Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 207: Storm of Feathers

The Mutant Black Eagle seemed to have sensed the storm approaching from behind.

The Mutant Black Eagle promptly turned its head, and what it saw next caused its pupils to fiercely contract.

Fast, too fast, faster than it could have imagined.

*Screech…* A sharp and piercing reverberated through the sky as the Mutant Black Eagle zooming toward the cloud abruptly stopped. Immediately afterward, it changed direction as its gleaming eyes immediately focused. 

*Screech…* Another high-pitched, piercing cry rang through the sky with a fearsome burst of Spiritual Energy surging around it.

In a moment, a storm no less stronger than the one generated by the stone spear emerged in front of it.

*Boom!* Two mighty storms collided hundreds of meters high in the sky, blowing the nearby clouds in all directions like waves in the sea. What was even more terrifying was that the fearsome gusts of winds caused by the clash descended upon the lush green forest and uprooted countless trees.

However, amidst this astonishing spectacle, the Mutant Black Eagle near the vortex suddenly shook as the Monitor Lizard in its claws fell from the sky. 

*Screech…* Anxious, the giant Black Eagle instinctively wanted to fly toward the Monitor Lizard.

But as fast as it was, there were figures several times faster than it.

*Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…” Like black streaks of light, the Peregrine Falcons that had long been lurking in the depths of the clouds dove down.

Blessed with Innate Talent—Bullet Dive, their speed increased more and more, until they broke through the sound barrier and tore through the clouds. In a moment, much to the giant Black Eagle’s incredulity, several Tier-0 flying creatures carried away its prey toward the horizon. 

*Screech…* A screech of rage reverberated through the skies. The uncontrollable anger completely took over the giant Black Eagle.

*Boom…* It immediately spread its several meters wide wings, giving birth to a fearsome gale.

Its imposing manner was much stronger than those self-proclaimed Rulers of Sky among Humans. There was no telling how many times stronger it was.

At this moment, looking at the distant Peregrine Falcons taking away the prey, the Panda cast an astonished glance at Qing Gang, who had prevented him from taking action.

“Why didn’t you let me take action? I could have hit it just now,” dissatisfied, the Panda complained.

“Rest assured, this Black Eagle won’t get away.”

Patting the Panda’s shoulder, Qing Gang inquired again, “And can you guarantee that if you take action, you can capture this Black Eagle?”

“Uh…” After some thought, a look of hesitation appeared on the Panda’s face as he responded, “It would have been a bit difficult, after all, it’s the ruler of the sky. Although I can crush it with one punch, I can’t do anything if it wants to escape.”

“That’s right.” With a grin, Qing Gang glanced at the giant Black Eagle, which was flying away after the Peregrine Falcons, and stated, not bothering to hide his sneer, “We’ll see it later.”

“See it later?” puzzled, the Panda asked.

“Hehe, didn’t I tell you? We are protected by a Divine Tree. Now, the direction in which this Black Eagle is flying is the Divine Tree’s territory.

When you’re in the territory of the Divine Tree, whether it’s flying creatures or four-legged animals, they all have to be cautious of their actions. They don’t have any other choice.”

Listening to Qing Gang, the Panda asked in a doubtful manner, pouting, “Is it really that powerful?”

“Of course.” With a hearty laugh, Qing Gang patted the Panda’s shoulder before heading toward Misty Mountains.

Meanwhile, deep within North Canyon, Yu Zi Yu suddenly turned his gaze to the sky, as if sensing something.

In a moment, an enormous storm caught his eye.

And within the storm, several Peregrine Falcons happened to be gripping the body of a Monitor Lizard, struggling to fly in this direction.

However, their bodies were so small that from this distance, it looked like a Monitor Lizard was flying over.

“Hmmm… Did they bring back another Transcendent prey?” Yu Zi Yu smiled as excitement filled him.

Whether a Transcendent Mutant Beast would be added to his ranks or harvested for Evolution Points, both were good news. However, Transcendent Mutant Beasts were mostly unruly, making it challenging to subdue them.

Just like the Mutant Hedgehog deep within North Canyon, who remained untamed despite Yu Zi Yu’s best methods. But it didn’t matter, time was on his side.

Even if he could not subdue it, he could still harvest it for Evolution Points.  Moreover, it was worth mentioning that the body of a Transcendent Mutant Beast contained a considerable amount of energy, enough to elevate some Tier-0 Mutant Beasts to higher levels.

If used wisely, it could be used to cultivate other many powerful Mutant Beasts.

However, just at this moment, Yu Zi Yu squinted his eyes, seemingly sensing something.

Looking up into the distance, he saw another towering storm approaching.

This storm was even more rampant and carried an overwhelming aura.

*Screech~* A sharp piercing cry reverberated through the sky, so sharp it seemed as if it would tear through the Heavens.

The giant Black Eagle rapidly descended, extending its sharp talons toward the Transcendent Monitor Lizard.

“Does it not take me seriously?” Yu Zi Yu sneered coldly.

The Giant Black Eagle not only dared to enter his territory but also attacked his Peregrine Falcons right in front of him.

“You must die.“ Coldly smiling, Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy started surging.

In a moment, countless willow leaves trembled. Then, these willow leaves slowly rose into the air and, in the blink of an eye, transformed into countless razor-sharp blades.

Flying Willow Leaf Blades–Yu Zi Yu could transform the willow leaves into flying blades that could decapitate anyone from thousands of miles away.

This was a terrifying ability, especially after being tempered and nurtured in Yu Zi Yu’s tree heart, the two willow leaves contained astonishing power.

However, for this Tier-1 Mutant Eagle that had dared to enter his territory, regular willow leaves were more than enough.

“Die” As Yu Zi Yu murmured, hundreds of willow leaves suddenly trembled and then accelerated.

They turned into a rain of thousands of arrows, heading straight for the Giant Black Eagle in the sky.

*Screech…* The Eagle let out a cry as its instincts sense the danger.

In a moment, it raised its head and saw countless glowing willow leaves shooting toward it.

However, what made the Giant Black Eagle’s pupils contract was that these willow leaves were too fast and too sharp.

In the blink of an eye, they had closed the distance and were right in front of it.

*Screech…* It let out another piercing cry as its countless feathers stood on their end, shining like metal. The next moment, it flapped its wings as countless feathers rained down.

*Boom, boom, boom…” The Eagle’s feathers and willow leaves clashed with each other again and again as sparks flew everywhere.

For a moment, the sky was filled with sparks flying everywhere.

But much to the Giant Black Eagle’s terror, the willow leaves that had already been struck down by its feathers actually turned around and came shooting toward it once again.

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