Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 409: The Appearance of a Teenager

Everyone witnessed a tree rising from the ground.

Towering like ancient trees, yet lush green as if untouched by time.

The rapidly enlarging trunk tore through the nearby tall buildings, its branches piercing through windows, and its roots, like waves, started covering the entire ground.

Looking up, everyone witnessed roots surging like waves, devouring everything in their path.

Mutant Sea Creatures failed to mount any struggle, and were reduced into a pool of blood. Humans disappeared into the ground before they could even get a chance to scream.

“Retreat, quickly, retreat!”

“Oh my God…”

Amidst echoing cries of incredulity, Humans and Mutant Beasts alike, hastily withdrew.

By the time they had retreated a couple of hundred meters, they realized the roots, that were devouring everything, were no longer spreading out.

Phylogenetic Trees

At this moment, looking towards the city center, everyone beheld massive black roots protruding from the ground.

The countless roots were interwoven around each other, giving the impression of a den of giant Pythons. It was quite an impactful sight.

However, that was not the most terrifying part. The real terror lay in Yu Zi Yu’s true form.

Slowly lifting their head, numerous Mutant Beasts and Humans gawked at the sight of a colossal tree hundreds of meters away, that blanketed the entire sky.

It was nothing short of huge, ginormous. It was so tall that its trunk had disappeared into the darkness of the night sky, seemingly connecting with the stars. Its canopy blanketed the sky, obscuring the clouds and the moon. Its swaying branches adorned with a starry glow, resembled divine green chains.

In a flash, more than half the city was bathing in its glow.


Suppressing the fear in his heart, the old man in blue robes gripped the long sword in his hand tightly.

Feeling the horrifying aura emanating from this monstrous tree, the old man’s expression became solemn, even nervous.

Without experiencing the vastness and magnificence of this mutant tree up close, it was challenging to comprehend its grandeur and vastness. As well as the extremely high concentration of Spiritual Energy around it

Faintly, it seemed to be distorting the very space. Also, intermittent electric arcs could also be seen streaking in the air.

Just at this moment, a somewhat amused voice suddenly rang in Elder Qing’s heart, “Tree Monster!? Is that how you Humans refer to me?”

Just as these words rang in his ears, Elder Qing’s expression fiercely changed. However, before he could react, his body was sent flying.

*Boom, boom, boom…*

Amidst one loud crash after another, the Chinese Apex Superhuman’s figure crashed through one building after another, much to the shock of the onlookers. 

Surprisingly, it was the result of a casual strike from the Mutant Tree Monster.

“Uh…” Shock, silence, fear… In a flash, the entire battlefield fell into a deathly silence. Some even had their foreheads drenched in cold sweat.

However, Yu Zi Yu paid no attention to their reactions.

Lifting his gaze slowly and looking at the frozen battlefield, Yu Zi Yu chuckled and stated, “I came this time for the Wyvern Egg.”

Saying this, Yu Zi Yu moved his tree roots.

In a moment, much to the astonishment of Humans and Mutant Beasts alike, a few roots protruded from the ground before countless tiny rose from these massive intertwining roots. These rootlets continuously interwove, intricately weaving together to form the distinct shape of a Human.

Of course, it was only a humanoid shape, essentially still composed of roots.

However, looking at the humanoid silhouette woven from these roots, everyone was utterly shaken.

Faintly, they could picture a young and exceptionally handsome ‘teenager’ with a smile on his lips.

The smile, exquisitely portrayed, made people involuntarily shudder.

This was one of Yu Zi Yu’s petty tricks. It was not Yu Zi Yu’s clone or anything, it was just that he had absolute control over the roots, allowing him to indirectly reflect his expression. The reason for weaving the appearance of a teenager had no purpose behind it. Yu Zi Yu simply felt that it looked cool, and added a bit of style. Furthermore, he could directly communicate with Humans, and also spark their imagination.

The sight of a young man’s figure appearing from a towering tree not only captivated the Humans, but even Yu Zi Yu himself found it somewhat intriguing.

Since he found it intriguing, Yu Zi Yu felt that he should have some fun with it. After all, for Yu Zi Yu, it took nothing more than a thought to do this, at most a bit of mental effort.

However, by the looks of it, it had worked quite well.

*Gulp…* Subconsciously swallowing their saliva, countless Humans realized the presence of this teenager.

The figure leaned against the towering giant tree, with one hand on the back of its head, and the other resting on its crossed knee. Its posture exuded an air of free-spirit, freedom, and charm.

Only the Tree Monster could suppress the entire battlefield with just its appearance.

*Haaaa…* Heaving a deep breath, a tall and muscular man, looking at the young man, who appeared around 14-15 years old, pretended to be calm and stated, “Since Your Excellency wants the Wyvern Egg, we’ll naturally withdraw.”

Saying this, the Russian Superhuman known as the Iron Fist Tyrant even cupped his fist, emulating the courtesy of china.

“En” Yu Zi Yu nodded and turned his gaze towards other directions.

However, sensing the gaze of the ‘teenager’ woven from tree roots, one force after another voluntarily lowered their heads.

“We’ll withdraw.” 

Their decisive withdrawal made the corner of Ling Er’s lips, who was hidden in the darkness, fiercely twitch.

However, Yu Zi Yu was quite satisfied with this outcome. He really liked the fact they were sensible; at least he didn’t have to waste any unnecessary effort.

*Rooaar..* Suddenly, a roar echoed through the night sky.

Looking up, a gigantic Turtle, who was exuding an aura no weaker than a Tier-2 Transcendent, was seen hastily retreating.

Evidently, Yu Zi Yu’s oppressive aura was too overwhelming for it, short-circuiting its nerves. Even when fleeing, it could not help but let out a roar.

“Hmph…” A cold snort shook the sky.

And the very next moment…

In the horrified gazes of countless Humans and Mutant Sea Creatures, a black root with a diameter of  5-6 meters shot out from the ground like a spike with a thunderous clap.

*Roooaaar…* A mournful and extremely weak groan echoed as the giant Turtle was thrust to a height of a hundred meters, with a rain of blood showering down.

[Ding, you killed a Tier-2 Transcendent Mutant Turtle, Evolution Points +210,000.]

Listening to the prompt in his ears, Yu Zi Yu’s mood became even more delightful.

[Indeed, harvesting is the best.]

However, at this moment, as he turned his gaze toward the entire battlefield, he noticed that the faces of Humans had grown even paler. Faintly, sweat was streaming down their backs.

Evidently, the impact of instantly killing a Tier-2 Mutant Turtle was too great for them.

Turtle-type Mutant Beasts possessed the strongest defense. Among creatures of the same Tier, there were very few Mutant Beasts that could breach their defenses.

To put it mildly, Humans had not managed to kill a Tier-2 Turtle-type Mutant Beast until now.

While it was true that Tier-2 Turtle-type Mutant Beasts were rare, the main reason was that Humans were helpless against them. This stands true even for Apex Superhumans.

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