Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 364: Divine Ability is Gift of Heavens

As he surveyed the surroundings and noticed the concerned gazes of each Mutant Beast, Yu Zi Yu was moved. 

Different from the complexity of Humans, most Mutant Beasts were very simple. Of course, simplicity did not mean they were stupid. It was just that their thoughts and emotions were more evident.

For example, when Yu Zi Yu treated them well, they would deeply engrave it into memory.

Even Brewmaster, whose strength was unfathomable and had joined later, was the same.

He might indulge himself in his own happiness all day, drinking and eating with a big grin, at the crucial moment, he would absolutely be the first to rush out at the very first sign of trouble, standing before Yu Zi Yu among other Mutant Beasts.

“Master, what’s wrong with you…” The nearby Bull Demon, after staring at Yu Zi Yu for a long time, finally could not contain his curiosity and asked.

“It’s the effect of a Divine Ability that allows me to change size,” giving a casual reply, Yu Zi Yu raised his gaze, looking toward a corner.

The Story of Creation (Genesis 2)

The next moment…

*Thud, thud, thud…*

Accompanied by heavy footsteps, a golden figure entered the sight of the Mutant Beasts. Under the evening sunlight, its golden fur shone brilliantly.

The steps were slow, stable, and powerful.

However, what surprised everyone was that the usually mysterious Golden Monkey happened to be looking utterly shocked, as if he had witnessed something unimaginable.

“Master, I really did not expect you to learn it?” Golden Monkey admitted a somewhat dry voice.

Then, as if remembering something, Golden Monkey’s expression became extremely strange. He remained silent for a moment before continuing, “Moreover, not only did you learn it, but you just spent a few days learning this Divine Ability.”

Voicing his astonishment, Golden Monkey looked at Yu Zi Yu as if he were a monster. After all, in his memory, those who could learn Divine Ability were very few and far between.

And someone like Divine Tree, who could learn and adeptly use the Divine Ability in just a few days…


In the previous era, apart from the group standing at the pinnacle of myriad races, known as freaks, who could overwhelm the prodigies of an era or even multiple eras, there were not many like Yu Zi Yu.

“Hahaha…” Yu Zi Yu burst into rare laughter, not hiding his joy.

Looking at Golden Monkey’s expression, his speculation was confirmed.

Learning the Divine Ability was indeed as hard as ascending the Heavens.

Fortunately, he had Evolution Points.

There were some things that did not make sense, and the Evolution Points happened to be one of them.

As for other unreasonable things, that was naturally the Innate Talents one was born with.

Some people could learn just by glancing at something, and what could anyone do about that?

Of course, Yu Zi Yu’s Evolution Points could also be considered as one of his Innate Talents. He was born with it, what else could it be if not an Innate Talent.

However, now was not the time to boast.

Looking at Golden Monkey’s strange expression, Yu Zi Yu teased, “What do you think about my control over it?”

As he spoke, Yu Zi Yu’s body suddenly trembled.

The next moment, in the dumbfounded gazes of the Mutant Beasts, Yu Zi Yu’s body grew bigger at a rapid pace.

In just a few breaths, he had grown to the size of a mountain.

However, before they could react, Yu Zi Yu’s body shrank again, instantly shrinking to a height of just over ten meters.

Surprisingly, there was no trace of awkwardness in Yu Zi Yu’s movements amidst the repeated transformations.

His execution was smooth and natural, which left everyone increasingly astonished.

After a short while, nodding approvingly again and again, the mysterious Golden Monkey with an unknown past, respectfully stated, “Master’s Innate Talent is really amazing. Your future is truly limitless.”

Praising in a heartfelt tone, Golden Monkey bowed.

“My future is truly limitless, huh!?”

A light laugh escaped Yu Zi Yu; he did not give it much thought.

[While Evolution Points have endless uses, I’m still too far away from the Great Dao. Now, the most important thing is to seize the present.]

Thinking this, Yu Zi Yu glanced at the numerous Mutant Beasts and instructed, “You can leave now. In the coming days, I will be training my Divine Ability. If it alarms any of you, you should not worry.”

“Yes, Master.”

In unison, the Mutant Beasts responded and withdrew.

However, the next moment, Yu Zi Yu looked at Bull Demon and suddenly instructed, “Bull Demon, you, stay.”

Saying this, Yu Zi Yu glanced at Golden Monkey and added, “You stay too.”

“Yes, Master.”

Bull Demon and Golden Monkey looked at each other, halting in their footsteps.

Shortly after the Mutant Beasts left, Yu Zi Yu looked at the two nearby figures, and stated with a smile, “I’ve learned the Enlarging and Shrinking at Will Divine Ability, although I’ve not reached the advance-level, I’ve at least reached the elementary-level.”

Saying so, Yu Zi Yu switched his gaze to Golden Monkey and asked, “I wonder if I can impart this Divine Ability to others?”

Hearing this, Golden Monkey was slightly shaken.

Then, he cast a glance at the nearby Bull Demon, seemingly having come to a realisation, before assenting with a nod, “Master, Diving Abilities are the gift of Heaven, you can do as you fit.”

“Gift of Heaven!?”

Yu Zi Yu was a bit puzzled after hearing this.

“Yes, gift of Heaven?” Emphasising once again, Golden Monkey explained, “Divine Abilities can be learned with Innate Talent. Without the Innate Talent, even if someone is bestowed with thousands of Divine Abilities, none would be suitable.”

As Golden Monkey reached this point, a touch of reminiscence flickered across his face as he added, “In my memory, in the hey-day of our Monkey Clan, we had two Grand Divine Abilities, and 12 Minor Divine Abilities. However, those who could truly master Divine Abilities, even cultivating them to the elementary-level, numbered no more than ten, and all of them were Great Sages of our Monkey Clans.”

“Hmmm…” A rare astonishment flashed on Yu Zi Yu’s face, realising that he might have underestimated the terror of Divine Abilities.

However, after some thought, Yu Zi Yu did not dwell on it. Instead he felt delighted.

“Since Divine Abilities are gifts of Heaven, I’ll explain them to you. It won’t hurt.” Saying this, Yu Zi Yu ignored the astonishment on Golden Monkey and Bull Demon’s face, and directly imparted some insights into the Enlarging and Shrinking at Will Divine Ability.

Among Mutant Beasts, Bull Demon was the most compatible for this Divine Ability.

With his original form if he cultivated this Divine Ability, his combat would undoubtedly undergo a qualitative upgrade.

As for Golden Monkey, as the one who granted Yu Zi Yu the Divine Ability, it was only for Yu Zi Yu to give a return gift.

Thus, Yu Zi Yu naturally asked the two beasts to remain.

However, after half an hour, as he looked at the bewildered and somewhat dazed duo, Yu Zi Yu, like a Human rubbing his chin, used his branch to caress his trunk.

[Well, Divine Abilities are indeed gifts of Heaven.]

Even when he had explained them in detail, they could not comprehend it.

At this moment, Yu Zi Yu could not help but feel fortunate for having Evolution Points. Without them, even with his remarkable insight, it might have taken him years to grasp the essence of this Divine Ability.

“You can go now. If you can comprehend it, it’s a great blessing. If not, it can’t be helped.” Hearing Yu Zi Yu’s somewhat regretful sight, Bull Demon and Golden Monkey exchanged a glance and smiled bitterly.

“Thank you for your kindness, Master.”

After thanking him, both Bull Demon and Golden Monkey withdrew.

As for Yu Zi Yu, he remained alone on the summit of the snowy peak, contemplating the unique aspects of the Enlarging and Shrinking at Will Divine Ability.

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