While the Japanese delegation was getting ready to leave…

"Ladies and gentlemen, we’re under attack. Please return to your rooms,” requesting a cold voice, a team of Chinese officials stopped the Japanese delegation. 

They were responsible for attending the Japanese delegation.

While it was to look after them, to some extent, it was also to keep an eye on them.

And now, as the beast tide was attacking Sunset City, the fact that the Japanese were trying to withdraw brought a disdainful look on the Chinese officials’ faces. 

The Captain of the team advised once again,

"Please return to your room."

“Return!?” Murmuring, dozens of members of the Japanese delegation glanced at each other in silence.

After a moment, cold gleams flashed through the air.

‘Swish…’ The next moment, with the tearing sounds akin to a cloth being ripped, the Chinese officials had their throats slit as a bloody line appeared on their necks.

"Let’s go. We have no other choice but to do this, for the reincarnation of Yamata no Orochi.” Listening to Sato’s words, everyone fell silent for a moment. They had no idea if they had made the right choice or not, but considering that their homeland was still in a dire straits, this seemed to be the best course of action. As such, they were left with no other choice.

The reincarnation of Yamata no Orochi must be brought back to Japan. And for this, they were ready to give and take lives if needs be.

[And if the Chinese government asks…] As if thinking of something, a tinge of helplessness appeared on Sato’s face before he sighed and added, "If the Chinese government finds out, I will go to them and apologize personally."

“Uh…” The faces of everyone slightly stiffened, but after a moment, no one refuted.

It was not like the old days. China was no longer the same as before. Its strength and terror are far beyond what their small nation could compare to.

More importantly, in this Era of Transcendence, all countries were preoccupied managing their own affairs, and the so-called international treaties had long become worthless pieces of paper.

If China was not afraid of having a bad name, it would most likely have suppressed Japan by now. Naturally, it was all the more reason Japan could not provide China with an excuse to exploit them.

However, this time the reincarnation of Yamata no Orochi was just too important, so Sato had no choice but to take this course of action.

"Let’s go! Hurry!"

"Yes…” responding in unison, the entire convoy set off as night approached.

However, shortly after their departure,

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…" With swishing sounds of something rapidly moving through the air, several terrifying figures arrived.

Touching the still-warm bodies, Leng Feng spoke, "They probably haven’t gone far."

“Great." Qing Gang nodded, feeling a bit relieved.

But after a while, as if realizing something, Qing Gang was surprised, "Why are these guys even targeting the military?"

“I guess they might be part of some illegal organization. They could be smugglers.” After pondering for a moment, Thorns explained.

In the past, she used to roam in gray markets, and naturally knew some of the inside information. For instance, in this era, some mercenary groups might have set their sights on Mutant Cubs.

This kind of Mutant Cubs could not only be used for taming their pets, but could also be used as delicacies for cultivation.

With so many benefits, it was natural that someone would target them. 

However, these smugglers definitely did not expect to stir up such a big mess.

If the Mayor of Sunset City found out that they were the cause of the outbreak of beast tide, he would not merely punish them. Rather, he would make sure that they would not live to see another day.

After all, the current era was not the same as before.

Human lives were completely insignificant. Nobody would really care about the disappearance of one or two people every now and then.

In light of these situations, when push comes to shove, people may resort to desperate measures.

However, it never occurred to Thorns that the smugglers might have other identities.

Late at night, the night sky was even deeper and colder under the moonlight.

At this moment, in a suburban area…

Piercing screams deep within the woods broke the serenity of the night.

"No, no, run, run!"

"You bastards, stop them!" 

"You guys take the Divine Beasts and run! We’ll cover you!"

Amidst shrill cries, dozens of figures in samurai attire glared at the three approaching figures in the depths of the forest with bloodshot eyes.

These three figures were very strange.

One looked like a statue, one was covered with leaves, and the other was dressed in black. Furthermore, no one was able to stop these three peculiar figures.

Already, over a dozen samurai, armed with katana, had attacked them.

However, looking at the blood stained ground on either side of the trio, the samurais staining the ground on both sides, one by one, the samurais stared at the three approaching figures in disbelief.

The dancing blood vines, like the most deadly venomous snakes, weave through the entire forest, spreading their terror and chill throughout the woods.

Putting everything aside, just the terrifying and intense murderous intent alone suffocated the entire Japanese delegation.

At this moment, without anyone needing to remind them, the entire delegation knew they were in deep trouble, and not just any ordinary trouble.

*Ha…* Taking a deep breath, the three leaders of the delegation stepped forward.

They were from the Yagyu Clan, the most influential samurai clan in Japan, and also the few Superhumans in the group.

And now, the three of them stepped forward without hesitation.

One of them turned back and instructed a pale Sato in a resigned voice, "Sato, take the Divine Beasts and run! The faster, the better! These three are definitely not Humans. Even we can only delay them for a while."

The Great Elder of the Musashi clan stared at the three approaching figures, his pupils narrowing to the size of a pin needle while his right hand gently stroked the hilt of his katana.

“Hmph!” a cold snort rang as fearsome murderous intent spread like a tide.

"I didn’t expect that you guys were the one who kidnapped Lupin and Slytherin." As Qing Gang spoke, a chilling undertone laced his voice, and his gaze grew even colder.

While China and Japan were both Human territories, every wrong had its cause, and every debt had its debtor. As such, ultimately someone had to pay for targeting Misty Mountains.

As such, there was no room for mediation, the only option left was to fight.

"Are you also from Misty Mountains?" As if realizing something, the Elder of the Yagyu Clan held some astonishment.

However, no one answered. The only response he received was the shaking of the earth.

*Boom, boom, boom…*

Like a tide, the soil rose to heights of tens of meters, crashing toward the Japanese delegation one after another.

Clearly, Qing Gang was determined to kill them.

Just then, a small figure silently dashed into the depths of the night.

“You want to escape!?” Leng Feng roared as his face turned cold and dark.

The next moment, his figure transformed into a streak of black light, but before he could rush any further…

*Swoosh!* A snow-white gleaming blade blocked his path.

On the other side, Thorns, who was also prepared to charge out, was also intercepted by another figure with a katana.

“You’re planning to stop us even if it means laying down your lives!?”

A cold smile flashed on Qing Gang’s face. He did not seem to care about this. After all, Golden Ant was already hiding in the forest.

Since the small figure fled into the forest, Golden Ant would naturally intercept him.

However, looking at the frantic speed at which the small figure was running away, Qing Gang was a bit uncertain.

"I wonder if Golden Ant can catch up?” Thinking this, Qing Gang’s gaze turned even colder, looking at the few blocking their way.

With these people obstructing them, they might not be able to give chase right away.

After all, a few Superhumans, who were ready to lay down their lives, would definitely be a bit difficult to deal with.

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