Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 423: The Horrifying Plot Behind the Offering

After half a day, watching the three drops of Life Essence rising from the yellowish-brown vortex, Benson’s eyes glimmered with a fervent glow.

The next moment…

*Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…*

As the drops of Life Essence merged into his body, with a cracking sound, as if his bottleneck had broken, Benson’s entire body shook.

At the same time, an indescribable force surged from the depths of his body, followed by a thunderous clap, resembling the lightning bolt falling from the sky.

Much to the numerous Russians’ astonishment, a Spiritual Energy storm had risen around Benson.

More terrifyingly, countless blue electric arcs zapped around him.

He was a Lightning-Attribute Transcendent.

Now, after stepping into the Apex Order (Peak of their Realm), lightning had completely materialized.

  1. Human evolution theories according ...

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[/video]Human evolution theories according to anthropology

It was worth mentioning that it was not that Yu Zi Yu’s Life Essence was so amazing that it could help anyone reach the Apex Order, rather Benson’s foundation and accumulation was that strong and abundant. However, because he was an External Cultivator, who excelled at refining his physique, he accumulated many hidden injuries.

Now, under the healing properties of the Life Essence, the results were immediate, and he successfully stepped into the Apex Order.

“Thank you, Divine Tree, thank you very much,” expressing his gratitude again and again, Benson also bowed towards a certain direction of Misty Mountains.

“Leave. This is not the place for you to linger.”

Hearing the majestic voice suddenly echoing in the forest, Benson did not delay either.

Instead, he broke into laughter, and shouted loudly, waving towards the Russians, “Let’s go! We’re going back!”

“Yes, Sir,” followed by a unified response, the black convoy gradually disappeared into the thick fog.

Shortly after their departure…


Amid the swirling yellow-brown vortex on the altar, countless rootlets intertwined together, weaving a handsome young teenager who gradually rose from the vortex.

“Divine Tree, did you just give an Apex Superhuman to the Humans just like that!?” Saroli asked with a hint of playfulness in her voice, and a shadow of smile on her lips.

“Do you think it’s really for the Humans?” Yu Zi Yu’s corners of lips rose into a playful smile on his lips.

Then, he cast a deep glance in the direction of Benson’s departure and added with a rare sigh of emotions, “Before coming to Misty Mountains, he was a mighty Third Order Tier-2 Superhuman. But after leaving Misty Mountains, he had become an Apex Superhuman. Do you think such a Superhuman will still be trusted by the Human Race?”

“What do you mean!?” Slightly puzzled, Saroli, who was controlled by Five-Color Spirit Flower, failed to understand.

“Signing the covenant is just a precautionary measure. The real danger lies ahead.” At this point, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes could not help but flicker non-stop.

After a moment, watching Saroli still wearing a puzzled expression, Yu Zi Yu explained, “Humans are a species that is filled with conflicts. They are always suspicious of each other, full of mistrust… In the future, I believe that the Human Race themselves will gradually push Benson to come to our Misty Mountain. Of course, that’s the worst case scenario.”

Hearing Yu Zi Yu’s frank explanation, Saroli’s expression slightly changed.

“That is the worst case scenario!?”

“Yes, the worst case.” Nodding, Yu Zi Yu affirmed, “The most ideal scenario would be Iron Fist Tyrant having ambitions, then establishing himself as a king, and ruling a territory. Benson would just be the first of his kind. Many superhumans like him will emerge, seeking power. For those Humans, I won’t be parsimonious in showing my generosity… At that time, the era of warlords among the Human Race will truly arrive.”

“An era of warlords?”

After understanding Yu Zi Yu’s meaning, Saroli could not help but cover her mouth and giggle.

Only now did she realize that the Divine Tree seemed much more terrifying than she had imagined.

At least, in understanding Human nature, he was truly beyond her expectations.

Because the era of warlords was synonymous to a bunch of loose sand.

Rooted deep in Misty Mountains, Divine Tree was subtly turning the entire Human Race into a loose bunch without them realizing it.

Such tactics were really appalling. Even she felt a chill running down her spine.

At this precise moment, she was glad that the handsome young man in front of her was not an enemy.

Otherwise, it would be an indescribable nightmare.

Meanwhile, Yu Zi Yu paid zero attention to Five-Color Spirit Flower’s thoughts. Wearing a slight smile on his lips, his figure once again disappeared into the yellowish-brown vortex, turning into countless roots winding beneath the altar.

And his consciousness returned back to his tree body.

Deep within Misty Mountains, in North Canyon…

A towering Willow Tree stood silently, blocking the sun and sky.

Among the countless towering ancient trees, it appeared the most inconspicuous, because it was draped in starling, emitting a hazy halo all over its body.

At this moment, not far from this Willow Tree, there was a pile of blue crystalline stones flickering with blue electric arcs. A pile big enough to be called a hill.

These were the entirety of the Lightning-Attribute Spirit Stone brought by Benson using eight large trucks, including a Mutant Plant – the Lightning Spirit Grass.

“These should be enough to gain a Divine Ability.” Completely satisfied with the trade, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

He had exchanged just a few drops of Life Essence for so many cultivation resources. Such a deal was not just profitable; it was exceptionally lucrative.

More importantly, having Benson walking among Humans was equivalent to a billboard proudly giving an ad of ‘Misty Mountains.’

Presumably, soon, there would be a constant stream of Humans bringing resources to him.

Naturally, Yu Zi Yu had already taken this into consideration. He had prepared hundreds of drops of Life Essence at the bottom of the altar. The offering from now on would be handled by Saroli, who was controlled by Five-Color Spirit Flower.

As the High Priestess of Misty Mountains, she naturally had to fulfill her responsibilities. For this, the Five-Color Spirit Flower expressed staunch willingness.

After all, Yu Zi Yu had promised to give her 5% of these resources as a reward.

Under such conditions, not to mention Five-Color Spirit Flower, even Nine Tails, who had already become a Tier-3 Transcendent, felt a bit envious.

After all, this 5% was substantial.

However, considering that Five-Color Spirit Flower was a Marvelous Flower of Heaven and Earth and had a relatively large demand for resources, Yu Zi Yu did not mind it much.

If these resources could help the Five-Color Spirit Flower reach Tier-3, let alone 5%, even if it were 10% or even 20%, Yu Zi Yu would not hesitate.

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