Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 555: The Strange Movements of the Wolf Clan

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The night was dark and heavy.

This was the third night since Misty Mountains started attacking the continent.

At this moment, if someone were in the depths of Misty Mountains, they would certainly witness powerful Mutant Beasts tied by branches.

In fact, a vast majority of them were already cold and lifeless, lying calmly in a corner.

*Haaa…* After taking a deep breath, Little White looked at the mountains of carcasses and fiercely breathed out.

Immediately after, as Little White exhaled an icy breath, the mountains of corpses began to freeze slowly, eventually encased in blue and transparent ice.

“Thank you, Little White.” Smiling, Yu Zi Yu looked at Little White not far away and nodded approvingly.

When it came to controlling the power of the Extreme Cold, Little White indeed had no equal.

If she just breathed, it felt as if winds from the Arctic Pole were blowing. If she used Spiritual Energy, she could freeze anything, even the world itself.

As an Ice Elemental, and a member of the Flood Dragon Clan renowned for their control over water, Little White’s talent over ice was unquestionable.

However, at this moment, as if remembering something, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze shifted to an empty corner, where countless ice sculptures were tied quietly by his numerous branches.

At a glance, there were probably hundreds of them.

All of these were Tier-2 Mutant Beasts, with a few of them even Tier-3s.

This time, Misty Mountains’ onslaught was too sudden, leaving no time to subdue these Mutant Beasts.

If they could be captured alive, they would. If not, they would be slaughtered.

It was because of this that so many unfamiliar Mutant Beasts had appeared in the depths of Misty Mountains.

Among them, what Yu Zi Yu was most concerned about were three Life Forms.

The Frost Giant, the Golden Peng, and a Human with pale skin and blood-colored fangs.

All three were Tier-3 Transcendents.

Among them, the Frost Giant was even at the Realm of Monarch.

However, after being besieged by Titan and Tundra, he finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Afterwards, he was dragged back to Misty Mountains by Tundra.

At this moment, if one were to look at the ground not far away, they would see a towering ice-blue figure, resembling a mountain range, lying quietly on the ground with roots as thick as buckets entwining around it.

“What an excellent prey!” With rare laughter, Yu Zi Yu immediately sprung into action.

*Swoosh, swoosh…* Accompanied by consecutive and endless swishing sounds, countless silver-white branches descended from the sky, like lightning strikes.

In the blink of an eye, this massive Frost Giant was pierced by these branches.

However, before the Frost Giant could scream in pain, gulping sounds echoed as a vast amount of Ice-Attribute Spiritual Energy and vitality started flowing into Yu Zi Yu via his branches.

For a moment, Yu Zi Yu’s countless silver-white branches were all tinged with a hint of icy blue.

It was only at this moment that Yu Zi Yu had the time to appraise this Frost Giant, this mighty and formidable creature.

The burly figure resembled a mountain, and each of his bulging muscles resembled mounds. Even so, the Giant’s body was riddled with wounds.

Facing Titan and Tundra, the two Overlords of ancient times, this Frost Giant, who had not yet matured, was at a disadvantage.

Nevertheless, one thing that was of particular interest was the Giant’s recovery ability, which was truly terrifying.

In just half the night, most of his wounds had healed, and those that remained were only scars.

“What a pity!?” Yu Zi Yu sighed in regret, but he showed no mercy.

In the Era of Transcendence, it was survival of the fittest.

Today, Yu Zi Yu was strong, so he was able to reap the fruits of victory.

Tomorrow, if he was defeated, he too would be harvested by others.

The only way to avoid the fate of being harvested was to become stronger.

There was an extremely long list of enemies targeting him, consisting of both Humans and Mutant Beasts, long beyond one’s imagination.

If one day he was seriously injured, countless strong beings would surely swarm him.

This was the hard, cold reality.

For this reason, Yu Zi Yu must be ruthless, even willing to pay any price to become stronger.

*Haaa…* Taking a deep breath, Yu Zi Yu adjusted his mindset, his eyes becoming colder.

In the next moment, an artificial voice rang in Yu Zi Yu’s ear, [Ding, you killed a Tier-3 Transcendent Frost Giant, Evolution Points +2 million.]

Listening to this voice that he had not heard for a long time, a faint smile tugged at the corner of Yu Zi Yu’s mouth.

Not only that, he had also harvested 500,000 pure Spiritual Energy from this Frost Giant. 

500,000 pure Spiritual Energy may be insignificant compared to his current 30 million Spiritual Energy, but every bit counts.

And this was just the beginning.

He believed that two months later, after devouring countless Mutant Beasts, his Spiritual Energy would have undergone an explosive growth.

It might increase by 10 million, or 20 million, or even 30 million.

Yu Zi Yu couldn’t say with surety. However, he was sure of one thing: the more he killed in these two months, the more he got his hands bloody, the greater his gains would be.

As for whether he would incur divine wrath or Human’s…after pondering for a while, Yu Zi Yu chose to not dwell on it. 

Compared to the imminent Third Spiritual Energy Tide, everything else was insignificant. At worst, he would migrate Misty Mountains to another continent after this.

However, it wasn’t that he was fleeing, in Yu Zi Yu’s view, this was more of a personal choice.

Compared to the future, where he would become an enemy of all on this continent, moving to another continent would allow him to harvest freely.

In this way, every continent in this world would become his garden, where he could harvest at will.

However, in this way, he would be drifting farther and farther away from the name ‘Divine Tree.’

By then, he would surely be carrying names like Tree Monster or Devil Tree.

Yu Zi Yu shook his head, paying not much attention to it.

[If I can maintain my current position after the Third Spiritual Energy Tide, then everything would be worth it.]

At this moment, unbeknownst to Yu Zi Yu, in a corner of the continent, numerous powerful Mutant Beasts had gathered.

At a glance, there were dozens of them.

If there were any Humans present here, they would surely exclaim in disbelief, “Wolf Clan.” 

These Mutant Beasts were all Mutant Wolves.

Moreover, they were the renowned Wolves of the Great Prairie.

Occupying the continent’s largest prairie, there were hundreds of different species of Wolves here, each forming their own packs and vying for dominance.

In fact, among the Ten Monstrosities of the Continent in the past, two happened to be Wolves, the Gorewolf King and the Silver Moon Sirius.

Right now, these Mutant Wolves, whose auras were not inferior to that of Tier-3 Transcendent, seemed to be gathering here under the summons of some existence.

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