Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 320: Spirit Flower or Flower Monster

“Tier-4 Transcendent!”  a murmur escaped Yu Zi Yu’s lips, brimming with anticipation.

[Anyway, now’s not the time to dwell on this.] 

Sensing the whirlpool of Spiritual Energy forming due to the upgrade, Yu Zi Yu opened all his pores, accelerating the absorption.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Yu Zi Yu, in a mysterious place, a lake lay hidden deep in the mountains, surrounded by towering ancient trees with twisted and grotesque roots all over the place.

From a distance, the surface of the lake resembled a clear mirror, reflecting the vast and boundless sky. However, on a closer look, the lake’s surface appeared like a wrinkled satin cloth, and when sunlight touched it, it seemed as if the entire lake was littered with golden fragments.

Astonishingly, at this moment, mist rose from the lake, and within the hazy mist, a whirlpool of Spiritual Energy appeared. At the same time, ripple after ripples appeared on the lake as a five-color radiance glowed from its center.

It was mysterious and obscure.

Faintly, one could even catch a tinge of this five-color glow in the blue sky as well.

“What’s that?” exclamations erupted in a city not far away from the mysterious lake in astonishment.

After a moment, as if realizing something, more cries of amazement followed.

“It’s an omen, a portent.”

“Could it be that a Spirit Treasure has matured?”

“It seems that way. The appearance of an omen, the convergence of Spirit Treasure; all are signs of a maturing Spirit Treasure!”

The calm city was suddenly thrown into turmoil. Yet, this was only the beginning.

Just like Sunset City, this was one of the ten new cities of China, White Emperor City.

At this moment, the Mayor had quietly appeared at the top of the city walls.

“A Tier-2 Spirit Treasure…” muttering to himself, the young man shrouded in a white cloak gazed contemplatively.

A Tier-2 Spirit Treasure was a rare treasure. When the Tree Monster of Misty Mountains ascended to the Tier-2, similar omens had appeared.

However, at that time, China’s knowledge was insufficient, and they failed to recognize the signs, leading to the current calamity.

Afterward, whenever any omen appeared, the Chinese government would spare no effort to suppress them.

Firstly, to seize the Spirit Treasure, and secondly, to prevent the emergence of terrifying entities like the Tree Monster.

It was because of this that China’s treasury had gained several precious Tier-2 Spirit Treasures.

However, compared to the current omens that had appeared in the sky, the omens of those Spirit Treasures paled in comparison. They were worlds apart, the difference was like Heaven and Earth.

Now, these omens had covered more than half the sky above the distant mountains. Even with a cursory glance, one could tell that it had spread in a radius of over thousands of meters.

These omens were not much inferior to the ones caused by the Yu Zi Yu back then.

What intrigued the onlookers more was the appearance of an illusory lotus in the distant sky.

The lotus exhibited five colors, radiating endless charm.

Just a mere glance mesmerized the onlookers.

“What a bizarre Spirit Flower…!”

A shock ran through the White Emperor City Mayor as he promptly turned back to look at the city.

Immediately, he discovered that the onlookers, who had laid eyes on the omens in the sky, were somewhat stupefied. Some even kept moving forward subconsciously until they ran into an obstacle and woke up in surprise and broke into a cold sweat.

“Flower Monster, it’s a true Flower Monster—its horror is no less than that of the Tree Monster…” the Mayor murmured in a solemn voice as a serious look blanketed his face.

“Someone go and immediately inform the government that a Flower Monster has appeared.”

Saying this, the young man turned towards the Deputy Mayor behind him and ordered in a solemn voice, “Gather manpower; we’ll go investigate first.”

“What?” The Deputy Mayor was slightly taken aback, and a bit puzzled too.

“Although the omens in the sky proves that this Flower Monster is extremely terrifying, it also proves its potential. If I can get my hands on it, there’s a slim hope for me to break through to Tier-3.” 

Finished speaking, the young Mayor kicked the ground and shot toward the base of the tall city walls, transforming into a streak of light.

Just as this young genius, the Mayor of White Emperor City, prepared to set off, the entire China was in turmoil.

In Zhenhai, another new city, also acclaimed as one of the ten emerging cities of China, just like White Emperor City…

“That White Emperor bastard is really lucky!” a young man with long black hair, pale skin, and snake-like elongated pupils seated high on a throne sneered with a cold laughter.

“Hmph, that bastard has always been lucky. Who knows what lucky star had been shining on him to rise to today’s prominence from a mere commoner,” with a touch of disdain, a middle-aged man sneered.

However, at this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly trembled.

*Gulp* The middle-aged man gulped hard, discovering that the young man sitting high on the throne was coldly staring at him.

“S…Sir…” the middle-aged man called out in a nervous voice, trembling slightly.

Zhao Jiao was one of the top ten prodigies of China, standing shoulder to shoulder with White Emperor and Flame Princess. He also happened to be the second young master of the one of the top families in China, the Zhao Family. His strength was simply unfathomable.

However, Zhao Jiao was unpredictable and capricious. Even the Zhao Family members were quite wary of him.

“People worthy of facing me in battle are not for you to mock,” Zhao Jiao coldly snorted as a chill permeated the air.

The middle-aged man felt like being targeted by a venomous snake; his face turned pale.

Just at this moment, another icy-cold voice suddenly rang in his mind, “I’m going to get my hands on that Spirit Flower.”

Just as Zhao Jiao proclaimed this, the entire Zhenhai was in upheaval.

Moreover, a convoy of armored vehicles swiftly departed from Zhenhai City, making its way towards the interior of China.


However, it wasn’t limited to Zhenhai City; major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and others also observed fleets of armored vehicles emerging. 

Moreover, what was even more frightening was that mysterious forces within China were also starting to move.

Flame City, the city where the Flame Princess–Ling Er was the nominal Mayor.

However, compared to other cities, Flame Princess was ultimately new to this city and had a shallow foundation. Except for the title of Mayor on the surface, she had no power. Even the city’s defense forces were controlled by major families.

Of course, this was only on the surface.

Just at this moment, in the Mayor’s mansion…

The seemingly innocent Flame Princess was quietly standing in a waterside pavilion.

“A Spirit Flower, not inferior to the ‘Tree Monster,’ has appeared!?”


Confirming, a figure emerged from the darkness and continued, “Rumor has it that all the major cities are dispatching their people one after another, and there are even several covert units sending personnel.”

“Is that so,” whispering, Ling Er’s lips curled slightly.

The seemingly united China, when it came to interests, was like a handful of loose sand.

Even some secret task forces were moving independently.

This was the inevitable consequence of the immense size of China.

However, that was not the most important part. What mattered was the emergence of a Spirit Flower that rivaled her Master.

[If the Chinese government got their hands on it, it would not be good news for Master, or even Misty Mountains.] Thinking about this, Ling Er’s eyes could not help but flicker.

Ashish: FYI, White Emperor City, Zhenhai, and even Flame City (Yancheng) all correspond to real locations in China. 

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