hue rising from the depths of the sea.

It was Spiritual Energy. Every scale of the Soaring Purple Python was shimmering with purple glow, releasing a massive amount of Spiritual Energy.

The endless Spiritual Energy dyed the entire sea area purple.

“A Million Shock Waves…” A voice as if from the depths of one’s heart echoed, deep within the sea, as the Spiritual Energy that dyed the sea purple converged completely, forming a towering column of purple light.

*Booooom!* With a thunderous clap, a towering column of purple light shot out of the water surface, piercing through the sky.

The column of purple light that shot towards the sea surface was merely recoil. An even thicker and more vast light column had struck the Flood Dragon, pushing it towards the deepest part of the sea.

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