Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 271: Divine Ability: Feather Firestorm

At the peak of the Himalayan Mountains… 

*Boom…* Accompanied by raging flames, the Fire Elemental Flower grew even more brilliant. At some point, it had turned into a blazing sun, visible even from a thousand kilometers away.

It was violent and scorching…

And emitting dazzling light, as radiant as daylight itself.

It had nine petals in bloom. And when all its nine petals had fully materialized, the Elemental Flower would have reached complete maturity.

Furthermore, a fruit was also forming along with the flower. However, the fruit was hidden in the depths of the flower. And things that one could not see could easily be overlooked.

Just at that moment…

“It’s finally bloomed.”  Yu Zi Yu shouted as his entire tree body suddenly trembled.

*Boom, boom, boom…* As the flames blasted toward the sky, the blazing flames surrounding Yu Zi Yu’s tree body surged toward his crown.

For a moment, that sun appeared even more brilliant. It was so bright that it seemed as if it could even compete with the sun in the sky.

*Screech, Screech, Screech…* Excited cries echoed through the sky. The remaining Transcendent Monk Vultures that had been perching near Yu Zi Yu were all pleasantly surprised.  The maturation of the Fire Elemental Flower was a rare opportunity for these Fire-Attribute Mutant Beasts. 

The pure Fire-Attribute Spiritual Energy emitted by the Elemental Flower could elevate their Spiritual Energy by thousands or even tens of thousands. 

Considering that as Tier-1 Transcendents, they only had a total of 5,000-6,000 Spiritual Energy, an increase of several thousand in just a few breaths was simply a blessing. 

*Screech, Screech, Screech…* Amidst their increasingly excited cries, the four Transcendent Monk Vultures started to undergo transformation at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

Their beaks now appeared as if they were formed from flames, glowing bright red. Their feathers were even more plump, and amidst their plumpness, there were actually textures of flames.

If the previous Transcendent Monk Vultures bore some resemblance to large, fierce scavenger Vultures, grim and ugly, now these four Transcendent Monk Vultures seemed to have lost some of their ferocity and ugliness, and instead gained an air of mystery.

Especially when seen from a distance, as they spread their wings and let out gentle cries amid the sea of flames, they bore a slight resemblance to the legendary Phoenix, exuding an air of nobility.

Of course, they could never actually become Phoenixes.

For the current Transcendent Monk Vultures, transforming towards legendary mythical creatures like Phoenixes was not allowed.

However, as Fire-Attribute avians, evolving in the direction of Phoenixes was also understandable. After all, evolution aimed for perfection. As mythical creatures, what existence could be more perfect than Phoenixes?

In this regard, Yu Zi Yu’s understanding of evolution deepened even more.

Just like Nine Tails or White Tiger…

Their evolution paths were all leading towards legendary myths.

Nine Tails had already embarked on the path of the Nine-Tailed Fox from legends and was progressing further.

As for White Tiger, it was evolving towards the ancient beast ‘Qiongqi.’

Although White Tiger had only grown wings for now, it was enough. After all, White Tiger was only a Tier-1 Transcendent.

When he had reached Tier-3 or even Tier-4, who could say that the ‘ancient ferocious beast Qiongqi’ would not reappear in the world.

And this is the greatest gift of the Era of Transcendence to all living beings.

In the backdrop, a force happened to be guiding the evolution of all things…

At this moment, as Yu Zi Yu watched the Transcendent Monk Vultures soaring with flaming wings in the distance, a slight smile tugged the corner of his lips.

With a thought, four fiery-red willow leaves, condensed with a significant amount of Fire Element, shot out toward the four Transcendent Monk Vultures, like arrows fired from a bow.

In a moment, to the four Transcendent Monk Vultures’ amazement, the Fire Element around them became denser.

Especially when they saw these four fiery crimson leaves approaching from a distance, they became even more excited.

*Screech, Screech, Screech…* With their beaks holding the fiery crimson leaves, they began to circle around Yu Zi Yu’s tree body, seemingly flattering him.

For a moment, the radiant sun at the treetop, and the firebirds circling in the sky painted a somewhat mythical picture.

At this moment, as Yu Zi Yu watched several Transcendent Monk Vultures soaring with flames, his eyes glittered slightly.

“Do you have names yet?” asking in a soft and low voice, Yu Zi Yu looked at the flaming Transcendent Monk Vultures, and his eyes brightened.

He smiled and stated, “From now on, you shall be called ‘Inferno Birds.’”

“Inferno Birds!?” mumbling, the oldest of the Transcendent Monk Vultures showed a gleam in its eyes.

A moment later…

*Screech…* a loud and exuberant cry mixed with joy reverberated through the sky.

Obviously, it had accepted this new name.

Inferno Birds, it sounded much better than ‘Transcendent Monk Vultures’ that they were previously called.

Yu Zi Yu smiled as he looked at the Inferno Birds, who were now filled with joy.

The maturation of the Fire Elemental Flower had indeed won the sincerity of the four Inferno Birds. After all, as large Transcendent Raptors, their combat power could not be underestimated. Especially when their firepower output combined with the bullet-like attacks of the Peregrine Falcon, they could rule the sky.

Therefore, Yu Zi Yu did not mind cultivating them well.

And not long after that, the radiant sun at the treetop gradually dimmed, revealing a bright-as-daylight Spirit Flower.

[Elemental Flower (Fire): It can significantly boost one’s Fire-Attribute Spiritual Energy and can also transform a living being into Fire Elemental Lifeform.]

This was a true gift of nature and was the second Spirit Treasure produced by Yu Zi Yu’s towering Divine Tree, besides the Life Essence.

However, Yu Zi Yu could produce the Life Essence in large quantities, while this kind of Spirit Flower was one of a kind.

Yu Zi Yu took several months and consumed more than half of the Spirit Stone Mine to produce just one Spirit Flower. It was enough to show the extravagance of the birth of this Spirit Flower.

Of course, Yu Zi Yu’s significant effort expended on this was not without benefits.

Now, when he looked at the status screen, he saw a new line of text under ‘Divine Ability.’

Minor Divine Ability: Feather Firestorm – Gathering an immense amount of Fire Element in the sky, one can create a massive deep-red vortex. Within this vortex, an unending flurry of flame feathers keeps materializing, until they come down from the sky, incinerating everything. It is a terrifying offensive divine ability.

“An offensive Divine Ability?” muttering to himself, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze silently turned towards the sky.

A moment later…

A clap of thunder like a roar suddenly shook the entire Misty Mountains.

Following which, amidst the astonished gazes of countless Mutant Beasts, the clear sky was dyed red before it turned as deep red as flame itself.

At the same time, countless clouds and mist actually started swirling and rolling back, resembling a vortex in their movement.

This sudden and dramatic scene resembled doomsday.

Even more terrifying was the overwhelmingly oppressive aura that swept through the Misty Mountains, causing countless Mutant Beasts to uncontrollably whimper in fear.

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