Yu Zi Yu was truly impressed by the immense power of the Elemental Lifeform. Especially the ability called Elementalization, it resembled his initial guess quite closely. 

By sacrificing physical strength, he could switch to his elemental form, which grants him the immunity to physical attacks.

With proper refinement, this ability could become an ace in the hole.

However, among all these abilities, there was one that particularly caught Yu Zi Yu’s attention.

“Wall of Sighs…” uttering softly, Yu Zi Yu gazed at Qing Gang with an appreciative look in his eyes.

It was a defensive ability born out of the combination of faith and ability. It was about the utilization of the spirit.

It was akin to Yu Zi Yu’s strongest attacking ability – Flying Willow Leaf Blade.

Both involved the manipulation of one’s psyche. The more intense Yu Zi Yu’s killing intent was, the more formidable the Flying Willow Leaf Blades became.  With long-term practice and refinement, these blades could potentially unleash a power far beyond ordinary comprehension.

Now, Qing Gang’s ability, the Wall of Sighs, had the same purpose.

Except, while Yu Zi Yu’s Flying Willow Leaf Blade was an offensive ability, Qing Gang’s Wall of Sighs was a defensive one.

More importantly, it was for safeguarding Yu Zi Yu.

At this thought, a slight smile played on Yu Zi Yu’s lips.

Some things did not need words to explain; abilities born from such unwavering belief spoke volumes for itself. Just as knights held their unwavering chivalry, Qing Gang wished to fulfill the role of a guardian. His ability was forged for the purpose of protecting Yu Zi Yu.

At this moment, a resounding and profound voice echoed through the underground space, “I am deeply grateful to Lord Divine Tree for nurturing me. Qing Gang is indebted beyond words.”

Though he did not say much, the firm determination in his eyes earned a nod of approval from Yu Zi Yu.

“Well done,” Yu Zi Yu praised. 

Noticing Qing Gang’s unsteady breath, Yu Zi Yu added, “Take your time to settle down; there will be times when I need you in the future.”

“Yes, Lord Divine Tree.”

Having said this, Qing Gang’s body flowed like water, gradually merging into the earth.

“So, this is Qing Gang’s Elementalization,” Yu Zi Yu mused as a look of surprise took over his face.

With his strength, he could naturally sense Qing Gang’s current location. However, he appeared to be everywhere, like a fish returning to the sea.

But after a moment, in the midst of Yu Zi Yu’s contemplative gaze, Qing Gang’s figure seemed to have been squeezed out of the earth at a location. He looked rather disheveled.


As if sensing Yu Zi Yu’s gaze, Qing Gang’s face revealed a touch of embarrassment.

“Well, this is a bit embarrassing. It’s my first time, and it feels a bit awkward. But I’ll do it better next time.” With this explanation, Qing Gang’s face was filled with excitement. Clearly, the excitement of being transformed into an Elemental Lifeform had not yet subsided for Qing Gang.

Yu Zi Yu shook his head slightly but did not pay much attention.

“I have some important matters to attend to. I’ll be leaving now.” Leaving behind this brief statement, Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy surged once again.

The next moment, using the Mastery of the Earth Element, his tree body gradually rose, surfacing above the ground.

However, what Yu Zi Yu failed to notice was the complex expression that filled Qing Gang’s eyes as he watched Yu Zi Yu’s departing figure. There was joy, excitement, and above all, an indescribable sense of gratitude.

“In my entire life, I’m afraid I won’t be able to repay your kindness, Lord Divine Tree,” mumbling in a soft voice, a resolute look took over Qing Gang’s face.

Meanwhile, Yu Zi Yu had not become overly proud of creating an Elemental Lifeform. Instead, he was more concerned about himself.

His gaze shifted to the status screen, where he saw ten Level 2 abilities related to Mastery of the Earth Element.

After observing Qing Gang’s transformation into an Earth Elemental Lifeform, Yu Zi Yu had gained some insights. Subtly, he developed a deeper understanding in the Mastery of the Earth Element.

This newfound insight prompted Yu Zi Yu to consider upgrading this ability.

He had over 10,000 Evolution Points left, more than enough for the upgrade.

With a thought, over 10,000 Evolution Points vanished like water flowing down the drain.

Simultaneously, an inexplicable inspiration surfaced in Yu Zi Yu’s mind.

[Heaviness, vastness, that’s the essence of the earth…] With this phrase flashing through his thoughts, Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy suddenly surged.

A thunderous roar resonated throughout the canyon as the ground with North Canyon as the center started fiercely shaking. What was even more terrifying was that the earth began to flow like a river.

Looking around, the trees near Yu Zi Yu started to move as if the entire forest was in motion.

If one looked at Yu Zi Yu’s status screen during this time, they would notice the ability, the Mastery of the Earth Element slowly changing.

River of Earth (Level 3) – You can now transmute the land into a river, mimicking the way a river engulfs enemies. Just a slight misstep on their part can set the enemy to the point of no return.

Yu Zi Yu took a long look at this new ability with a calm and collected gaze.

This was an advanced branch of the Mastery of the Earth Element. Yu Zi Yu had given up on mastering every aspect of the Earth Element, and switched on a fine-tuned version. More precisely, he had chosen to focus on a small branch of the Mastery of the Earth Element ability and strengthen it.

It was because after witnessing Qing Gang transformation into an Earth Elemental Lifeform, and his control over the earth, Yu Zi Yu had realized that, among equals, even if his Master of the Earth Element was pretty strong, he would never surpass Qing Gang, who possessed the inherent advantages of being a natural Earth Elemental Lifeform.

Moreover, the Mastery of the Earth Element was an incredibly extensive field. Abilities like pulling out Earth Spike, River of Earth, raising a wall of earth were basically a kind of manipulation of the earth.

Yu Zi Yu believed it was wiser to master one aspect thoroughly than to exhaust himself by refining numerous branch abilities.

Yu Zi Yu’s choice was to transform the land into a river.

With his current level of Spiritual Energy, coupled with this ability, he could easily turn an area spanning several dozen kilometers into a lake.

If extended, Yu Zi Yu might even be able to change the entire continent, creating a 100 meters wide river of earth that stretches to the horizon, flowing into the distance.

This ability, however, was not meant for offense.

While transforming the earth into a river could be a terrifying method of attack, capable of generating colossal waves of earth, Yu Zi Yu was more inclined to use it as a means of transportation.

With this in mind, Yu Zi Yu took a deep breath.


After a moment, Yu Zi Yu’s pupils shrank as his Spiritual Energy suddenly surged.

*Boom, boom, boom…* As he kept instilling endless Spiritual Energy into the earth, the ground, centered around North Canyon, began to move like flowing water.

Simultaneously, Yu Zi Yu’s body also violently shuddered. Then, under his excited gaze, his body actually started surging into the distance, pushed by a force.

It was surging, as if riding the waves.

Its speed was not high, but it was moving up and down in a rhythmic manner.

From a distance, Yu Zi Yu’s body looked like a small boat drifting along the current. Be that as it may, he was indeed moving.

If one looked deep into the earth, they would surely see an even grander sight.

Every part of earth touched by Yu Zi Yu’s roots was surging like waves. Furthermore, Yu Zi Yu’s roots, including primary roots, were following the surging earth, continuously moving toward the distance.

Author Note:

The ‘River of Earth’ ability draws inspiration from a jutsu in Naruto called “Sand Waterfall Funeral,” which turns the earth into quicksand and transforms it into a river and surrounds the enemies. In this context, the protagonist uses it in a unique way for personal mobility.

Not only the surface tree trunks but also Yu Zi Yu’s body and the land touched by the primary roots all turned into flowing water, allowing him to move with the power of the earth.

However, this type of movement came at a considerable cost in terms of Spiritual Energy consumption.

After all, Yu Zi Yu’s body was massive in size, which far exceeded that of a human.

{Ashish: Now even the author admitted about Naruto. ?}

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