Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 235: Plan! Divide and Conquer

Yu Zi Yu, slowly looking up at the sky, let out a deep breath.

It had not been that difficult for him to suppress an entire city alone. In fact, this was the most terrifying aspect of a Tier-3 Transcendent.

Of course, there might not be that many fearful Tier-3 Transcendents like Yu Zi Yu. After all, Yu Zi Yu’s original form was that of a Willow Tree that was rooted in one place.

He excelled at wide-range attacks and possessed techniques like the Advent of the Tree World, which made his destructive power far beyond imagination.

Afterward, he shot a deep glance into the nearby forest, where a towering figure stood amidst the trees, but the next moment, Yu Zi Yu paid no attention to it.

Instead, he shifted his gaze toward the dense fog.

After a while, the earth shook, and a statue-like figure slowly rose from the ground.

Qing Gang, an Earth Elemental Lifeform, was one of the few trusted subordinates who had transformed into an anomaly in the form of a Human.

“Gather the necessary resources from the city and take them back.”

“Yes.” Upon hearing Yu Zi Yu’s command, Qing Gang’s eyes revealed a hint of joy.

It had been a long time since he returned to the Human World. Today, his return brought him a sense of delight. Of course, this kind of joy paled in comparison to Yu Zi Yu’s feat of suppressing an entire city with his own strength.

As he slowly raised his head and looked at Yu Zi Yu not far away, Qing Gang’s gaze could not help but flicker.

[Now that Lord Divine Tree could effortlessly suppress a city, it would not be difficult for me to rule over an area in the future.] Thinking this, Qing Gang felt even more pleased, even the way he summoned his men behind became even more skillful.

“Hurry, hurry… opportunities to collect resources from the Humans like this are rare.” With that, a troop of Gorilla-like creatures, resembling small mountains, excitedly pounded their chests and rushed out from the dense fog.

At that very moment, a blood-red vine suddenly stretched out from the mist.

Upon closer inspection, it became apparent that she was a blood-red maiden clad in leaves and adorned in vines, which added a seductive charm to her appearance.

“Master, what are your plans now?” Her voice reached Yu Zi Yu from afar even before she arrived

“Plans?” Yu Zi Yu mused, a faint smile curling his lips. After a moment, he shot a deep glance at Thorns before asking with interest, “What would you do in my place?”

“I would fight and then retreat. There’s no need to resort to a head-on confrontation,” replied Thorns.

As she spoke, her slender finger pointed as a blood-red vine, as thick as a thumb, fell to the ground.

Before long, a scene resembling a map unfolded on the ground.

“We are currently located in the northwest of China. We’re in a pretty good defensive position. China can only threaten us with strategic weapons such as nuclear warheads. However, you, Master, can withstand nuclear warheads, so China will not use them easily. In this case, all we need to do is occupy the Sichuan region, which will make China wary of taking any further actions.” 

Saying so, she pursed her lips into a smile before continuing, “I believe, after seeing you suppress Maple Leaf City, China won’t want other cities to be invaded again.”

“No, they won’t,” Yu Zi Yu affirmed with certainty, nodding his head.

Although Yu Zi Yu’s current strength was formidable, if he pushed China too hard, he would not have a good time either.

China was not a small country, and as one of the major superpowers on this planet, its strength was far beyond what ordinary people could fathom.

Yu Zi Yu was confident in himself, but he would not make the mistake of underestimating China.

“That’s great then.”

A smile bloomed on Thorns’ lips upon hearing Yu Zi Yu’s confident tone. She then pointed to the top left corner of the map and continued her analysis, “Our Misty Mountains act as a natural barrier, separating China from the desert, the Northern Territory, and even parts of the Yangtze River Basin. If you, Master, are willing to properly manage our rear, I believe it won’t be long before you can dominate the Sichuan belt and establish your influence.”

Speaking of this, she emphasized, “And at this moment, with the thick fog rising and using the Maple Leaf City as the boundary, we have effectively divided one-eighth of China’s territory. Such losses should be a painful blow to China, even if they are unwilling to admit it. However, until China is absolutely certain in its ability to confront you, they will not dare to act recklessly. As long as we maintain a certain degree of restraint, we should not push China to a corner.”

With each word she spoke, Thorns’ smile grew brighter.

Faintly, she felt like she held a winning hand.

“Hmm…” Smacking his lips, Yu Zi Yu looked deeply at the blood-red girl not far away.

He had not realized that Thorns had a talent for warfare.

Although her analysis had many shortcomings, it had accurately identified the key points, aligning with some of Yu Zi Yu’s own thoughts.

By launching the nuclear missile and nearly destroying Misty Mountains, China had forged a deep enmity, and it had to be repaid. However, how it should be done was something that needed careful consideration.

He might have led his army to occupy Maple Leaf City, but his current strength was not enough to dominate the entire China. After all, just using the River of Earth to travel and then using the Advent of the Tree World had consumed a staggering 40% of Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy.

If he attempted to do this a few more times, even with a million Spiritual Energy, he would be totally drained. 

Not to mention, a large-scale invasion would undoubtedly lead to an all-out war with China.  Yu Zi Yu was not willing to bear the consequences of such actions, nor he could afford to, especially with the threat of nuclear warfare looming over his head. 

One nuclear missile, he could handle.

Even ten nuclear missiles would fail to shake him.

But what about a hundred or a thousand?

If he pushed China into a corner, it would not hesitate to rain down nuclear missiles on him.

Thinking of this, Yu Zi Yu let out a deep breath and calmly stated, “A single Maple Leaf City would be enough to restrain them. They would indeed not think of launching another attack, however…”

At this point, Yu Zi Yu’s tone turned colder, “However, if they want me dead, why would I let them off so easily?”

With that, one of Yu Zi Yu’s branches swirled through the air.

After a moment, a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard, who was standing alone in the center of the forest, was brought in front of Yu Zi Yu.

Staring deeply at this middle-aged man, Yu Zi Yu could not help but fall into a moment of silence.

Despite depleted Spiritual Energy and severe injuries, he stood his ground, refusing to fall. Such determination was indeed commendable.

However, despite his heartfelt praises, Yu Zi Yu could not neglect his own plans.

With this in mind, Yu Zi Yu decisively snapped one of his branches.

*Snap!* Followed by a crisp and clear sound, the middle-aged man with a scruffy beard, Old Li, felt a cold and refreshing feeling coursing through his body.

Although it brought an intense bout of excruciating pain, this refreshing surge helped heal some of his injuries, making him significantly more awake.

After a moment, as he opened his eyes, he found himself beneath a towering tree.

As he laid eyes on the countless branches, resembling a chain green radiance, swaying gently along the wind, Old Li’s eyes turned bloodshot as he cursed, “You freaking Tree Monster, you will be cut down by us Humans sooner or later.”

“Cut down?” Yu Zi Yu chuckled coldly, showing no concern.

Instead, he stated nonchalantly, “Go back and tell your government that it’s best to hand over the person responsible for planning the launch of nuclear missiles on Misty Mountains. Otherwise, I will make the entire Maple Leaf City disappear from the face of this earth, and every single Human along with it.”

Having finished speaking, Yu Zi Yu, without waiting for Old Li to respond, coiled his branch around the middle-aged man and forcefully flung him toward the outskirts of Maple Leaf City.

Ashish: While Sichuan may be in west central China, the area they are referring to here is to the north of Chengdu, approximately in the north west region of China.

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