*Bam Bam Bam…* Accompanied by a series of claps, a black and golden figure clashed with each other.

Their fists clashing with fists, feet with feet.

Although somewhat forced, the burly figure was indeed engaged in close combat with Bull Demon.

However, watching his somewhat strained expression, Bull Demon’s corners of lips imperceptibly rose into a smirk.

[Engaging me in close combat, what a fool!] Sneering in his heart, Bull Demon clenched his fists tightly.

At the same time, a surge of abundant Spiritual Energy enveloped his fists.

However, just at that moment…

The sound of something moving rapidly through the air rang in his ears before a golden arrow struck him the next instant.

“Booooom…* Accompanied by a thunderous clap, Bull Demon was sent flying. However, before Bull Demon could hit the ground, a terrifying golden figure appeared behind him.

“Go to Hell!” Shouting, the golden figure ruthlessly swung his saber towards Bull Demon’s back. 

“Hmph!” A cold snort escaped Bull Demon’s mouth as the dark expression on his face grew darker.

At this moment, if one looked toward his chest, he or she would find him tightly gripping a golden arrow aimed at his heart with his right.

The reason for him being thrown backward was simply because of the tremendous momentum of the arrow.

Now, sensing the sharp blade intent behind him, rapidly approaching, Bull Demon narrowed his eyes.

Just at this moment, a somewhat anxious voice rang in Bull Demon’s mind. 

“Stupid Bull, I’ll try to influence him.” Saying so, the Spirit Flower’s petals began to tremble.

At the same time, an inexplicable force surged towards Bull Demon’s rear.

*Boom!* The golden figure, No.7, felt as if his mind was struck by lightning, and he suddenly froze for a moment.

However, in just that brief moment, Bull Demon gritted his teeth and braced himself for the incoming slash from behind.

*Slish…* The saber cut through Bull Demon’s body as a bout of sharp pain shot from his back.

However, right at that very moment, thanks to the impact from the saber, Bull Demon’s body came to an abrupt halt.

At the same time, Bull Demon forcefully swung the golden arrow, he had been gripping tightly, backward.

With a thunderous boom, the rapidly rotating golden arrow gained even more speed after leaving Bull Demon’s hand.

Immediately afterward, No.7 felt a sharp pain shooting into his abdomen.

“Uh…” With a trace of disbelief, No.7 looked down and discovered a gaping hole, as wide as a bowl, in his abdomen.

Through the hole, he could vaguely see the dense trees behind him.

“Seven!” No.8 and No.9, the other two members of the Dragon Guards, screamed at the top of their voices, seeing the bowl-sized hole in No.7’s abdomen, their eyes widening in shock.

No.8, who was not that far from Bull Demon, promptly rushed toward No.7.

With a deafening boom, his heavy iron fist sent Bull Demon flying dozens of meters away.

However, shortly afterward, Bull Demon crawled back up and drew a sharp breath as a sharp pain shot from his back.

Even without looking, Bull Demon could tell that the wound on his back was half a meter long, and deep enough for the bone to be visible.

However, seeing the nearby golden figure, clutching his abdomen, his face pale as snow, and beads of cold sweat dripping down his forehead, Bull Demon could not help but feel a burst of satisfaction.

“Haha…not bad, not bad…” In a one versus three battle, Bull Demon had managed to take one out. Furthermore, he still had strength for another battle.

Whereas No.7 had been completely immobilized, lost all his combat power.

While the life force of a Tier-2 Superhuman was quite tenacious, the golden arrow was no joke either.

Even Bull Demon dreaded it greatly. His right hand had been completely mangled just because he was grabbing it.

In light of this, one can only imagine the miserable state No.7 was in after being pierced by this golden arrow. And his injuries weren’t confined to what was visible to the naked eye; countless tiny yet invisible wind blades lingered around the wound, thwarting any attempts at healing.

If he was not urgently tended to, No.7 would very likely bleed to death.

“You bastard.” Seeing Bull Demon laughing heartily, No.9 could not suppress the rage burning in his heart.

*Swoosh swoosh swoosh…* One arrow after another flew toward Bull Demon, each arrow faster than before.

He had fired a whopping seven arrows in one go, blocking all of Bull Demon’s path of escape.

What was even more terrifying was the piercing whistling sound that echoed in Bull Demon’s ears.

“So fast…” Bull Demon’s pupils constricted, instinctively dodging the oncoming arrows.  However, just as he moved, his movements aggravated the wound on his wound, causing him to grimace in pain.

Enduring the slash from a Tier-2 Superhuman was not an easy feat, even with the intervention of the Spirit Flower. After all, No.7 had attacked with the intention of cutting Bull Demon in two.

It was evident how terrifying this slash must have been.

Just as the seven arrows swished through the air, the other golden man, the robust one, also rushed towards Bull Demon, radiating fearsome killing intent.

The next moment…

*Schripp, schripp, schripp…”

With three consecutive sounds of arrows piercing through his body, Bull Demon flew out as a strong smell of blood permeated the air.

Even though Bull Demon had reacted quickly, avoiding all vital areas, three golden arrows still managed to hit Bull Demon, two piercing into his both shoulders, and one grazing his scalp.

However, the real crisis was far from over.

Only because at this moment, a figure radiating intense bloodlust pounced at him, his right hand menacingly clawing towards the flying Bull Demon.

The terrifying energy around his hand, even before making contact with him, made Bull Demon feel a sharp pain in his throat, as if he was being cut by a blade.

[Am I going to die?] Bull Demon bitterly smiled, feeling helpless.

He still had some regrets.

During the entire fight, he needed to be vigilant of too many threats, like Zhao Jiao who was lurking nearby, controlling the Black Python.

The Titanoboa in the distance, coldly observing him, seemingly waiting for an opportunity.

All these distractions dispersed Bull Demon’s attention.

Otherwise, Bull Demon would not have fought so desperately, exchanging injuries with injuries just to cripple a golden figure.

If given a fair opportunity, facing three opponents alone, Bull Demon dared to guarantee that even if he died, he could take down two of them.

Even though the trio were members of the most formidable force in China, the Dragon Guards, Bull Demon still remained confident.

[What a pity!] With a sigh, Bull Demon reluctantly closed his eyes.

What no one knew was that Bull Demon’s Spiritual Energy was seething even at this moment. Even in death, he was planning on taking out someone with him.

With a cold smile on his face, a determined expression flashed across Bull Demon’s face.

However, right at this moment…

*Kon…* A shrill howl, resembling the wail of a woman, suddenly echoed at the horizon.

Simultaneously, an icy-cold and enchanting voice rang in the mind of both Humans and Mutant Beasts.

“You… dare…”

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