Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 467: Divine Ability! Lightning Strike


The space instantly shattered like a mirror, as if the sky was collapsing.

Upon closer inspection, Ling Er was horrified, sighting two black shadows rapidly enlarging in her sight.

“I can’t dodge it, I really can’t dodge it…” With a rare anxiety gripping her heart, Ling Er’s gaze became solemn.

The next moment, Ling Er took a long, deep breath before the purple wings on her back suddenly wrapped around her, enveloping her into an egg-shaped form. At the same time, a white ribbon also emerged from her, and entwined around her, again and again, in the next moment.

This was Ling Er’s Natal Artifact – the Silver Centipede, and was extremely hard.

Even so, Ling Er still couldn’t feel safe, and a chill shot through her spine. The fear born out of her instinct was vividly displayed at this moment.

No one could remain calm in the face of death. In the eyes of other Humans, even the mysterious Ling Er was no exception.

However, compared to death, what Ling Er cared more about was…

Just then, as if sensing something, Ling Er’s face suddenly changed, revealing an incredulous expression.

“Master…” murmuring to herself, Ling Er’s tense expression was replaced by a look of relief the next moment.

“I’m here, everything will be fine,” a soft murmur echoed as if whispering in her ears,

“En.”  Ling Er repeatedly nodded, and even let go of her defenses.

‘I’m here, everything will be fine.’ – this was a promise. It was so before, and it was the same now. Because he was her Master. There was no need for any more explanation or assurance. Just those words were enough.

“Mas…ter…” a murmur escaped Ling Er’s lips once again as she saw a branch sweeping by in front of her.

Willow Leaves of verdant green, and as smooth and shiny as jade. The branch, resembling a jade-green divine chain, slowly rose from the ground.

It was slow.

In Ling Er’s eyes, it seemed as slow as a turtle, but in a moment, countless Willow Branches rose one after another…

Immediately after, amidst the astonished gazes of countless Mutant Sea Creatures, and even White Elephant, countless jade-green divine chains quietly bloomed around Ling Er.

Like newly bloomed flowers, or beautiful fireworks, they spread out in all directions, covering most of the sky in an instant.

And right at that very moment…

*Roar…* Amidst a deafening roar reminiscent of ancient times, a pair of black feet descended, shattering the space in its path, as web-like cracks continuously spread.

*Boom!* The next moment, a deafening explosion, like a peal of thunder, shook the world.

At the same time, much to the astonishment of countless Mutant Beasts, the sky shattered in an instant, reduced into countless pieces of mirrors. However, what was even more spine-chilling was that the pair of black feet, which had just about shattered everything in its path, were suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Beneath this pair of black feet were thousands upon thousands of Willow Branches, gently swaying.

They appeared to be supporting this piece of the sky, lifting the Black Elephant.

*Roar…* A roar resounded once again as swathes of black Spiritual Energy gathered around the pair of black feet.

At the same time…

*Crack, crack, crack…* A scene that left the onlookers dumbfounded unfolded in the distance; the shattered sky broke apart once again.

The pair of black feet, as if endowed with even more terrifying power, slowly pressed down towards the ground.

Just then, a light laughter suddenly echoed in the void.

“I’ve given you a chance…” the faint voice seemed casual, but the moment it appeared, it suddenly filled the Black Elephant’s mind like peals of thunder.

However, before the Black Elephant could react, a cold and stern voice suddenly echoed in the sky, “Divine Ability – Lightning Strike!”

As the words fell, the sky suddenly turned dark with heavy, dark clouds stretching across the horizon. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but dark clouds. Not to mention a single city, such a scale was probably enough to cover more than two cities.

However, what was even more terrifying was the speed at which the heavy dark clouds swept in, surpassing everyone’s imagination.

By the time everyone noticed it…

*Crack, crack…*

Bolts of lightning tore through the dark clouds, streaking above the Black Elephant.

At this moment, the originally towering Black Elephant seemed much smaller, because high above it, heavy dark clouds were slowly swirling, forming a vast and terrifying vortex. Within the vortex, streaks of dazzling lightning flashed incessantly.

What was even more dismaying was that the ginormous Black Elephant appeared to be slowly drifting towards the terrifying vortex in the sky.

At this moment, if one observed carefully, they would definitely see a giant hand of lightning stretching out from the deepest part of the vortex, grab the Black Elephant and start pulling it into the depths of the vortex.

*Roar, roar…* Immediately, distraught wails of the Black Elephants echoed amidst the crackling lightning. Facing such terrifying power, not even the thought of confronting it crossed its minds.

It wasn’t just the Sea Beast King, even the White Elephant on the ground, as well as Owl standing on top of tall buildings, were all flabbergasted.

“Can…this kind of power truly exist in this world?” Watching the vast vortex in the sky, the White Elephant couldn’t help but have a sense of insignificance rise in his heart.

No, it wasn’t just a feeling, but he truly felt insignificant in the face of such power.

Even the Sea Beast King, who was much stronger than him, was still pulled into the depths of the vortex by the giant hand of lightning formed by countless bolts, despite its staunch struggles.

Worse, this was just the beginning, because, in the terrifying vortex, the lightning became even more dazzling.

Faintly, one could sense an out-of-the-world power gathering in the vortex.

“Almost there, it’s time to descend.” Murmuring, Yu Zi Yu, who was hiding in the darkness, watched on with rapt attention.

The next moment, a Heaven-reaching pillar of lightning, that could shake half of the continent, descended from the vast vortex.

*Crack…* The entire Black Elephant was directly hit.

Faintly, a last cry of despair reverberated across the sky. At this moment, if one looked closely, they could even see the stark white bones within the Black Elephant’s body. However, at this moment, no one, not even the Mutant Sea Beasts, would bother to look closely. Because the Heaven-reaching lightning pillar wasn’t just descending on the Black Elephant, but also on the entire city.

*Boom!* With a deafening roar, the entire city trembled violently. Then, much to the shock of countless Humans and Sea Creatures alike, lightning bolts surged in all directions like electric serpents.

The waves, originally the bridge for the invasion of the land by Mutant Sea Creatures, now became the medium for the lightning bolts.

*Crackle, crackle…*

One after another, lightning bolts spread through the sea, lighting it up like daylight.

There was no roar, or any cry of despair, just the crackling of lightning.

Countless Mutant Sea Creatures were obliterated in a flash.

Even Tier-1 and Tier-2 Sea Creatures were unable to resist, and gradually evaporated from the face of the earth after a few breaths.

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