Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 552: The Slaughter Begins! The Advent of Age of Chaos

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*Screech…* Suddenly, a hoarse screech resounded in the depths of a forest at the break of dawn.

This was the Forest of Death. It was not a Forbidden Zone, but it was no different than one, because this place was a natural habitat for Mutant Beasts. Countless Mutant Beasts lived and bred here.

Although the Death Forest was not classified as a Forbidden Zones, it was filled with powerful Mutant Beasts, many of which stood at the top of the food chain.

For instance, there was a Tier-3 Giant Rhinoceros quietly occupying the northwest corner of the Forest of Death, an extremely terrifying Mutant Rhinoceros.

It stood over ten meters tall and bore a shimmering horn on its forehead, which was about 10 meters long and was ivory white.

However, this was not the most terrifying part.

The most frightening aspect was that this Giant Rhinoceros was covered in countless scales, resembling yellow granite.

Obviously, it possessed more than just tough-skin.

At this moment, the Giant Rhinoceros suddenly tensed up and its eyes couldn’t help but flicker, seemingly sensing something. 

*Roooaar…* The Giant Rhinoceros’ scales shone with a yellowish brown glow as it let out a deafening roar.

“Who’s there!?” The Giant Rhinoceros roared again, and became even more vigilant because he could feel that pin-prickling sensation becoming even sharper and sharper.

It could even feel a faint chill rising from its feet.

And just at the next moment…

*Screech…* That familiar screech echoed again before it caught sight of a flash of purple, much to its astonishment.

“What the Hell!?” Shouting in disbelief, the Giant Rhinoceros instinctively went defensive, promptly erecting a wall of soil.

However, that streak of purple light was too fast, fast beyond its imagination.

What was even more terrifying was that this flash of purple had entered within 100 meters of it without a sound.

100 meters was a dangerously close distance.

At least against some powerful Mutant Beasts that excelled in instantaneous attacks, this distance was considered as a ‘distance to death.’

And now, this flash of purple told the world what a ‘distance to death’ was.

*Swoosh…* The streak of purple light darted over the earthen wall in the blink of an eye. In that very moment, eyes focused, fixed on the Giant Rhinoceros mere inches away, Zi Lian raised his scythes.

“Die,” whispering as if stating a cold fact, Zi Lian fiercely brought down his scythe.

Immediately after, with a crisp and sharp swoosh, a crescent-shaped purple cut, dozens of meters long, swept across the Giant Rhinoceros’ body.

“H-how… is this possible?” The Giant Rhinoceros looked at the Purple Mantis that had appeared before it out of nowhere with horror and incredulity.

The cold and terrifying aura radiating from Zi Lian was like the most fearsome assassin in the dark of night. Even his purple, profound eyes looked as if staring at a dead man.

However, it was the truth, because the Rhinoceros was already dead. Its body had already started slowly splitting apart. The proud defense of the Giant Rhinoceros crumbled like a piece of paper before the Cosmic Energy.

So, when Zi Lian raised his scythe and unleashed the terrifying strike, the Giant Rhinoceros’s entire body split into two.

*Boom* With a loud thump, the two parts of the Giant Rhinoceros’ carcass hit the ground, kicking up dust.

At the same time, the ensuing splatter of blood shooting into the sky descended like a rain of blood, painting a vast stretch of land red, including the purple figure.

He had no aversion to blood. In fact, he even licked the corners of his mandibles, sucking in the remaining blood.

At this moment, as his eyes fell on the cold carcass, the corners of Zi Lian’s mouth rose, drawing a cruel arc.

“The first prey has been taken down,” murmuring in a cold voice, Zi Lian walked to the Giant Rhinoceros.

After a moment, it slowly bent over, burning its mouth into the Giant Rhinoceros’ carcass.

“Crunch, crunch…” Amidst the spine-chilling crunching sounds,  Zi Lian’s aura grew even more eerie and unpredictable.

After a long time, Zi Lian appeared to be satisfied and ceased eating. After a brief glance at the mostly intact carcass of the Giant Rhinoceros, he turned around and left, without even looking back.

And just as Zi Lian departed…

*Rumble, rumble, rumble…* Fearsome tremors shook the ground as countless Mutant Black Rats, shrouded in black mist, emerged from the ground.

“Lord Zi Lian is truly terrifying.” With lingering fear, a Mutant Black Rat that seemed to be the leader instructed other Mutant Black Rats to begin cleaning up the battlefield.

However, cleaning up the battlefield was not the accurate description, rather it was more like carrying back the carcass of the Giant Rhinoceros and looting its lair.

After all, every single part of a Tier-3 Transcendent was entirely precious.

For example, the horn of this Giant Rhinoceros alone could be used to forge Tier-3 or Tier-4 Artifacts, which spoke volumes of its rarity and preciousness.

As for looting the lair, it was even more self-explanatory.

As a place of residence of a Tier-3 Transcendent, it would definitely have many treasures inside.

And this was the task assigned primarily to these low-level Mutant Beasts.

They could not provide any help in combat, all they could do was logistical work.

However, such logistical work was the dream of countless Mutant Beasts. Just the blood of Tier-3 Transcendent spilled on the ground was a great fortune for these Mutant Rats.

At this moment, not to mention Zi Lian, who had already begun the hunt, terrifying Spiritual Energy fluctuations erupted all around Misty Mountains.

The terrifying roars…

The eerie cries…

And the gradually permeating scent of blood in the air, everything seemed to be silently narrating something.

And just then, in a valley far from the Misty Mountain…

*Rooaar…* Suddenly, a Dragon Roar echoed from the sky, high above the valley. 

Immediately after, endless dark clouds started rolling in. The dark clouds were so thick and heavy that it seemed as if they would crush the very world. And within these thick and dense dark clouds, streaks of purple lightning flashed continuously.

The next moment…

*Rooaar…* Another terrifying Dragon Roar reverberated through the sky.

To the horrified gazes of countless Mutant Beasts, a pillar of purple lightning descended from the depths of the sky, fiercely smashing towards a certain valley.

At this moment, as if noticing the incoming attack, a thunderous roar echoed from the valley, shaking the entire valley.

However, before the terrifying presence in the depths of the alley could even take the stage, the purple pillar of lightning had already descended on the valley.

*Booooooom…* Like a nuclear explosion, the entire valley was engulfed in purple lightning.

What’s even more frightening was that the entire valley slowly disappeared from the face of the earth, seemingly having evaporated into thin air.

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