Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 255: Astonishing Talents

In the heart of the Himalayan Mountains stood a towering giant tree surrounded by raging flames.

At this moment, seven Mutant Beasts and a slender figure happened to be quietly standing under the tree.

The seven Mutant Beasts included four Mutant Rats, a young Monkey with multiple ears, a young Wolf with two heads, and a large Snake with three heads. 

Of course, the last one was Leng Feng, who had decided to pledge his loyalty to Yu Zi Yu.

One man, seven beasts, all came to the Himalayan Mountains, the location of Yu Zi Yu’s tree body.

One thing that should be brought to notice was that although there were many deformed young beasts, the most astonishing ones were only three. As a result, Yu Zi Yu had only called Auris, Lupin, and Slytherin here.

As for the other deformed young beasts, they were entrusted to Qing Gang to be taken care of.

Yu Zi Yu was pleased by the arrival of Leng Feng and the seven beasts.

The next moment, the branches trembled slightly, showering them with a rain of glistening dewdrops.

After a moment, in the surprised gazes of Leng Feng and the seven beasts, their bodies gradually started to evolve. Their Spiritual Energy surged, and their vitality became even more vibrant. It was as if they were undergoing an evolution.

[Rain of Vitality—It’s a deeper application of the Life Essence. It takes the form of a gentle rain, baptizing others, all the while expediting their evolution.]

Right then…

*Crack…* With a crisp sound, the speed at which a certain young beast absorbed Spiritual Energy suddenly increased. 

Surprisingly, Slytherin, the most ferocious-looking deformed young beast with multiple snake heads, had broken through.




The Snake heads hissed one after another as a mighty aura started to fill the air, albeit a bit faint.

At this point, if one looked at Slytherin, they would definitely see bluish black fish-like scales covering the young Snake’s entirety.

What was even more scary were its eyes, which were as red as red sauce.

Race: Mutant Green Snake

Rank: Tier-0 Level 3

Innate Talent: Immortality – As a Snake with three heads, it’s immortal. It possesses a terrifying regenerative ability. Even if it lost its one head, it can regrow it in an instant with sufficient Spiritual Energy.

Unique Abilities: Lethal Poison – The poison it emits is highly toxic. Even beings several ranks higher can get poisoned if they are careless, potentially reducing them to a puddle of toxic water.

Scale Armor – Its bluish-black, fish-like scales constitute its most formidable defense, capable of nullifying the majority of attacks.

Aquatic Warfare – As a species that excels at aquatic warfare, it should have lived in the ocean or large rivers. In the water, its combat power can greatly increase.

Looking deeply at Slytherin’s attributes, Yu Zi Yu couldn’t help but praise in his heart.

This was the greatest product of nuclear radiation. The young beasts that managed to survive the radiation far surpassed ordinary Mutant Beasts in strength. They possessed Innate Talents and abilities that were not in the same league as ordinary Mutant Beasts.

In terms of Innate Talents and abilities alone, they were not much worse than Transcendent Creatures.

This was the terrifying part of these deformed young beasts.

Of course, it was an irrefutable fact that Slytherin’s Innate Talent was simply outstanding. It was one of those beings that were born to stand at the apex. Although it was still young, it already began to show its talent.

Just by looking at its hideous and ferocious appearance, one could tell that it was outstanding.

“Little Snake, you’re pretty amazing,” Yu Zi Yu praised as he played with the young Snake using one of his branches.

*Hiss…* Slytherin’s heads hissed in succession, but it did not resist. Instead, each of its snake heads affectionately rubbed against Yu Zi Yu’s branch.

Obviously, the Rain of Vitality had been effective. After all, even an adult Mutant Beast would become affectionate toward Yu Zi Yu after bathing in it, not to mention these young creatures who had yet to fully grow.

At this moment, seeing Slytherin’s affectionate behavior, Yu Zi Yu smiled and grabbed the oddly-shaped young Snake with one of his branches and put it on his canopy.

As a plant, the concentration of Spiritual Energy around him was unusually high.

Moreover, it was quite gentle and suitable for others to absorb. In other words, the closer one was to him, the more benefits one would receive.

The fact that Yu Zi Yu had nested the young snake on his canopy proved that Yu Zi Yu was satisfied with it.

Right then…

*Crack, Crack…* Two consecutive cracking sounds rang as two more Spiritual Energy whirlpools emerged.

Looking up, the young Monkey with multiple ears and the young Wolf with two heads had both broken through.

Innate Talent: Multiple Ears – It possesses multiple pairs of ears and extremely keen perception, nearly dozens of times better than ordinary wild animals. What’s even scarier is that it can quickly identify the information it wants from thousands of sounds.

This was quite an exceptional talent, especially for eavesdropping.

Especially on the battlefield, Auris just needed to stand there to grasp the whole situation. If it served as a commander-in-chief and used its Innate Talent, then a general among Mutant Beasts would truly be born.

Thinking of this, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze could not help but flicker as he gazed at Auris. [He can be cultivated in the direction of commander-in-chief and General.]

As for the other one…

Yu Zi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, reading the status screen hovering above the two-headed Wolf, Lupin.

Race: Mutant Azure Wolf

Rank: Tier-0 Level 3

Innate Talent: Dual Elements – It possesses both ice and fire Elemental Talent, which allows it to breathe both ice and fire.

Unique Abilities: Savage Bite – As an Azure Wolf with two heads, its biting speed is several times faster than ordinary Azure Wolves, as fast as lightning.

Multiple Consciousness – Each head can independently think and judge, and cooperate with each other.

Yu Zi Yu’s eyes became slightly narrowed in amazement, finding that despite having multiple heads like Slytherin, Lupin had an obvious difference.

While Slytherin had many heads, it only had one consciousness.

In contrast, Lupin, with its two heads, had two separate consciousnesses.

The pros and cons of this were somewhat difficult to compare.

For instance, Slytherin had no primary or secondary head, meaning there would not be a situation of the body losing control during battles. However, with Lupin, if the two consciousnesses did not cooperate, it becomes problematic, and the entire body could lose control.

This could be fatal in battle.

Of course, there were advantages too.

If Lupin’s two consciousnesses could cooperate perfectly, their power would increase exponentially. Especially because Lupin’s Innate Talent was a combination of two Elements, allowing it to control two types of Elements.

If each consciousness cultivated one Element, then the cultivation of the two Elements would not be left behind. Furthermore, its cultivation would be even faster than ordinary Mutant Beasts, which would further increase its strength.

“Interesting.” Yu Zi Yu smiled and, using a branch, brought Auris and Lupin to a certain treetop to take care of them.

Smiling, Yu Zi Yu grabbed Auris and Lupin with his branches and put them on the branches on his canopy.

The Innate Talents of these three young creatures were truly remarkable, and he could not allow them to die prematurely. For this reason, Yu Zi Yu did not mind investing some effort into them.

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