Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 313: Sarcosuchus and Qing Gang’s Breakthrough

Soon after the distribution of the pieces of hearts, surges of Spiritual Energy undulated at every corner of the arctic island as the Mutant Beast swallowed the mooncake-sized heart, one after another.

There was no such thing as waiting in their dictionary. Only a breakthrough in strength could truly bring them joy. As such, They very impatiently chose to enhance their strength.

At this moment, Yu Zi Yu, after taking a deep look at the Mutant Beasts, carried on with his stuff without another moment of delay.

Shifting his attention, he pulled up his status screen.

“A Tier-3 Mutant Octopus provided me with 400,000 pure Spiritual Energy and gave me over a million Evolution Points…” Yu Zi Yu muttered in a bit of a dumbfounded voice, clearly shaken.

Although such gains were expected, when he truly received them, he could not help but look a bit excited.

And there was more.

Killing a Tier-3 Transcendent Mutant Sea Creature also brought him a strange ability…

“Transfer…” murmuring, a skeptical look appeared on Yu Zi Yu’s face.

This was the ability he gained from killing the Mutant Octopus.

All this while, Yu Zi Yu had been relying on killing his prey to obtain Evolution Points, but with continuous evolution, he had evolved to the point where he could steal abilities by killing his prey.

Although the chances of stealing an ability was very slim, it still existed.

Just like when he stole the ability ‘Snow Storm’ from the Tier-2 Polar Bear, which granted him control of the weather of an area.

And now, he has gained another peculiar ability from this Tier-3 Mutant Octopus.

It was really a very peculiar ability.

Octopuses possessed three hearts and nine brains. Some even say that if it were not for their short lifespan, their intelligence would surpass that of Humans.

And it was this strange physiological structure that seemed to have granted Yu Zi Yu a peculiar ability.

Transfer — You can transfer a part of your consciousness and even Spiritual Energy to a completely new plant, the premise is that the target plant meets a certain criteria, and that is able to withstand the host’s Spiritual Energy. More importantly, if you maintain this transfer for a long time, it will become permanent… But the downside is that you will permanently lose this part of your Spiritual Energy and consciousness.

After taking a deep look at this ability, Yu Zi Yu was a bit puzzled. This ability indeed corresponded to the three hearts and nine brains of the octopus.

After all, if it became permanent, Yu Zi Yu would essentially gain an extra brain and heart, and with multiple permanent transfers, Yu Zi Yu would have gained several brains and hearts.

However, the problem was that Yu Zi Yu was not so foolish to execute this transfer. After all, permanent loss meant that Yu Zi Yu would lose a part of his foundation.

When looking in terms of short term gains, it was equivalent to gaining one or more clones, but when looking in terms of long term aspects, it posed a huge drawback, which would even affect Yu Zi Yu’s future breakthroughs.

How could Yu Zi Yu do something that would damage his own foundation?

He had always attached great importance to polish his foundation. If he truly wanted to become a figure like the Willow Deity, a solid foundation was of prime importance for sure.

As such, Yu Zi Yu was very prudent in the distribution of his Life Essence, fearing damage to his foundation.

*Haaa…* Yu Zi Yu sighed, not attaching much importance to this ability.

Nonetheless, from another perspective, this ability could be useful for Yu Zi Yu when facing life-threatening situations, allowing him to directly transfer part of his Spiritual Energy and consciousness to evade danger.

It could still be considered as a reliable method.

Thinking about this, Yu Zi Yu shook his head helplessly.

“I can only say it’s a life-saving ability.”

Having come to this conclusion, Yu Zi Yu temporarily put aside thoughts of strengthening this ability. Even if he wanted to use this ability, he was missing the most important element – Mutant Plant.

Currently, he only had Thorns, a Human-plant hybrid. As such, it was unnecessary.

If in the future, he ran into Mutant Plants, he could reconsider using this ability, and not on a permanent basis, he would try short-term transfers to experience the perspective of other Mutant Plants. This could also be considered a good use of this ability.

Moreover, Yu Zi Yu was looking forward to encountering other Mutant Plants. After all, despite the difficulty in cultivating Mutant Plants, they possessed astonishing Innate Talents once they were born.

Just like Yu Zi Yu and Thorns’ blood-red vines, each of them possessed terrifying talents not inferior to the nine Great Beasts and might even surpassed them.

This was one of the rare advantages of Mutant Plants.

Each of them was bound by the earth. If their talents were inferior to others, they would simply become prey for others.

While Yu Zi Yu was contemplating his abilities…

*Boom, boom…*

Two consecutive deafening claps suddenly erupted on the arctic island.

The source of the two explosions originate from Sarcosuchus and Qing Gang. At present, the hill-sized Sarcosuchus was lying on a flat ground, surrounded by a cloud of dust, with howling winds sweeping wildly towards the distance.

While the sculpture-like Qing Gang was standing atop a snow-capped mountain with his eyes closed, his aura skyrocketing.

“These two broke through together!” Yu Zi Yu smiled, feeling somewhat relieved.

Two more Tier-2 Transcendents had been added to his battle force. Originally, he thought White Snake would be the first to break through, but unexpectedly, he got the chance to kill the Tier-3 Mutant Octopus, which helped both Sarcosuchus and Qing Gang, who possessed much deeper foundation, to break through in advance.

However, as an Atavistic Mutant Beast, Sarcosuchus’ Innate Talent was already terrifying. He was the first to break through to Tier-1. So, breaking through to Tier-2 was not that surprising either.

As for Qing Gang, as an Elemental Lifeform, he was in harmony with the earth and also had access to an Earth-Attribute Spirit Stone Mine. As such, his cultivation speed was undoubtedly not inferior to that of Humans.

However, Tier-2 was ultimately just a threshold.

Compared to the 100,000 Spiritual Energy of Tier-1 Transcendent, Tier-2 Transcendent possessed one million Spiritual Energy.

In other words, Mutant Beasts at the peak of Tier-1 could challenge those who had just become Tier-2 Transcendent.

But among the same level, Mutant Beasts that had just become Tier-2 Transcendent couldn’t possibly challenge the peak Tier-2 Transcendents, who possessed 800,000-900,000 Spiritual Energy. The gap in Spiritual Energy was like a heavenly abyss.

Even for powerful creatures such as Nine Tails and bizarre fighters like Bull Demon, crossing a gap of 30,000-40,000 Spiritual Energy was already the limit.

Of course, Spiritual Energy was just one factor in measuring the strength. Actual combat still depended on various factors. If there was an advantage in terrain or a surprise attack, the gap in Spiritual Energy could be ignored.

However, that was not the focal point.

What awaited Sarcosuchus and Qing Gang was the long accumulation of Spiritual Energy at Tier-2.

At their cultivation speed, unless they had a tremendous opportunity, it would take at least one or two years for them to accumulate one million Spiritual Energy.

As such, Yu Zi Yu’s conclusion that Tier-2 was just a threshold also made sense.

However, looking at it from another perspective, it was reasonable.

Tier-1 was the beginning of the metamorphosis of Transcendent Creatures.

Tier-2 was the beginning of the qualitative change in the combat power of Transcendent Creatures.

If they could reach the peak of Tier-2, even China would have to be wary of them.

There was no need for him to act. Just one Human or one beast was enough to break down a whole city.

At that point, Yu Zi Yu would not be afraid of China, despite its strength.

This was what Yu Zi Yu looked forward to the most.

He didn’t expect them all to break through to Tier-3. As long as they grew to the peak of Tier-2, it was sufficient for Yu Zi Yu.

At that point, each of the top-tier combatants would be overseeing a region, and from then, the power of each faction would also begin to take shape.

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