Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 196: Sealing the Colorful Spiritual Energy & Constructing the Spirit Energy Pool

The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense. The mere mention of the Genomarines had cast a shadow over everyone’s hearts.

This unit was just too terrifying and too bizarre. The military had been extremely cautious about it. It had never been deployed until now.

But because of the Lieutenant General’s words, everyone seemed to envision the horror of those monsters emerging from the darkness.


The Deputy General took a deep breath, but without an ounce of hesitation, he declared in a firm and determined voice, “That’s it. We will send out the Genomarines to search for General Li.”

Stating this, he tightened his fist as looked around at everyone, as if he had made up his mind.

After a moment, his face darkened for a moment as if he had thought of something, before adding, “If it’s confirmed that General Li is not in Misty Mountains and we find that the Genomarines are going out of control, we’ll directly launch nuclear missiles to wipe out the Genomarines along with the entire Misty Mountains without a moment of hesitation.”

“Agreed.” Nodding, the accompanying Lieutenant General also approved, “The Genomarines must not have any mishaps. After all, it’s Humans who understand us Humans best.”

The Lieutenant General heaved a sigh, feeling helpless.

The Genomarines were originally soldiers fighting for China, but because of genetic experiments conducted on them, their original intentions had been devoured by the instincts of Mutant Beasts. Every time they fought, every time they grew stronger, they were getting farther and farther away from Humanity.

How could it not be heartbreaking?

But despite the heartache, they could not afford to be soft-hearted.

This was because the monsters of Genomarines posed a much greater threat to Humanity than the Mutant Beasts. They, who understood Humans too well, were a tremendous danger to the Human Race. And their very existence could be called a highly evolved race that surpassed Humans.

This was something China and even the entire Human Race could not tolerate.

Meanwhile, in the Eastern Theater Command…

Ling Er, who had received information about the military meeting from somewhere, had a slight smile on her lips.

“They dare to deploy the Genomarines and launch nuclear missiles?” muttering to herself, Ling Er’s face took on a slightly strange look. 

The decision to launch nuclear missiles on Misty Mountains had long been made by the military. Although they knew that the Mist Beasts of Misty Mountains were impervious to physical attacks, they still wanted to try, holding onto a glimmer of hope. After all, there should be some basis for the existence of the Mist Beasts.

For example, they might be relying on trees to exist, or some other things.

If they used the destructive power of the nuclear missiles to destroy these intermediaries, the Mist Beasts might also disappear.

This was the military’s explanation to the public.

Rather than saying they were launching nuclear missiles to destroy the Mist Beasts, it would be more accurate to say that, under pressure, they were giving the public an explanation.

The deaths of thousands of Superhumans was a huge blow to China, and the military could not afford to ignore it. But, because General Li might be trapped in Misty Mountains, the decision to launch the nuclear missiles had been postponed until now.

So much so that Ling Er could not help but laugh.

“How interesting!?” Ling Er made a sardonic chuckle as her face grew even colder.

[Nuclear missiles can’t be fired, even if Master can withstand them right now, we cannot take the risk. Besides, my Juniors are also there.]

For example, Sarcosuchus and White Tiger. Ling Er would stop it for their sake.

[Well, there are also many ways to prevent the nuclear missiles from being launched.]

With these thoughts in mind, Ling Er slowly rose and silently blended into the darkness of the night.    

At this moment, at the heart of North Canyon, Yu Zi Yu, who had just received news from Qing Er, was slightly taken aback.

“They still want to use nuclear weapons?” A sigh escaped Yu Zi Yu’s lips, feeling a little helpless. Apparently, he had underestimated the status of nuclear weapons in the eyes of the Humans.

When faced with an insurmountable problem, a nuclear weapon was the solution. They did not care whether the Mist Beasts were invulnerable to physical attacks or not. 

Not to mention, the impact of nuclear missiles would be enough to flatten Misty Mountains. At that time, even if the Mist Beasts were not destroyed, they would be exposed to the world. And when the mystery was lost, they would no longer be terrifying.

“I did not consider this thoroughly enough,” Yu Zi Yu admitted his own shortcomings, but he was not too concerned.

[So long as the death of the silver-haired middle-aged man has not been confirmed, the Humans won’t fire the nuclear missiles. Furthermore, Qing Er was still on the Human side, so there is nothing to worry about? With Qing Er’s abilities, she could manipulate certain individuals at will. Moreover…]

As if he had remembered something, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes narrowed suddenly. He raised his gaze and looked at the night sky.

“Just five days or so left until the second wave of Spiritual Energy Tide arrives, by then, the Humans will have their hands full.”  Yu Zi Yu sighed with emotions; he appeared to be looking forward to it.

An era of rapid evolution was about to arrive. For Yu Zi Yu, this was a tremendous opportunity that could propel him to a higher level.

[After the Tier-3 Catastrophe, what Humans refer to as ‘Natural Disaster’ seems to be next. According to legends, at the Natural Disaster level, one undergoes a qualitative sublimation.  It’s no longer a great terror that can be described by words alone. It’s the power of the Supreme from the myths that was akin to a Natural Disaster.]

*Cough…* Suddenly, a dry cough pulled Yu Zi Yu out of his daydreams.

After all, he only had a million Spiritual Energy at the moment. Ten million Spiritual Energy was bare minimum for one to step into the Natural Disaster Class.

This was the biggest reason why, the more powerful one became, the greater was the disparity among their peers.

Just the difference in Spiritual Energy alone was enough to make people despair.

However, fortunately, Yu Zi Yu had taken a step ahead of many other geniuses by becoming Tier-3 Transcendent way ahead of the rest. Moreover, Yu Zi Yu believed in his own strength. He believed that he was strong enough to dominate other Transcendents of his level.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Yu Zi Yu’s confidence rose to another level.

“But before that, I need to create a Spiritual Energy Pool.” Speaking of this, Yu Zi Yu’s consciousness shifted and descended into the depths of the earth.

After a moment, what came into his view was a colorful hue continuously rising and spreading toward the surface of the earth.

This was the Five-Colored Spiritual Energy, also known as Primal Spiritual Energy, which was capable of causing everything to evolve, even minerals and ores.

And this was also the greatest gift bestowed upon all things by Heaven and Earth at the beginning of the era.

*Ha…* Yu Zi Yu heaved a long, deep breath as his eyes became narrowed. After a moment, countless tree roots deep within the earth began to coil and intertwine with each other, forming a massive ring.

“Lock,” shouting loudly, his vast Spiritual Energy surged like the sea.

*Boom!* With a deafening boom, the depths of the earth suddenly shook.

If one could look around, they would witness that a massive ring made from the intertwining of roots had created a thick and solid barrier of Spiritual Energy.

Spiritual Energy Barrier – A remarkable ability that transformed concentrated Spiritual Energy into a substantial, nearly solid barrier.

When he had seen the silver-haired middle-aged man use it before, Yu Zi Yu had learned a thing or two from him.

By the looks of it, it was working quite well.

The Spiritual Energy Barrier was as thick as a finger, and happened to be sparkling with countless crystal-like particles, making it look quite impressive.

“Locking this much colorful Spiritual Energy should be enough.”

Saying this, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze turned toward the massive Spiritual Energy Pool in the depths of the earth, which was the size of several football fields.

The primary function of this Spiritual Energy Pool was to lock the colorful Spiritual Energy. The colorful Spiritual Energy could invade anything, which was undoubtedly a good thing.  However, its rate of dissipation was also terrifying. Every time it rose a bit toward the surface, its concentration would decrease by one point. Presumably, it would not be long before the colorful Spiritual Energy would become scarce in the entire world.

For this reason, Yu Zi Yu used a significant amount of Spiritual Energy Pool to create this Spiritual Energy Pool, locking tons of colorful Spiritual Energy. It would be a waste for such a valuable Primal Spiritual Energy to dissipate. Moreover, Yu Zi Yu had other future plans for the colorful Spiritual Energy.

However, sealing off the colorful Spiritual Energy came at a cost.

Right now, Yu Zi Yu could clearly feel a large amount of his Spiritual Energy surging out of his body to form the Spiritual Energy Barrier every moment.

Fortunately, as a Tier-3 Transcendent, the recovery speed of his Spiritual Energy was sufficient to keep up with the current consumption.

This was also the reason why Yu Zi Yu did not seal more colorful Spiritual Energy. Sealing any more would result in a situation where his recovery of Spiritual Energy could not keep up with the consumption, which was undesirable.

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