Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 533: Queer Beasts! Lightning Rat

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The so-called Abyssal Prison was naturally the darkest and most terrifying place in Misty Mountains. Some even called it the ‘Land of Extreme Evil.’

This was because this place was truly a den of heinousness and evil.

Take Lin Zi Yi for instance, she was quite an exceptional girl. Three years ago, she was already one of the top ten prodigies of China and even single-handedly diverted a beast tide.

However, after spending only half a year in the Abyssal Prison, her temperament changed drastically, and her whole demeanor became much colder.

It stood as a testament of how terrifying the influence of the Abyssal Prison was on her.

Even now, whenever the Abyssal Prison was brought up, her eyes couldn’t help but flicker incessantly. Faintly, a hint of fear could be flickering in the depths of her eyes.

This was the Abyssal Prison, the place referred to by Yu Zi Yu as the ‘Prison of Hell.’

“Only a vicious land can nurture extraordinary vicious beasts…” Muttering to himself, Yu Zi Yu glanced at the ugly and ferocious Human-Faced Beast and Human-Faced Spider not far away, with a hint of anticipation flickering on his face.

[Misty Mountains is no place for weak Mutant Beasts. If they can’t pull their own weight, they won’t be able to survive in Misty Mountains. As for creatures like Human-Faced Beast and Human-Faced Spider, the Abyssal Prison should be a good place for them to hone themselves. Though, that’s under the premise that they can survive and leave the Abyssal Prison alive.]

Thinking of this, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze shifted to the nearby Thorns.

“I understand, Master, I will take good care of them.” Seemingly sensing Yu Zi Yu’s thoughts, Thorns, a girl with blood-red long hair who looked like she had emerged from a sea of blood, smiled.

If the Little White was the Master of the Abyssal Prison in public , then Thorns was the Master in secret.

In fact, the Abyssal Prison was so terrifying largely because of Thorns. It was because, at the deepest part of the Abyssal Prison, there was a lake of blood.

That was the blood left behind by the enemies slain in Misty Mountains in recent years.

There were also some Mutant Beasts that voluntarily entered the Blood Lake, sensing their end approaching.

As a price, the descendants of these Mutant Beasts could harvest the Gore Spirit Grass and Gore Spirit Flower growing not far from the Blood Lake.

In light of this, thanks to the mutual cooperation, the Blood Lake in the depths of the Abyssal Prison became even more mysterious and unpredictable.

Faintly, it also started nurturing some mysterious entities.

Even during the day, countless Mutant Beasts imprisoned in the Abyssal Prison could hear the ghastly howls of winds, as if ghosts were wailing.

At this moment, hearing Thorns’ assurance, a playful smile appeared on Yu Zi Yu’s face.

He indeed believed that Thorns would take good care of them. Though, this was all still under the premise that these two vicious beasts could hold out. After all, the allure of Tier-3 Transcendent’s blood to Thorns was extraordinary.

As for these matters, Yu Zi Yu paid no attention, nor did he want to.

In these three years, what Yu Zi Yu learned the most was to let go, even to delegate authority.

The entire Misty Mountains were handed over to the subordinates to manage. In certain places, like the depths of the Abyssal Prison, Yu Zi Yu still had no idea how things ran.

It was Thorns’ cultivation grounds, and was quite confidential. Yu Zi Yu also had no interest in prying.

Be that as it may, he did have some inkling thanks to Nine Tails and Bull Demon. According to them, Thorns seemed to have become even more mysterious over the past three years, and the scent of blood on her had become even stronger.

Apparently, she was practicing some terrifying secret technique.

[As long as they are still loyal, everything is fine.] Smiling to himself, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze shifted to the nearby ice sculptures.

One of them was Rainbow Deer.

After prolonged consumption of seven color metals around Steel World, her body had started to radiate all seven colors. And her body had not become only impervious to swords and spears, but her defense far surpassed others of the same rank.

Moreover, what was even more terrifying was that Rainbow Deer was quite agile, leaving only phantoms in her wake.

Yu Zi Yu only cast one glance at Rainbow Deer.

Rainbow Deer had left quite a few legends among the Humans, so much so that Yu Zi Yu had some understanding of her from the reports he had received.

Who told her to wander around the Human territories for no reason whatsoever?

Although her figure always disappeared in a flash, it was still captured by observant individuals, who managed to gather quite a bit of information on Rainbow Deer.

And these pieces of information, after having passed on from one person to another, ended up in Yu Zi Yu’s hands through the network established by Ling Er.

“She is indeed timid and doesn’t like fighting…” Looking at the timid Rainbow Deer, Yu Zi Yu confirmed once again.

As a matter of fact, Rainbow Deer was not qualified to be called a Mutant Beast, nor was it clear how she climbed to Tier-3.

It could only be said that her talent was truly astonishing.

Of course, Yu Zi Yu had arrangements for such a strange creature. After all, there were quite a few Mutant Beasts in Misty Mountains like her, who didn’t like to fight.

With this in mind, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze fell on another corner.

*Screech…* Accompanied by a sharp piercing cry, a White Crane enveloped in a hazy white glow also spread its wings and flew over.

“White Crane, I’ll leave Rainbow Deer to you.”

“Yes, Master,” accepting in a sweet voice, White Crane looked at Rainbow Deer with a hint of eagerness.

White Crane was among the first Mutant Birds to follow Yu Zi Yu, just like the Peregrine Falcons. However, White Crane also didn’t like fighting and had always served as a mascot for Misty Mountains.

Now, the ‘mascot’ has gained another member ‘mascot’ – Rainbow Deer.

With a wry smile, Yu Zi Yu gave these ‘non-combatant, peace-loving’ Mutant Beasts a new name – Queer Beasts.

They were quite unusual Mutant Beasts. Of course, along with being strange, these kinds of Mutant Beasts were also quite rare.

Most importantly, these non-combatant Mutant Beasts were all very beautiful.

For example, White Crane always exuded an ethereal aura. Even when flapping its wings, it emitted an indescribable sense of ethereality.

And this Rainbow Deer, it went without saying. Her posture was erect and elegant, and her fur fluttered in the air for no reason. At night, one could even see a rainbow halo around her, truly beautiful and mesmerizing.

At this point, after making arrangements for Rainbow Deer, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze finally fell on the last Mutant Beast.

And Yu Zi Yu was not unfamiliar with this type of Mutant Beast.

It was a Mutant Rat.

The Mutant Rat in front of Yu Zi Yu was a Yellow Rat with fur as smooth as silk, and a solitary and aloof temperament.

However, upon closer inspection, what set this Yellow Rat apart from others was that its fur was very bright, and faintly, one could even see flickering yellow lightning arcs streaking in its fur.

“Lightning Rat…” muttering to himself, Yu Zi Yu looked at this Rat, narrowing his eyes.

Lightning Rat, as the name suggested, was a Mutant Beast with the Lightning-Attribute.

However, compared to ordinary, social Mutant Rats, it always lived alone and had a keen sense of danger.

If it weren’t for the sudden attack of Little White this time, and the huge disparity in strength, even the Little White would have a hard time dealing with this mysterious and extraordinary Lightning Rat.

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