Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 230: Catastrophic Destruction & the Terrifying Retaliation

*Booooooooooom!* Accompanied by a terrifying explosion, the entire world fell silent. A mushroom-shaped cloud rose in the horizon, and brilliant flames dyed the sky red.

Looking from afar, not to mention Misty Mountains, even the Human city, Linhai Town, which was about twenty kilometers away from Misty Mountains, was shrouded.

*Crack, crack, crack…* Countless windows in Linhai Town shattered from the terrifying explosion. At the same time, the whole town started quaking uncontrollably, as if an earthquake of magnitude ten had struck.

Sounds of despair and screams had already filled the entire town.

But before it could continue any longer, a visible shockwave of tremendous force came from the sky.

*Rumble…* The tall, defensive walls failed to withstand the terrifying shockwave even for a breath and collapsed, and so did the numerous tall buildings in the town.

Looking from afar, Linhai Town, this remote little town, was completely razed to the ground by the aftermath…

And this Linhai Town was just the corner of a circular crater that had appeared in the ground all of a sudden.

In other words, centered around Misty Mountains, a circular crater that was akin to a scar on the continent gradually becoming visible.

“Great, that’s great…” Accompanied by peals of laughter, countless people in the operations command room jumped up in excitement, many even raised their glasses in celebration.

It was a successful detonation.

The Space Missile carrying a strategic nuclear warhead detonated successfully in high orbit, raising the temperature comparable to the surface of the sun, enough to distort space itself.

The terrifying shockwave swept through hundreds of kilometers and the intense radiation from the explosion was capable of depriving life of everything in its range.

It could be said that the terror of nuclear weapons was enough to make all Transcendent Creatures shudder in fear.

In Human knowledge, a life capable of resisting nuclear weapons did not exist.

While Tier-3 Transcendents were extremely formidable, their strength was accredited to the fact that those Mutant Birds and Beasts were able to move at super high speeds.

These Transcendent Creatures, that were capable of high-speed movement, could easily evade nuclear strikes and even attack major Human cities. But unfortunately, a Tree Monster was nothing more than a living and breathing target.

Just like now, in the face of a nuclear strike, it could not do anything, not even escape.

“Quick, quick, inform the President and the others that we’ve successfully eliminated the Tree Monster.”

In the midst of joyful shouting, the military personnel hurried to spread the news.

However, just at this moment, a surprised voice suddenly rang out in the operations command room.

“Hold on… What’s that!?” someone asked in surprise, causing most people to freeze in their tracks. After a moment, following the gaze of the person who had spoken, countless people were astonished to find that on the screen, that was as bright as daylight, a faint shadow of a towering giant tree had inexplicably appeared.

It was as clear as a crystal. Faintly, it was shimmering with the starlight of Spiritual Energy. Its countless branches were interwoven with each other, forming an impenetrable canopy that covered the entire Misty Mountains.

Looking from a distance, it appeared as if a massive crystal bowl was placed on the earth.

“What’s this?” Everyone gulped in nervousness, staring at this scene in disbelief.

“That’s a fake, right!?”

“Are you kidding me? How is that possible?”

“It’s an illusion, it must be an illusion.”

Exclamations of disbelief echoed as countless people could not believe their eyes.

But right then, as if to mock their disbelief, the towering tree in the screen, which seemed to be made of crystal, slowly shed its crystalline form, revealing its original lush, green appearance.

Its branches retracted continuously, revealing the landscape that had been concealed by the branches before.

It remained just as before, lush and green, filled with tall, ancient trees.

Thanks to the canopy of branches, Misty Mountains remained unharmed. More importantly, the towering tree on the screen appeared even more terrifying.

Not to mention the tree itself, even Misty Mountains remained unaffected under its protection.

“It’s over, it’s over.” Staring blankly, one of the military personnel turned pale.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Patting his shoulder, another person continued to console him, “Didn’t it just withstand the nuclear strike once? It can withstand it once, it can withstand it twice, I don’t believe it can withstand it three times, or four times…”

But before he could finish speaking, a furious roar filled with raging fury resounded through the sky, “Humans, are you seeking death?”

The thunderous roar came through the screen.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see a terrifying figure, furious beyond measure.


As his branches swayed, the winds howled with an echoing fury. 

Spiritual Energy surged, causing the mist to gather.

In an instant, the entire world trembled as if it was afraid of something.

Right at that very moment…

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the earth shook violently.

Subsequently, to the sheer amazement of innumerable operation personnel, the earth ruptured, mountains and rivers fractured.

*Boom, boom, boom…*

Fearsome tremors continued to ripple through the earth.

It was an earthquake of at least a magnitude ten, or maybe even twelve.

No one knew for sure.

But everyone knew that a seismic event, affecting half of China, had just occurred.

*Crack, crack, crack…* With crisp, thunderous cracks, the earth fractured in city after city.

In a few cities, even the tall, defensive walls they relied on collapsed.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, cracks spread from one end of the earth to the other.

An earthquake, an earthquake of biblical proportions.

It was the most destructive earthquake in Human history.

At this moment, almost half of the continent felt the terrifying tremors.

An earthquake was already devastating, there was no need to mention it. However, adding to the woes, tonight was also a dark day for humanity.

Hordes of Mutant Beasts were attacking Human cities.

Having built high walls in advance, China had suffered relatively little damage. But now, due to this sudden earthquake, everything has changed.

At this moment, the high walls of nearly half the cities had collapsed.

Although not many had collapsed, the cracks had now become the ideal points for the hordes of Mutant Beasts to breach the cities.

*Roar, Roar, Roar…* Roaring and growling, innumerable crazed Mutant Beasts swarmed inside the high walls. And at this moment, not to mention mounting any resistance, the continuous earthquakes had filled countless Humans with fear.

Buildings shook left and right, occasionally collapsing.

As far as Humans were concerned, the safest cities had become the most dangerous places when the earthquake struck.

The upper echelons of China understood this. All of this happened because they had offended a terrifying entity. And this terrifying entity was retaliating against them in a way beyond their comprehension.

Meanwhile, deep within the Northern Canyon…

*Haa…* Yu Zi Yu exhaled a long, deep breath, a sense of fatigue washing over his entire being.

The Minor Divine Ability – Crystallization was indeed quite amazing. It had absorbed the impact of the nuclear explosion for him, even withstood the super-high temperature, which was comparable to the surface of the sun, resisting most of it.

However, Yu Zi Yu still felt the searing heat straight down to his very core. He felt as if his very heart was on fire. Nonetheless, it was not fatal.

In terms of injuries, it could only be considered a minor one.

Thanks to his Innate Talent of Super Regeneration, Yu Zi Yu felt a trace of coolness flowing within his body. However, that was not the most important thing.

What was important was that, in his recent fit of rage, he had mobilized his primary root, which had reached 10,000 meters deep within the earth.

It had almost transformed into a Wood Dragon.

As a result, an earthquake affecting nearly half the continent had been triggered.

The Great Earthquake was one of Yu Zi Yu’s most fearsome techniques. Using the Wood Dragon as the source, it stirred the entire earth, thereby triggering a catastrophic earthquake.

As for how catastrophic it was?

As he raised his gaze slowly, Yu Zi Yu saw numerous cracks extending toward the horizon.

“This is just the beginning,” declared Yu Zi Yu, his voice hoarse and tinged with weariness, yet carrying an exceptionally icy tone.

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