Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 198: The Forces in the Darkness

With a simple self-introduction, these two former companions had recognized each other. 

In the end, they had made their own choices.

Now, they were working together once again.


As if both had both realized something, they looked in the same direction.

In that direction was a treehouse.

A person happened to be standing inside the treehouse by the window, looking in their direction.

*Ha…* Qing Gang heaved a sigh, but he did not say much.

Instead, he waved his hand and proposed, “Let’s go and conquer Raya Mountains as soon as possible.”

“Mhmm…” Nodding, Thorns also choose to follow after Qing Gang.

Besides these three Transcendents, White Tiger, Qing Gang, and Thorns, Sarcosuchus, was also venturing out of Misty Mountains this time.

Without the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellites, China had lost their surveillance over the entire Sichuan belt. Now, not to mention walking out of Misty Mountains, even if Sarcosuchus wantonly released Spiritual Energy fluctuations, it would not attract China’s attention.

Meanwhile, in a certain dark and mysterious place in the Human territory…

*Arghh, arghh…* 

As if suppressing something terrifying, horrible roars echoed incessantly.


Accompanied by something heavy crashing on the ground, the entire square trembled violently, as if hit by an earthquake.

However, if one were to look toward the center of the square, they would see a burly figure with the head of a Wolf and the body of a Human, looking disdainfully.

“It’s too easy, too easy…” stating in a voice full of disdain, the monster kicked something.

The next moment, a huge piece of strengthened rock that weighed like a couple tons went flying like a football.

*Boom!* The strengthened rock howled through the air, flying toward one corner. 

But before it could hit the ground, a cold voice suddenly sounded on the other side, “You’re disturbing me.”

Although the voice was cold and detached, it was quite captivating. In a moment, a graceful figure emerged from the darkness.

Then, she casually waved her hand as sharp claws protracted from her hand.

*Schlick!* With a sound similar to a tearing cloth, the massive reinforced rock momentarily paused in the mid-air.

The next moment…

With a deafening boom, the rock that weighed a couple tons, blew up into dust.

At this moment, if one were to peer into the darkness, they would definitely lay eyes on an extremely unusual figure. The figure had jet-black cat ears that looked very cute. And behind her, a long and slender tail swaying gently.

Catwoman, a Genomarine and a single-digit designation–Number 5. She was an out-and-out peak warrior.

*Clap clap clap…* Clear applause echoed from the depths of the darkness. The Werewolf and Catwoman’s eyes narrowed simultaneously.

In the direction of the sound, they saw a glimmer of light rising from one corner of the darkness.

“Is another Human joining us?” With a sly smile, a playful expression appeared on the Werewolf’s face. Then, his entire body dove down.

*Boom!* His speed was extremely terrifying, to the extent that he almost created a sonic boom.

However, in a moment, a shocked shout of exclamation suddenly rang from the depths of the darkness, as if he had discovered something unbelievable, “How is this possible?”

Before he could speak anything anymore, a burst of flames suddenly illuminated the darkness. 

Before the Catwoman could react, a torrent of flames had already swept through more than half of the underground square.

And from within these blazing flames, a battered and a bit charred figure suddenly flew out.

*Cough, cough…* Coughing repeatedly, the Werewolf gazed toward the depths of the darkness, still in disbelief.

“How is this possible? How could a mere Human have such power?” the Werewolf muttered in a voice filled with unwillingness, glancing at his charred arm in shock.

Just a single clash had left him burned like this. He simply could not believe it.

What he found even more terrifying was that the person who did it was just a young girl.

Yes, a young girl. Slowly raising the gaze, a graceful figure emerging from the depths of the darkness entered everyone’s sight.

She was wearing a windbreaker, and her jet-black hair flowed like a waterfall.

Flames happened to be intermittently flickering in the depths of her eyes as a few Fire Butterflies slowly disappeared in between her fingers.

Much to their dismay, this stunning figure appeared to be 17-18 years old.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the darkness, introducing the figure, “She is the Flame Princess, Miss Ling Er. She has come here to check out our Genomarines and is also going to be cooperating with us on the upcoming mission.”

While speaking, a man in military uniform with a rather majestic aura appeared behind Ling Er.

Ren Yong, one of the team leaders of the Genomarines, as well as the seventh instructor of these monsters.

“Flame Princess? Mission!?” murmuring, the Catwoman looked at the nearby young girl with astonishment.

She had naturally heard of the Flame Princess. However, she had never expected for the Flame Princess to be this strong.

It must be brought to notice that the Werewolf was not weak. In Genomarines, he was Number Six. He was second only to her. In addition, ranking was everything in Genomarines.

Every Geomarine with single-digit designation was a Superhuman, and each of them was unfathomable.

Currently, seven of the top ten single-digit Geomarines were present here.

The two of them were Number Six, the Werewolf, and Number Five, Catwoman…

As for the others, except for Number Three, who was erased by China due to him going on a rampage, the remaining few were all deep inside this base.

At this moment, as she laid eyes upon the two inhuman figures not far away, Ling Er’s lips curled up slightly.

She had heard of the Genomarines long ago, but this was the first time she was seeing them.

Nonetheless, she could not help but admit that the Genomarines really lived up to their reputation as one of China’s top-secret units; their combat power was indeed formidable.

These two individuals alone had a Spiritual Energy of over 50,000-60,000, and their combat power was astonishing as well.

Had it not been for the fact that Ling Er’s strength had far surpassed those of the same rank, she might not have been able to withstand the Werewolf’s fearsome attack.

A playful smile flashed on Ling Er’s lips, not minding the Werewolf’s sudden attack. Instead, her gaze turned and settled toward the darkness before apologizing, “I apologize for my sudden intrusion.” 

Immediately after, Ling Er requested something that left the Catwoman and Werewolf mouth agape.

“I’ve heard that your Genomarines’ Number Zero is incredibly strong, terrifyingly so. I wonder if I could have the honor of learning a thing or two from you?”


Everyone sunk into a deathly silence.

Even though Instructor Ren Yong knew Ling Er’s intentions, the corner of his lips still twitched uncontrollably.

However, when he considered Ling Er’s own strength, he could only shake his head helplessly.

[A clash between monsters, huh?] Feeling helpless, Instructor Ren Yong took the initiative to remind her, “Miss Ling Er, we are about to head to Misty Mountains. Please try not to stir up trouble…”

“…” For a moment, Ling Er was at a loss for words but eventually agreed.

However, if one were to pay close attention, they would notice a playful look in her eyes. Because just now, she had detected a strong and pungent scent of blood. Accompanying it was a terrifying pressure far beyond that of ordinary Humans.

Number Zero, the Vampire, born of bloodlust and madness, was a terrifying entity that was desperately kept under control. He was a true monster.

He was the only weapon the military was reluctant to use due to his overwhelming power.

If it were not for his excessively formidable strength, the military would not hesitate to eliminate him, and he would never have survived till this day.

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