Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 279: The Horror of the Apostle

The Blood Covenant was like a legendary slave contract, but more terrifying. 

This ability belongs exclusively to the Vampires.

Yu Zi Yu just obtained it by chance, which also helped this ancient ability to shine brightly in this world once again.

He slowly raised his gaze, and a complex blood-red brand on the girl’s forehead entered his sight.

This girl was very beautiful. She already was an exotic beauty, and now with this flowing blood-red brand, she appeared even more mysterious. 

But at this moment, as if sensing Yu Zi Yu’s scrutinizing gaze, the girl’s eyelids trembled slightly, as if she was about to wake up. 

Just at this time, along with Yu Zi Yu’s gaze, a series of information flooded into Yu Zi Yu’s mind. 

Race: Mutant Human

Rank: Tier-1 Transcendent

Innate Talent: Death Stare—Her eyes, as deep as sapphires, possess a strange magical power. After gazing at someone for a prolonged period of time, she can easily perceive the weaknesses of a person or even a creature.

Unique Abilities: Dance of the Black Mamba—A highly profound combat technique named after the Black Mamba. It’s like a dance of Snakes, graceful and deadly.

Healing—Assisted by gentle Spiritual Energy, she can heal some injuries and relieve some pain.

Snake Walk—With a light, graceful and swift movement, she can retreat in an instant and attack in the next.

Wild Bite—Her hand, like a Snake’s jaw, can launch an attack in an instant. Her attack can tear through the defenses of most creatures, even gouging out the flesh.

Blood Covenant—After signing a Blood Covenant, the servant’s heart and body belong entirely to the Master. She is able to temporarily use part of the Master’s power and provide the Master with Evolution Points through killing others.

“Hmmm?” Yu Zi Yu’s pupils suddenly contracted, as if he had discovered something astonishing.

His gaze was fixed on those few words—’Provide the Master with Evolution Points.’

“Is this real?” A rare shock flashed through his mind, leaving him somewhat bewildered.

[Provide Master with the Evolution Points? How is that possible?] He knew that all his Evolution Points came when he killed someone with his own hands. Despite his reluctance, his hands were already stained with blood. Moreover, because of his need for Evolution Points, Yu Zi Yu had to walk further and further down the path of slaughter.

Yet, now, he saw something that left him shocked.

The Apostles who had signed the Blood Covenant could actually provide him, their Master, with Evolution Points by killing others.

In a state of confusion, a wild joy surged in Yu Zi Yu’s heart.

If this were true, the speed of his future growth would greatly accelerate.

Thinking of this, Yu Zi Yu exhaled a long, deep breath.

*Haaa…* Calmly suppressing the slight excitement in his heart, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze was firmly fixed on the girl with the blood-red brand not far away.

At this moment, the girl had woken up, gradually revealing a pair of eyes as deep as sapphires under her trembling eyelids.

“Mas…ter…” Clasping her hands together, as if in prayer, Aisha looked at the towering Divine Tree not far away, her gaze filled with piety. Unlike others, as a Buddhist nun, Aisha seemed to be able to embody this role very well.

Perhaps it was precisely because of her status as a great nun that Aisha had a deeper understanding of the word faith.

And now, the Divine Tree bathing in ice and flames not far away was everything to her, like a true belief supporting her existence.

In other words, Yu Zi Yu had become Aisha’s true God of worship.

“Aisha…” As Yu Zi Yu called out softly, his voice reverberated in Aisha’s heart.

“Your most faithful servant is here.” Aisha bowed once again, a trace of reverence in her eyes.

“En.” Yu Zi Yu slightly nodded. Looking at Aisha, who was showing sincere devotion without even a trace of pretension, Yu Zi Yu was very satisfied.

Judging by this, there was no denying that the Blood Covenant was truly terrifying.

Of course, it also had to do with Aisha’s own identity. As one of the three great nuns of Buddhism, she was able to adapt to her role.

For an ordinary person, even if they signed the Blood Covenant, they would not be as devout.

“I need you to do something.” Saying this, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze turned toward an ancient forest in the distance.

“Go, bathe in blood.”

“Yes, Master.” Nodding, Aisha gently kicked the ground. The next moment, her charming body twisted and turned like a Snake as she disappeared from Yu Zi Yu’s sight in an instant.

Right at that moment, not far away…


Qing Gang gulped a mouthful of saliva in incredulity, watching Aisha’s departing figure.

[Master didn’t say or do anything? Yet, he subdued this nun just like that!?]

A look of bewilderment flashed across Qing Gang as he became even more puzzled. [Why did this woman respect Master more than me!?]

[Wait… Isn’t this robbing me of my livelihood?] Countless questions ran through his mind, leaving him at a total loss.

The fact that his Master, Yu Zi Yu, could subdue Aisha was not that strange to him. Even when Yu Zi Yu subdued Aisha silently, Qing Gang was just slightly shocked. However, the performance of this girl named ‘Aisha’ just now gave Qing Gang a strange sense of crisis.

That devoted gaze, that humble posture…

Qing Gang could not pull it off!

But at this moment, as if sensing Qing Gang’s oddity, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze also shifted.

“Master…” In a hurry, Qing Gang also showed respect in his actions.

“You, you did well this time,” in a soft voice of approval, Yu Zi Yu also acknowledged Qing Gang’s ability to finish the task.

Then, as if he had thought of something, Yu Zi Yu asked again, “How is the construction of the underground city going?”

“It’s more than halfway done.”

At this point, an excited look blanketed Qing Gang’s face as he added, “Thanks to your occupation of Maple Leaf City, we’ve obtained a large number of Human resources, including cement, alloys… Because of these, our construction speed has greatly increased.”

“Speed it up,” nodding, Yu Zi Yu expressed satisfaction.

The last time he saw it, the entire underground city had already taken shape and had the semblance of a city.

However, unlike Human cities, Yu Zi Yu’s constructed city had a unique design.

Aside from the central area that featured a towering platform, which was like a temple holding his tree body high, the rest of the city was built with towering structures capable of accommodating Mutant Beasts, along with streets that were tens of meters wide…

Yu Zi Yu’s underground city wasn’t just a copy of a Human city, it was built for Mutant Beasts.

Apart from beings like Titan, Tundra, and Sarcosuchus who were massive in size, Yu Zi Yu had also constructed residences for other Mutant Beasts with whom he could name.

As for Titan, Tundra, and Sarcosuchus, they could reside in the underground river…

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