Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 306: Minor Divine Ability: Feather Firestorm

*Roar, Roar, Roar…* Successive roars, growing increasingly intense, echoed through the sea like triumphant horns. At the same time, a colossal creature the size of a small island slowly rose from the deep ocean.

Its massive tentacles wantonly danced in the air, their each movement sending the surrounding sea into turmoil.

And amidst the dancing tentacles, the colossal Octopus crashed into the layer of ice.

The next moment, with sharp and crisp sounds, the layer completely shattered as a giant gray Octopus appeared before Yu Zi Yu. 

With eight towering gray tentacles that shot straight into the sky, it resembled a colossal fortress with eight towering pillars.

Its tentacles were covered in suckers the size of grindstone. Its suckers were like black holes, swallowing even the faint light of the already dim sky.

For the moment, the entire sky had grown a bit dimmer. And beneath this dim sky a pair of lanterns-like crimson eyes hung high.

They appeared vicious and terrifying… emanating a suffocating aura.

*Rooaar..* The Octopus let out a roar, creating visible sound waves that swept in all directions, even stirring the clouds in the sky.

“What a truly fearsome monster,” Yu Zi Yu remarked with a nonchalant smile. His momentum was no less than that of the creature.

Suddenly, a deafening boom shook the entire arctic island as a towering snowstorm covered the entire island.

From a distance, it appeared as if the dark clouds blanketing the sky were engaged in a standoff with a white storm on the edge of the island.

The collision of auras brought about another clash of the Spiritual Fields.

*Crackle, crackle…*

Accompanied by countless lightning strikes, pieces of ice continuously broke off from the arctic island.


And at this moment, neither Yu Zi Yu nor the giant Octopus were aware that far away, in Russia, warning alarms were constantly ringing.

“Warning, warning, Spiritual Energy has exceeded the limit, and is still rising rapidly…”

“Warning, warning, Spiritual Energy has exceeded the limit, and is still rising rapidly…”

“Warning, warning, Spiritual Energy has exceeded the limit, and is still rising rapidly…”

Amidst the consecutive alerts, a mysterious department in Russia, similar to Chinese Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau, fell into great disarray.

Simply because, as they looked at the intermittently flickering screen at this moment, each and every member of the staff couldn’t believe what they were seeing. On one side stood a colossal Octopus of the size of a city enveloped in dark clouds, and on the other side stood an island enveloped in a swirling blizzard. This apocalyptic scene shook everyone.

“What… What the Hell is that?” in a voice filled with disbelief, a blonde woman could not help but scream.

“A monster, a true monster,” stated a middle-aged man in a low and despondent voice, his face turning grim and darker.

Much to their horror and dismay, terrifying monsters had appeared, and two at once at that.

However, just at this moment, another series of alerts started echoing in the office, “Warning, warning, Spiritual Energy has risen to 1.2 million, the video feed is about to be interrupted…”

“Warning, warning, Spiritual Energy has risen to 1.2 million, the video feed is about to be interrupted…”

Amidst consecutive warnings, a young man stared at the value of Spiritual Energy on the screen which was nearing its limit, drenched in sweat.

One million Spiritual Energy, he was simply having a hard time believing it.

[There really is a monster in this world with this much Spiritual Energy!?]

But, after taking a sneak peek at the screen behind him, displaying images of a city-sized giant Octopus, the young man felt a sense of suffocation.

[If this monster were to make it to land, even our country would have a hard time containing it.] Just when the young man was trembling with fear, with a snap, the intermittent video feed finally disconnected.

At the end of the day, their monitoring devices were not comparable to China. Their monitoring devices were already stretched beyond their normal limits. If it had been some small nation, not only could they possibly fail to capture such visuals, but they might not even detect the fluctuation in the Spiritual Energy.

At this moment, not only the Russian, even the Chinese Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau was shaken.

However, compared to the sporadic images captured by Russia, the Chinese Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau seemed to be enjoying an apocalyptic movie. Each staff member gazed silently at the screen, displaying a vast blanket of dark clouds capable of covering several cities and a blizzard seemingly piercing through these clouds.

“Fortunately, the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellite of the northern region has not been destroyed.”

With a hint of relief, a staff member slapped his thigh.

“But… I don’t think this monitoring satellite can last much longer.”

“What do you mean?” asked another staff member, momentarily stunned.

And just moments later…


With a crisp sound, a crystal-clear jade-like willow leaf froze in the frame.

Faintly, the scientists also heard a majestic voice, “I don’t quite like being watched.”

Just as these words rang in their ears…

*Zi zi zi…*

The screens went completely blank, leaving each staff member sweating profusely in their seats.

“It’s… it’s that thing again!?” a staff member muttered in a stuttering voice, realizing something.

“The Tree Monster, it’s the Tree Monster…” as if confirming, many people screamed in fear.

Only it was capable of tearing through space, shooting satellites.

Only it possessed such power that its aura alone could alter the weather.


Meanwhile, Yu Zi Yu did not attach that much importance to this whole ordeal. For him, shooting a satellite was just using one of his trump cards.

Now, having nurtured three Flying Willow Leaf Blades, using one to tear through space and shoot a satellite was not a big deal. After all, he still had two more.

As for the loss of Spiritual Energy…

With a surplus of five to six million Spiritual Energy, would he care?

Furthermore, his prime focus was the colossal Octopus nearby, a creature the size of a city.

*Ha…* Taking a deep breath, Yu Zi Yu looked at the sky. Looking at the giant tentacles tightly gripping his root, a faint smirk tugged the corners of his lips.

“Almost there.” Smiling, Yu Zi Yu narrowed his eyes.

And right at that very moment, a thunderous boom rang. Even the dark clouds blanketing the sky appeared to be shaken momentarily.

After a moment, in the puzzled gaze of the giant Octopus, the dark clouds turned red.

At the same time…

*Boom Boom Boom…* Accompanied by thunderous claps, the red clouds in the sky began to rotate, creating a vast and majestic vortex.

*Rooaar!* An inexplicable roar echoed from the depths of the vortex as a fearsome aura gradually started to spread.

After a moment…

“Minor Divine Ability – Feather Firestorm…” a soft cry resounded through the sky.

Immediately after, a powerful surge of Fire Element Spiritual Energy swiftly gathered within the vortex, and countless feathers of flame took form.

And in the next moment…

Much to the astonishment of the giant Octopus, the vast vortex in the sky spewed out countless flame feathers like a torrential rain.

*Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh…*

Each red feather was as fast as a shooting star, streaking across the sky in the blink of an eye.

Even more terrifying was that these red feathers seemed endless. They covered the entire sky in an instant.

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