At this moment, feeling the increasingly oppressive pressure, the corners of Bull Demon’s eyes twitched.

“Elder Sister, you… you’ve broken through?” With a mix of disbelief and a hint of surprise, Bull Demon’s voice trembled.

“What do you think?” Heaving a faint sigh, Nine Tails lightly waved her claws.

*Boom!* The fiery sea in the sky suddenly shook, and then it transformed into a massive three-meter-long Fox claw that descended towards Bull Demon.

With a resounding thud, Bull Demon was sent flying by the giant Fox claw made of flames, without even having a chance to react. Nonetheless, the next moment, Bull Demon’s hearty laughter rang out, echoing through the sky.

“Elder Sister, you really broke through. You really did…” While continuously laughing, Bull Demon flew through the air like a kite with a broken string, and crashed into a giant tree a 100m away.

Meanwhile, Yu Zi Yu could not help but narrow his eyes slightly at the sight of this scene.

“Nine Tails’ control of Spiritual Energy is truly frightening.”

More importantly, numerous Mutant Beasts were deeply immersed in the fiery sea and yet remained unscathed.

Just this feat of turning a sea of fire into a lifelike Fox claw alone was proof in itself of Nine Tails’ terrifying control of Spiritual Energy.

While Yu Zi Yu could achieve the same level of control, it was nowhere near as effortless as Nine Tails.

This was an Innate Talent that could not be learned. Even someone like Yu Zi Yu, who was already at Tier-3 Transcendent, needed a long time of training to reach such a level. 

Despite its frightening appearance, the enormous Fox claw did not bring any harm to Bull Demon in the least. At this moment, if one looked in Bull Demon’s direction, they would definitely see surging flames pouring out of his body, venting behind him.

Spiritual Energy had permeated through his body, like hitting a cow from across the mountain, but invisibly. It once again showed Nine Tails’ terrifying control over Spiritual Energy.

As for just how terrifying this mastery of Spiritual Energy control was, it could clearly be discerned from the fact that just with five units of Spiritual Energy, Nine Tails could unleash power equivalent to ten units.

At present, Nine-Tails had 170,000 Spiritual Energy, which translated to a strength equivalent to that of someone with 300,000 or even 400,000 Spiritual Energy.

This showcased the incredible precision of her Spiritual Energy control.

[She truly deserves to be my top Great Beast. Nine Tails, you have not disappointed me.] Feeling a sense of pride, Yu Zi Yu also admired his own judgment. Admiring the fact that he had singled out Nine Tails at first sight from the vast sea of beasts.

[It was destiny.] Of course, at this moment, Yu Zi Yu would certainly choose to forget that he initially chose to subdue Nine Tails because he was captivated by her exquisite, fiery-red eyes.

And just then…

*Hiss, hiss…* Several harsh hisses echoed deep through the night sky.

Looking up, massive predatory birds with flaming tails trailing behind them were flying from the horizon.

Transcendent Monk Vultures – The terrifying avian creatures from the desert. Each one had a wingspan of 7-8 meters, and when several of them flew together, they completely blanketed the sky. The raging flames burning on their bodies were enough to paint half the sky red.

These seven Mutant Monk Vultures had surrendered to the White Tiger a few days ago.

Now, it was just the right time to use them.

As for how to use them, one would have an idea by just looking at the Panda riding high on a Mutant Monk Vulture.

At this moment, the Panda sitting on the back of the Mutant Monk Vulture seemed to have sensed Yu Zi Yu’s gaze. He took a sip of the wine from a gourd, adjusted the hat on his head, and then leaped down.

“Lord Divine Tree, long time no see.” Heartily laughing, the Panda descended like a meteor. His formidable presence made the pupils of many wild beasts shrink.

However, at that moment…

*Kieep…* A Fox’s scream echoed through the night sky as Nine Tails charged toward the Panda, treading the air.

“Haha, good timing.” Immediately afterward, the Panda opened his mouth.

*Boom!* The raging flames turned into billowing fire waves, surging straight toward Nine Tails. 

On the other side, Nine Tails did not back down either; her claws ignited with a brilliant flame.

However, before the two beasts could clash, two emerald green branches, radiating a faint fiery glow, appeared between them.

“Now’s not the time for you to spar.” Saying so, Yu Zi Yu’s branches jerked slightly before pulling down the two beasts from the sky at lightning speed.

“Erm…” The sudden fall left the Panda somewhat bewildered.

He had been quite eager to have a friendly match with this sister he rarely met.

However, after listening to the Divine Tree, the Panda could not refuse. Shaking his head in disappointment, the Panda–Brewmaster asked, “Divine Tree, do you have any tasks for me?”

With that, the Panda rubbed his paws and added in a pitiful manner, “I’ve been quite bored lately.”

“You do indeed seem bored.” Thinking about how this fellow was either drinking all the time or on the way to get more alcohol, Yu Zi Yu was a bit speechless.

[Honestly, this guy really needs something to do. Otherwise, he is wasting his extraordinary strength for nothing.] Thinking about this, Yu Zi Yu candidly spoke, “This time, during Bull Demon’s expedition to the snowfields, they discovered an Ice-Attribute Spirit Stone Mine…”

Yu Zi Yu had not even finished speaking when the Panda’s eyes suddenly flickered with excitement.

“Ice-Attribute Spirit Stone Mine!?”

“Yes, an Ice-Attribute Spirit Stone Mine.” Emphasizing it once again, Yu Zi Yu looked at the Panda, which seemed quite excited. The corner of his lips also rose up slightly.

Like Yu Zi Yu, the Panda had a need for Spirit Stone Mines, but for different purposes. Yu Zi Yu absorbed Spiritual Energy of different attributes to balance himself and bloom Elemental Flowers, while the Panda considered it food.

To the Panda, Spirit Stone Mines were a delicious source of food that could enhance his strength.

Wiping his mouth as if he had drooled a little, Brewmaster grinned.

“Let’s go, I love this kind of thing the most.” With that said, the Panda called down the Transcendent Monk Vultures from the sky,  “Quickly come down, let’s go have some fun.”

With those words, several Mutant Monk Vultures began to descend slowly.

And this was the current task of these Transcendent Monk Vultures.

When they did not have other assignments, their primary role was to serve as mounts for many smaller-sized Mutant Beasts. After all, these Mutant Avian Creatures possessed extraordinary speed, far beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Moreover, their bodies were massive, capable of carrying numerous smaller Mutant Beasts.

With such advantages, not using them as mounts would be a waste.

Of course, an unspoken point was that it helped to humble their proud and arrogant nature.

These seven Transcendent Avian Creatures from the desert were not weak, and as Avian Creatures, when the seven of them worked together, they became unquestionable rulers of the sky. As a result, they naturally had high spirits, and even if they had been subjugated, they might not be entirely content with it.

Using them as mounts should also help suppress their arrogant tendencies.

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